Menurut Kantor Berita ABNA, pengendara sepeda motor dengan bersenjata api menembakkan peluru tajam yang diarahkan kepada keramaian warga Syiah yang sedang melakukan aktivitasnya di sekitaran pasar kota Queeta Pakistan. Serangan tersebut menewaskan enam orang seketika dan dua orang lainnya terluka dan segera dilarikan ke rumah sakit untum mendapatkan pertolongan medis.
Serangan yang terjadi senin (9/4) sekitar pukul 20.00 waktu setempat tersebut merenggut nyawa Qurban Ali, Muhammad Husain, Muhammad Dhiya, Nadir Ali, Sa'id Ahmad dan Syubair, sementara Yunus Ausad Ali dan Lulu Musa yang terluka dalam peristiwa tersebut masih sementara mendapatkan perawatan. Menurut laporan dari wartawan ABNA di Pakistan, sesaat setelah kejadian tersebut pihak kepolisian segara mengamankan lokasi kejadian, dan sampai saat ini belum ada pihak yang mengaku bertanggungjawab atas penyerangan tersebut. Namun warga yang menjadi saksi atas kejadian tersebut berkeyakinan kelompok teroris Sepah Sahabeh berada di balik penyerangan tersebut dengan melihat modus operandi yang mereka biasa lakukan. Warga Queeta memenuhi areal Rumah Sakit dan menuntut kepolisian segera menyelidiki kasus tersebut dan menangkap pelakunya. Wartawan ABNA juga melaporkan pernyataan saksi mata yang menyebutkan pelaku penembakan sempat meneriakkan, "Syiah Kafir" sebelum menembaki warga yang sedang berkumpul dengan senjata api. Allamah Naqawi: Pakistan Berubah Menjadi Negara Pembunuh Sayyid Fadhl Abbas Naqawi dalam pernyataannya menyebutkan diamnya pihak kepolisian dan pemerintah Pakistan dalam menyikapi aksi teror yang selama ini terjadi di Pakistan, justru menjadi pemicu semakin merebaknya aksi-aksi teror terhadap warga Syiah. Beliau menuntut pihak kepolisian agar menjalankan tugasnya menjamin keselamatan dan keamanan warganya. "Kami (Syiah) tidak bermasalah dengan saudara-saudara kami Ahlus Sunnah, kami di Pakistan hidup berdampingan secara damai, namun pihak ketiga berusaha memperkeruh suasana dan menciptakan konflik dengan melakukan aksi-aksi teror yang telah menelan banyak korban jiwa." Ujarnya.
Menurut Kantor Berita ABNA, dengan semakin bertambahnya jumlah korban jiwa akibat serangan kelompok bersenjata yang melakukan teror terhadap warga Syiah Pakistan di beberapa kawasan yang berbeda dan tidak pedulinya pemerintah Pakistan akan peristiwa naas tersebut, membuat warga Syiah seluruh Pakistan turun ke jalan melakukan aksi unjuk rasa mengecam segala bentuk kekerasan yang dipicu oleh perbedaan mazhab dan menuntut pihak bertanggungjawab Pakistan untuk serius menangani masalah tersebut.
Aksi warga Syiah di Karachi dipicu oleh terbunuhnya dua pemuda Syiah sehari sebelumnya. Aksi tersebut kemudian merembes ke daerah lain yang turut melakukan aksi unjuk rasa serupa secara serentak. Para pengunjuk rasa melakukan aksinya dengan penuh kemarahan. Mereka membakar ban-ban bekas dan menutup jalan-jalan utama sehingga menyebabkan lalu lintas di beberapa kota lumpuh total. Meskipun pihak keamanan telah berupaya menghentikan aksi dengan melemparkan gas air mata dan berupaya membubarkan massa pengunjuk rasa secara kasar, namun aksi unjuk rasa tersebut tidak juga terhenti. Menyikapi aksi kemarahan warga Syiah atas sikap acuhnya pemerintah Pakistan atas keamanan dan keselamatan jiwa warga Syiah, pimpinan Majelis persatuan Umat Islam Pakistan turut menyuarakan desakan ke pemerintah agar mengambil sikap tegas terhadap para pelaku teror yang selama ini berlangsung di pemukiman pendukuk warga Syiah di Karachi, Queeta dan Ghulghat. Hujjatul Islam Rajeh Nasir Abbas Ja'fari mewakili Majelis Persatuan Umat Islam Pakistan menyatakan, "Aksi warga ini akan semakin meluas dan kobaran api fitnah akan semakin membesar jika pemerintah dan pihak keamanan Pakistan tidak juga menemukan solusi untuk mencegah dan menghentikan aksi-aksi kekerasan dan pembunuhan yang dialami warga Syiah." Disebutkan, Rabu (4/4) sehari sebelum meletusnya aksi besar-besaran warga Syiah tersebut, sebuah angkutan umum yang memuat waga Syiah Pakistan di kawasan Ghulghat diserang kelompok teroris yang menyebabkan sedikitnya 16 warga Syiah tewas seketika dan beberapa orang lainnya luka-luka.
