Saturday, 30 June 2012


الإمام الخامنئي:

 الاتكال على القوة الالهية يشكل سر اقتدار ايران وتقدمه



الاتكال على القوة الالهية يشكل سر اقتدار ايران وتقدمها

اكد قائد الثورة الاسلامية في ايران «الامام سيد على الخامنئي» لدى استقباله الاربعاء النواب المنتخبين في مجلس الشورى الاسلامي (البرلمان) بدورته التاسعة، على ان الاتكال على القوة الالهية اللامتناهية بانه يشكل سر اقتدار ايران وتقدمها في مختلف المجالات. 

ابنا: اكد قائد الثورة الاسلامية في ايران «الامام سيد على الخامنئي» لدى استقباله الاربعاء النواب المنتخبين في مجلس الشورى الاسلامي (البرلمان) بدورته التاسعة، على ان الاتكال على القوة الالهية اللامتناهية بانه يشكل سر اقتدار ايران وتقدمها في مختلف المجالات. موضحا: ان النظام الاسلامي وفي العالم المادي المضطرب، نهض بالدفاع عن القيم الالهية والانسانية وعلى نواب المجلس تعزيز الارتباط و وترسيخ قوة الايمان بالخالق البارئ باعتباره السر الحقيقي لتحقيق النجاح وذلك من خلال الفهم العميق لهذه المسالة.
وإعتبر قائد الثورة الاسلامية ان الشعور بالمسؤولية والتحلي بنوايا خالصة والاتكال على الله سبحانه وتعالى والسعي لكسب الرضا الالهي بانه يشكل الشروط الاسياسية لنجاح مساعي المجلس وسائر الاجهزة، مضيفا اذا كانت هذه الرؤية، سيدة الموقف، فان الطرق ستفتح ببركة الرحمة والعون الالهي وستحل كافة المشاكل.
وصرح الامام الخامنئي انه ينبغي للمجلس ان يتمتع بمعايير مجلس حيوي ونشط ودؤوب على صعيد العمل بواجباته المهمة والرئيسية وفي الوقت ذاته يجب ان يكون المجلس نزيها في مختلف المجالات بما فيها السياسية والاخلاقية والمالية.
واكد قائد الثورة الاسلامية ان العداء الذي يكنه الاستكبار تجاه الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية بانه نابع عن الطابع الاستعماري للسلطويين، متابعا القول: هناك اشخاص يلمحون بعدم زج النظام في مواجهة العالم ولكن هذا الكلام ناتج عن عدم التفكير لان طرح الدعوة الى الحكومة الدينية وسيادة الشعب الدينية ستثير بشكل طبيعي فراعنة العالم لمواجهة النظام والشعب.
واعتبر سماحته، المجلس بانه الركيزة الاساسية للجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية مشيرا الى ميزتين ضروريتين يجب ان يتحلي بهما مجلس الشورى الاسلامي وهما الحيوية والنزاهة.
وأكد الامام الخامنئي ان مجلسا غير حيوي مع مكاسب ومعطيات غيرمناسبة، هو مجلس ناقص وعلى النواب المنتخبين ان يعملوا على ضخ الحيوية والنشاط للجهاز التشريعي من خلال التمسك بمعايير مجلس حيوي.
واعتبر قائد الثورة الاسلامية العمل بواجبات الرئيسية للمجلس اي سن قوانين جيدة والاشراف الصحيح بانهما من السمات البارزة لحيوية المجلس وقال: انه ينبغي لنواب المجلس التاسع العمل بواجبهم من خلال اهتمامهم الجاد بـ"معايير القانون الجيد" وكذلك "معايير الاشراف الصحيح.
ولفت الامام الخامنئي الى المشاركة الفعالة في الاجواء السياسية للبلاد والمنطقة والعالم بانه احد الامور الضرورية لمجلس يتمتع بالحيوية والحركة الدؤوبة.
وأشار قائد الثورة الاسلامية الى الاحداث والتطورات العميقة والمتسارعة في المنطقة، مضيفا: في الوقت الحاضر هناك ضجة في المنطقة، وفي هذه المنطقة الهامة التي تعد قلب العالم تسود اوضاع غريبة.
وتابع سماحته قائلا: اذا اتخذ اعضاء المجلس مواقف مناسبة في الوقت المناسب حول احداث المنطقة، فمن المؤكد ستترك تأثيرا على الرأي العام لشعوب المنطقة والدول المؤثرة في تطورات المنطقة.
واشار الامام الخامنئي الى تأكيداته خلال السنوات الماضية في مجال اشراف المجلس، مضيفا: طبعا فقد تمت المصادقة على قانون في هذا المجال ومن الضروري ان يصون النواب نزاهة المجلس من خلال الاشراف والمراقبة الدائمة لانفسهم وبقية النواب.
واكد سماحته على ضرورة عدم المساس بسمعة الآخرين باعتبار هذه القضية بانها من المؤشرات الهامة على نزاهة المجلس.
ووصف الامام الخامنئي، استقلالية المجلس بانها قضية مهمة للغاية ومن خصائص نزاهة السلطة التشريعية، مشددا على اهمية الاتحاد والوفاق بين المسؤولين من اجل الارتقاء بمكانة البلاد وتحقيق اهداف الثورة الاسلامية.
واعتبر سماحته تحلي نواب المجلس بالنزاهة السياسية والاخلاقية والمالية امرا ضروريا  مضيفا، اذا ظهرت نزعة ولو کانت صغيرة لاتتفق مع بعض مباديء الثورة في المجلس فانها تعتبرعلامة على عدم السلامة السياسية للمجلس.
کما اعتبر الامام الخامنئي الاتحاد والتناغم امرا ضروريا ومهما، وقال: هذا لايعني تطابق الاراء والافکار مع بعضها بعضا ولكن يجب الا تؤدي الخلافات الى التفرقة والتشتت.
واضاف: ان التشتت والتفرقة هما من مظاهر الضعف مضيفا، ان مصادر حل الخلافات واضحة وان الاحتكام للقانون او رؤية مجلس صيانة الدستور يوضح مسؤولية الجميع.
وأعرب سماحته عن شكره للكلمة التي القاها رئيس مجلس الشورى الاسلامي «علي لاريجاني» في مستهل اللقاء، معربا عن امله في ان يعمل المجلس باستقلالية وحرية فكرية ومراعاة مصالح البلاد والشعور بالشجاعة في مواجهة العدو، من خلال التخطيط لنشطاته ومتابعتها.
واكد قائد الثورة الاسلامية على المستقبل المشرق للشعب والنظام مشيدا بايمان الشعب وجيل الشباب، مضيفا: بعون الله فان محور الحركة العامة للبلاد هو الفكر والتوجه الديني والاسلامي.
واعرب الامام الخامنئي عن أمله في أن تحقق ايران التطور والعدالة بشكل ملحوظ في العقد الحالي الذي سمي بعقد التنمية والعدالة.
وفي مستهل اللقاء ألقى رئيس مجلس الشورى الاسلامي علي لاريجاني كلمة اشار فيها الى الدورات المختلفة للتشريع في ايران، معتبرا مرحلة تشريع القوانين بعد الثورة الاسلامية بانها من افضل المراحل البرلمانية في البلاد وقال: في هذه المرحلة وبواسطة سن نسبة كبيرة من القوانين والاعتماد على الحرية والمبادئ الدينية فقد مضت البلاد قدما إلى الامام.
واكد لاريجاني على ضرورة وضع خريطة طريق مناسبة لضمان المصالح الوطنية وتمهيد الارضية لارساء الاستقرار في البلاد، واصفا الرصد الدائم لقضايا البلاد والدفاع عن الحقوق الوطنية بانها من مسؤوليات مجلس الشورى الاسلامي.