Pakistan's All Parties Conference against sectarian killings on 20th
Pakistan (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Jafaria Alliance has announced on Friday that an All Parties Conference (APC) would be held on April 20 to chalk out future course of action in view of genocide of Shia Muslims in all over Pakistan.
Speaking at a press conference, the JA chief and former Senator Allama Abbas Kumaili said that contacts would be made soon with all peace loving and patriot religious and political parties for their participation in the APC.
He asked the President, Prime Minister, Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan Rangers, Police, Media and Chief Justice of Pakistan to clarify which agencies and forces impede their efforts to end the genocide of Shia Muslims in Pakistan.
He criticized the ruling coalition, superior judiciary and state agencies for their failure to play their due role against the terrorists who regularly murder Shia Muslims.
He asked the federal interior minister to honour his verbal promises and save Pakistan from tragedies.
He said that terrorists were trying to push country to civil war but national security and solidarity made Shia Muslims to demonstrate patience.
He demanded that terrorist prisoners should be kept in high security and separate from ordinary prisoners. He made this demand in the background of murders of Basharat Zaidi and Qalandar Bux Jagirani, two Shia under trial prisoners who were killed.
Allama Kumaili further demanded that human rights organisations, social, political and religious parties’ workers must clarify their position about Shia Muslims inalienable rights including their right to live in peace and tranquility.
He expressed sympathy with police officials, security forces personnel and others who were killed by terrorists.
Allama Abbas Kumaili condemned Chilas Tragedy, Kohistan Tragedy, and Parachinar Tragedy. He said that Karachi’ites also regularly shoulder coffins of their dear ones. He demanded stern action against the culprits involved in said murders.
Maulana Hussain Masoodi, Allama Furqan Haider Abidi, Allama Baqar Zaidi, Allama Jafar Raza, Salman Mujtaba and Shabbar Raza also spoke at the press conference.
Speaking at a press conference, the JA chief and former Senator Allama Abbas Kumaili said that contacts would be made soon with all peace loving and patriot religious and political parties for their participation in the APC.
He asked the President, Prime Minister, Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan Rangers, Police, Media and Chief Justice of Pakistan to clarify which agencies and forces impede their efforts to end the genocide of Shia Muslims in Pakistan.
He criticized the ruling coalition, superior judiciary and state agencies for their failure to play their due role against the terrorists who regularly murder Shia Muslims.
He asked the federal interior minister to honour his verbal promises and save Pakistan from tragedies.
He said that terrorists were trying to push country to civil war but national security and solidarity made Shia Muslims to demonstrate patience.
He demanded that terrorist prisoners should be kept in high security and separate from ordinary prisoners. He made this demand in the background of murders of Basharat Zaidi and Qalandar Bux Jagirani, two Shia under trial prisoners who were killed.
Allama Kumaili further demanded that human rights organisations, social, political and religious parties’ workers must clarify their position about Shia Muslims inalienable rights including their right to live in peace and tranquility.
He expressed sympathy with police officials, security forces personnel and others who were killed by terrorists.
Allama Abbas Kumaili condemned Chilas Tragedy, Kohistan Tragedy, and Parachinar Tragedy. He said that Karachi’ites also regularly shoulder coffins of their dear ones. He demanded stern action against the culprits involved in said murders.
Maulana Hussain Masoodi, Allama Furqan Haider Abidi, Allama Baqar Zaidi, Allama Jafar Raza, Salman Mujtaba and Shabbar Raza also spoke at the press conference.
Teror Makin Merajalela, Warga Syiah Pakistan Protes
Menurut Kantor Berita ABNA, menyikapi pembunuhan beruntun terhadap warga Syiah oleh kelompok teroris "Sepah Sahabeh" (Laskar Sahabat), warga Syiah Pakistan melakukan unjuk rasa menuntut pihak yang berwajib Pakistan agar melakukan upaya keras dan serius untuk menghentikan aksi-aksi teror yang menimpa warga Syiah tersebut. Aksi tersebut dihadiri ribuan orang dan berpusat di dua kota besar pemukiman warga Syiah Pakistan, di Karachi dan Queeta.
Namun bukannya mendapat perhatian dan simpatik dari pihak kepolisian Pakistan, demonstrasi di Queeta berujung ricuh karena pihak kepolisian berupaya menghentikan jalannya aksi dengan menembakkan senjata api ke arah kerumunan massa.
Akibat dari serangan tersebut, dua diantara pengunjuk rasa meninggal dunia. Media setempat menyampaikan kedua korban bernama Mubarak Syah (10) dan Nazir Husain (14), keduanya adalah warga Syiah kota Quueta. Tercatat pula enam orang diantaranya mengalami luka-luka dan masih mendapat perawatan medis di rumah sakit. Berita perkembangan terakhir menyebutkan, empat orang dari mereka telah dinyatakan sembuh dan telah kembali ke rumah masing-masing.
Menurut informasi yang didapatkan wartawan ABNA di Pakistan, aksi kepolisian untuk menghentikan aksi unjuk rasa warga Queeta bukan hanya menembakkan senjata api ke arah kerumunan massa namun juga sampai menangkap 35 orang demonstran dan menjebloskannya ke penjara.
Diberitakan aksi unjuk rasa tersebut dipicu oleh terjadinya peledakan bom oleh kelompok teroris anti Syiah di Pakistan, yang menyebabkan 6 warga syiah tewas seketika dan satu diantaranya adalah perempuan. Sayang sekali, pihak kepolisian Pakistan sangat lambat dalam merespon setiap laporan dari warga Syiah yang telah berkali-kali mendapatkan teror berdarah. Bahkan, warga Syiah di Pakistan bukan hanya menjadi korban kebiadaban kelompok teroris, tangan pihak kepolisianpun bergelimangan darah warga Syiah Pakistan.
Namun bukannya mendapat perhatian dan simpatik dari pihak kepolisian Pakistan, demonstrasi di Queeta berujung ricuh karena pihak kepolisian berupaya menghentikan jalannya aksi dengan menembakkan senjata api ke arah kerumunan massa.
Akibat dari serangan tersebut, dua diantara pengunjuk rasa meninggal dunia. Media setempat menyampaikan kedua korban bernama Mubarak Syah (10) dan Nazir Husain (14), keduanya adalah warga Syiah kota Quueta. Tercatat pula enam orang diantaranya mengalami luka-luka dan masih mendapat perawatan medis di rumah sakit. Berita perkembangan terakhir menyebutkan, empat orang dari mereka telah dinyatakan sembuh dan telah kembali ke rumah masing-masing.
Menurut informasi yang didapatkan wartawan ABNA di Pakistan, aksi kepolisian untuk menghentikan aksi unjuk rasa warga Queeta bukan hanya menembakkan senjata api ke arah kerumunan massa namun juga sampai menangkap 35 orang demonstran dan menjebloskannya ke penjara.
Diberitakan aksi unjuk rasa tersebut dipicu oleh terjadinya peledakan bom oleh kelompok teroris anti Syiah di Pakistan, yang menyebabkan 6 warga syiah tewas seketika dan satu diantaranya adalah perempuan. Sayang sekali, pihak kepolisian Pakistan sangat lambat dalam merespon setiap laporan dari warga Syiah yang telah berkali-kali mendapatkan teror berdarah. Bahkan, warga Syiah di Pakistan bukan hanya menjadi korban kebiadaban kelompok teroris, tangan pihak kepolisianpun bergelimangan darah warga Syiah Pakistan.
Ayatullah Nuri Hamadani:
Wahabi Berbahaya bagi Seluruh Umat Islam
Menurut Kantor Berita ABNA, Ayatullah Al Uzhma Husain Nuri Hamadani Senin (9/4) dalam ceramah yang disampaikan di Masjid A'dzam Qom Iran menyatakan keprihatinannya atas tragedi demi tragedi yang menimpa umat Islam belakangan ini dan menyebut Wahabi sebagai dalang dari semua konflik tersebut. Beliau berkata, "Wahabi sebuah firkah yang bermula dan tumbuh di Arab Saudi dengan kekuatan uang, pengaruh, kekuatan militer dan dukungan kerajaan Saudi telah mendirikan kampus-kampus, pusat-pusat penelitian, penerbitan kitab-kitab dan sebagainya untuk membendung dan menutupi penyebaran Islam yang hakiki, Islam yang sesuai dengan manhaj Ahlul Bait Nabi."
Ulama besar Hauzah Ilmiyah Qom tersebut lebih lanjut mempertegas bukti keseriusan kerajaan Saudi untuk memberangus pengaruh Syiah di dunia Islam. Beliau berkata, "Kita bisa lihat bagaimana ketertindasan yang dialami komunitas Syiah Bahrain yang dengan bantuan militer kerajaan Saudi berusaha menghalangi-halangi terwujudnya tuntutan mereka."
Ulama marja taklid tersebut kemudian menyinggung Wahabi dengan menyebutnya sebagai firkah yang menyimpang dari Islam dan sangat berbahaya, sebab keyakinan mereka, Syiah bukan umat Islam dan halal darah buat ditumpahkan dan hartanya buat direbut.
Beliau menambahkan, "Arab Saudi bukan hanya mengirim militernya ke Bahrain namun juga ke Yaman, dan membantu secara finansial dan persenjataan kelompok-kelompok teroris di Pakistan untuk menghabisi warga Syiah. Sampai saat inipun pembunuhan warga Syiah masih terus belanjut."
"Wahabi berbahaya bukan hanya bagi Syiah, namun juga bagi seluruh umat Islam, karena mereka tidak menerima keberadaan kelompok lain selain mereka. Kebiadaban yang mereka lakukan telah mempermalukan Islam, dan mencoreng wajah umat islam di hadapan dunia internasional." Tegas ulama Syiah tersebut.
"Tidak ada hal lain yang bisa dilakukan selain berupaya keras membongkar kedok busuk mereka, dan muslihat mereka yang mengatasnamakan kaum Salaf dan Islam. Umat Islam harus bangkit menghadapi konspirasi jahat mereka." Lanjut beliau lagi.
Ulama besar Hauzah Ilmiyah Qom tersebut lebih lanjut mempertegas bukti keseriusan kerajaan Saudi untuk memberangus pengaruh Syiah di dunia Islam. Beliau berkata, "Kita bisa lihat bagaimana ketertindasan yang dialami komunitas Syiah Bahrain yang dengan bantuan militer kerajaan Saudi berusaha menghalangi-halangi terwujudnya tuntutan mereka."
Ulama marja taklid tersebut kemudian menyinggung Wahabi dengan menyebutnya sebagai firkah yang menyimpang dari Islam dan sangat berbahaya, sebab keyakinan mereka, Syiah bukan umat Islam dan halal darah buat ditumpahkan dan hartanya buat direbut.
Beliau menambahkan, "Arab Saudi bukan hanya mengirim militernya ke Bahrain namun juga ke Yaman, dan membantu secara finansial dan persenjataan kelompok-kelompok teroris di Pakistan untuk menghabisi warga Syiah. Sampai saat inipun pembunuhan warga Syiah masih terus belanjut."
"Wahabi berbahaya bukan hanya bagi Syiah, namun juga bagi seluruh umat Islam, karena mereka tidak menerima keberadaan kelompok lain selain mereka. Kebiadaban yang mereka lakukan telah mempermalukan Islam, dan mencoreng wajah umat islam di hadapan dunia internasional." Tegas ulama Syiah tersebut.
"Tidak ada hal lain yang bisa dilakukan selain berupaya keras membongkar kedok busuk mereka, dan muslihat mereka yang mengatasnamakan kaum Salaf dan Islam. Umat Islam harus bangkit menghadapi konspirasi jahat mereka." Lanjut beliau lagi.
Iranian Grand Shia Cleric Hamedani: "Saudi Arabia Behind Wahhabi Crimes"
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Iranian Grand Shi'a cleric denounced extremist measures of the Wahhabis in killing Shia Muslims in some countries urging Muslim communities for more vigilance and unity.
Ayatollah Hussein Noori Hamedani, top Iranian jurisprudent and Professor at Qom Seminary criticized Saudi Arabia for supporting Wahhabis saying in Wahhabi belief killing of Shia Muslims is a necessity.
Grand cleric in his weekly class held in Qom called Wahhabism a deviated and dangerous sect and said, "According to Wahhabism it is Halal (permitted) and sometimes mandatory to kill Shia." And referred to several violent crimes committed by Wahhabis in different countries.
He rebuked Saudi Arabia for funding Wahhabis and called the country to be responsible for anti human crimes in Bahrain.
Ayatollah Noori Hamedani added, "Crimes committed in Pakistan is inspired by Wahhabis; therefore, Muslims have to maintain their vigilance against Wahhabism which is a threat for all Muslims."
Professor at Qom Semianry hailed Islam as a religion of kindness, blessing and justice and stressed illogical acts are not accepted in Islam.
Ayatollah Hussein Noori Hamedani, top Iranian jurisprudent and Professor at Qom Seminary criticized Saudi Arabia for supporting Wahhabis saying in Wahhabi belief killing of Shia Muslims is a necessity.
Grand cleric in his weekly class held in Qom called Wahhabism a deviated and dangerous sect and said, "According to Wahhabism it is Halal (permitted) and sometimes mandatory to kill Shia." And referred to several violent crimes committed by Wahhabis in different countries.
He rebuked Saudi Arabia for funding Wahhabis and called the country to be responsible for anti human crimes in Bahrain.
Ayatollah Noori Hamedani added, "Crimes committed in Pakistan is inspired by Wahhabis; therefore, Muslims have to maintain their vigilance against Wahhabism which is a threat for all Muslims."
Professor at Qom Semianry hailed Islam as a religion of kindness, blessing and justice and stressed illogical acts are not accepted in Islam.
Iranian Grand Shia Cleric Ordered Pakistan Government to Quickly Identify and Bring Killers of Shi'a Muslims to Justice
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi in the beginning of his speech at Adham mosque offering his condolences on the death anniversary of lady Masumah (as), touched upon some of her virtues and merits then added, “the pilgrims and the inhabitants of the holy city of Qum must hold the respect of this city”.
In continuation of his speech, His eminence renounced the killing of a number of Pakistani Shia’s by radical Wahhabis and stated” unfortunately Pakistani officials along with international community remained silent with regard to this crime.
He condemned such radical violent acts of Wahhabis and continued “these Wahhabis recognize no reason, logic or laws and they brutally murder innocent people.
The Grand Ayatoallah Makarem Shirazi added that the Shi'a scholars do not permit retaliation against these acts and this very fact is a proof for truthfulness of the school of Ahlu Bayt and Shi'a.
“The government of Pakistan must identify quickly the ones who are responsible for these grievous massacres and bring them to justice so that we will not witness such crimes anymore”; his eminence stated.
He called Wahhabi extremists criminals and regarded killing innocent people, in opposition with Islamic and Quranic teachings and added “it is been reported that recently a number of Wahhabi youths have reverted to Shi'a“
He expressed hope that both Pakistani government and Iranian officials take and maintain a strong stand on this issue which hopefully be followed by international community’s stance against this phenomenon so that we will not witness such unprecedented actions which will surly remain as indelible disgrace in the history of humanity.
Allama Syed Sajid Ali Naqvi
Allama NaserAbbas
Allama Syed Sajid Ali Naqvi (Urdu: علامہ سید ساجد علی نقوی) is the head of the largest Shia organization of Pakistan namelyTehreek-e-Jafaria Pakistan (TJP). After a ban by Musharraf regime, it continues to work under the name of Tehrik-e-Islami.[1]
He is often called Numainda-e-Wali-e-Faqih in Pakistan, as he politically represents the Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatullah Ali Khamenei.
[edit]Election as Quaid of Tehreek-e-Jafaria
After the killing of Arif Hussain Hussaini in 1988, he was elected as the Head of Tehreek-e-Jafaria by the Supreme Council of Shia Ulama of Pakistan.
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Shi'a Islam in Pakistan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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According to the Library of Congress, Pew Research Center, Oxford University, CIAWorld Factbook, U.S. State Department and many others, Shi'as make up 5-20%[1][2][3][4][5][6] of the total Muslim population of Pakistan. The total number of Shias in Pakistan is approximately 17 million[2] to as high as 30 million according to Vali Nasr.[7] Globally, Shia Islam is represented by 10-20%[2][3][6][8] of the totalMuslim population, while as much as 90% or nine-tenths is composed of Sunni Islam.[9]
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It is unknown when the Shia community first established itself in what is now thestate of Pakistan or the Indian subcontinent. The region that is now Pakistan has been conquered and ruled mostly by Sunni empires, such as the Ghaznavids,Ghurids, Timurid, Mughals, Durrani, and others.
With Husain ibn Ali becoming the revered personality in Indian subcontinent orSouth Asia not only for the Shias and Sunnis but also from non Muslim communities especially the Hindus of North India, that's apparent from members of Hindu community's participation in commemoration ceremonies of martyrdom of Husain ibn Ali every year on the day of Ashura. It has been believed that prior to his martyrdom Husain ibn Ali the grandson of Prophet Muhammed expressed his desire to go towards Al Hind (the region of Afghanistan, Pakistan and India).
In their account many historians write that Husain ibn Ali and the commander of the enemy forces, Umar ibn Saad met before the Battle of Karbala at night and talked together for a long time. After that meeting Umar ibn Saad sent a letter to the Governor of Kufa, Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad in which he wrote that Husain ibn Ali has suggested that he go to ‘one of the border outposts’ of the rapidly expanding Muslim empire as a way of resolving conflict. Other traditions named Border Outpost as Al Hind or present day India and Pakistan. Even though Husain ibn Ali himself was not able to go to Indian subcontinent, some of the Shia did emigrate there for various reasons, including those who came as refugees whom Umayyads and Abbasidspersecution. These refugees brought with them rituals which kept alive the remembrance of Karbala and their Shia Identity.[10]
While Shi'a Muslims have found a refuge in the Indian subcontinent, tensions between them and Sunnis has resulted in the creation in recent years of Shi'a-specific organizations. Shias in Pakistan and India also faced persecution by some Mughal Emperors which resulted in martyrdom of great Shia Scholar Qazi Nurullah Shustari also known as Shaheed-e-Thaalis that means the third Martyr. Many Nawabs and Tipu Sultan of Mysore, were among the famous Shias who were rulers in Indian subcontinent present day Pakistan and India.[11]
It has been believed that in seventh century few ladies from the household of Prophet Mohammad after Battle of Karbala came in Punjab province which is now a part of Pakistan. One of the prominent of them was Ruqayyah bint Ali, the daughter of Ali bin Abi Talib through his wife Ummul Banin, Ruqayyah bint Ali was the sister of Abbas ibn Ali and wife of Muslim ibn Aqeel. Still her shrine in Lahore, Punjab of Pakistan, is visited by people all around and she is referred as Bibi Pak Daman.
[edit]Political Influence
Pakistan is the only Sunni majority country where Shias have been elected to top offices and played an important part in the country's Independence, history and nation building. The founder of Pakistan Muhammed Ali Jinnah, Fatima Jinnah[12],Muhammad Ali Bogra, Khawaja Nazimuddin and their families were Shia Muslims, and so are the Bhuttos, Asif Ali Zardari,Haidar Abbas Rizvi, Syeda Abida Hussain, Syed Fakhar Imam, Faisal Saleh Hayat, Fahmida Mirza, Zulfiqar Mirza and several other top ranking Pakistani Politicians and Generals such as Mushaf Ali Mir, Yahya Khan, Muhammad Musa and Iskander Mirza.
While in past few decades, to address the legal needs and political support of the Shi'a population in Pakistan organization like Tehrik-e-Jafaria Pakistan & ISO were formed, while Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan a Shia militant group was formed to deter the militancy against Shias by Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan a Sunni Deobandi militant group. Although the Sunni and ShiaMuslims usually coexist peacefully, sectarian violence occurs sporadically by radical groups.
When General Zia ul-Haq, the former military ruler of Pakistan, introduced new laws to make Zakat deductions mandatory for every Muslim during the 1980s, Tehrik-e-Jafaria held a large public demonstration in Islamabad to compel the government to exempt the Shia Muslim community from this law. This protest resulted in the ‘Islamabad Agreement’ in which the government agreed to introduce a separate syllabus for Shia students in public schools, as well as exempt the Shia community from the Zakat law, since Shia consider Zakat as a personal tax (to be paid to the needy) not collectable by the state. According to one senior Pakistani journalist who witnessed these events, Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini played an important role in this agreement being reached, and he sought assurances from General Zia al-Haq that Shia demands would be met. A message from Ayatollah Khomeini was also read out to the Shia protesters in Islamabad in which he called for them to keep up their spirits.[13][14]
[edit]Pakistan Shia communities
Pakistani Shia community is spread across the country, mainly in Punjab, Sindh,Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the capital Islamabad. Pakistan hosts a number of distinct Shia communities, including the Turis and Bangash Pashtun tribes, Qizilbash,Hazaras, Baltis, Shias of Padhrar, Khojas, Bohris and others.
While the majority of Shia community comprises local ethnic groups like thePunjabis, Sindhis, Muhajirs, Kashmiris and few Pashtuns and Balochis. There are also many Shias of Persian-Arab descent. Pakistani Shia community also has a large Sayyid population.
[edit]Divisions within the Shia sect
Although the overwhelming majority of Pakistani Shia Muslims belong to Ithna 'ashariyah school, there are significant minorities of Nizari Ismailis (Agha Khanis) and the smaller Mustaali Dawoodi Bohra and Sulaimani Bohra branches.
The Shia Ithna 'ashariyah school has its own Masjids and Hussainias. Mustaali Dawoodi Bohra and Sulaimani Bohra also have their own Masjids. While the Nizari Ismailis pray in Jama'at Khanas.
[edit]Notable Shi'a Muslims of Pakistan
Further information: List of Pakistani Shi'a Muslims
- ^ "Country Profile: Pakistan". Library of Congress Country Studies on Pakistan. Library of Congress. February 2005. Retrieved 2010-09-01. "Religion: The overwhelming majority of the population (96.3 percent) is Muslim, of whom approximately 95 percent are Sunni and 5 percent Shia."
- ^ a b c "Mapping the Global Muslim Population: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Muslim Population". Pew Research Center. October 7, 2009. Retrieved 2010-08-24.
- ^ a b Miller, Tracy, ed. (October 2009) (PDF). Mapping the Global Muslim Population: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Muslim Population. Pew Research Center. Retrieved 2010-08-28.
- ^ "Pakistan, Islam in". Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 2010-08-29. "Approximately 97 percent of Pakistanis are Muslim. The majority are Sunnis following the Hanafi school of Islamic law. Between 10 and 15 percent are Shias, mostly Twelvers."
- ^ "Pakistan - International Religious Freedom Report 2008". United States Department of State. Retrieved 2010-08-28. "The majority of Muslims in the country are Sunni, with a Shi'a minority ranging between 10 to 20 percent."
- ^ a b "Religions: Muslim 95% (Sunni 75%, Shia 20%), other (includes Christian and Hindu) 5%". Central Intelligence Agency.The World Factbook on Pakistan. 2010. Retrieved 2010-08-24.
- ^ "The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future". Vali Nasr, Joanne J. Myers. October 18, 2006. Retrieved 2010-08-24. "Iran always had been a Shia country, the largest one, with about 60 million population. Pakistan is the second-largest Shia country in the world, with about 30 million population."
- ^ "Shīʿite". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 2010. Retrieved 2010-08-25. "Shīʿites have come to account for roughly one-tenth of the Muslim population worldwide."
- ^ "Sunnite". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 2010. Retrieved 2010-08-24. "They numbered about 900 million in the late 20th century and constituted nine-tenths of all the adherents of Islām."
- ^ Toby Howarth. The Twelver Shi'a as a Muslim Minority in India: Pulpit of Tears Chapter From Karbala to India, page 07
- ^ BBC News - Mughal Empire (1500s, 1600s)
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