Tehran Friday Prayer: Pressures on Iran to Harm Supporters of Sanctions
Tehran Friday Prayer: Pressures on Iran to Harm 

Supporters of Sanctions

Tehran's provisional Friday Prayers Leader Kazzem Seddiqi downplayed impacts of the western-led sanctions on Iran's progress, and stressed that such moves will harm those countries imposing the sanctions. 

 (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Tehran's provisional Friday Prayers Leader Kazzem Seddiqi downplayed impacts of the western-led sanctions on Iran's progress, and stressed that such moves will harm those countries imposing the sanctions.
The more sanctions are imposed against Iran, the more united and flourishing the Iranian nation become, Kazem Seddiqi said, addressing a large congregation of worshippers on Tehran University campus on Friday.

"Countries which impose sanctions should know that Iran has flourished despite sanctions. These countries are making trouble for their own people more than what they are doing against us."

The remarks by the Iranian cleric came as the European Union which buys 18% of the Iranian crude oil is scheduled to implement an oil embargo against Iran on July 1.

Despite the rules enshrined in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) entitling every member state, including Iran, to the right of uranium enrichment, Tehran is now under four rounds of UN Security Council sanctions for turning down West's calls to give up its right of uranium enrichment.

Tehran has dismissed West's demands as politically tainted and illogical, stressing that sanctions and pressures merely consolidate Iranians' national resolve to continue the path.

Political observers believe that the United States has remained at loggerheads with Iran mainly over the independent and home-grown nature of Tehran's nuclear technology, which gives the Islamic Republic the potential to turn into a world power and a role model for the other third-world countries.  

ملت ایران هرگز تسلیم فشارهای غرب نمی شود

ملت ایران هرگز تسلیم فشارهای غرب نمی شود

امام جمعه اردبیل تاكید كرد كه ملت ایران با توجه به آموزه های دین مبین اسلام هر گز در برابر فشار كشورهای غربی سر تسلیم فرود نیاورده و بر سر اصول خود است. 



به گزارش خبرگزاری اهل‌بیت(ع) ـ ابنا ـ «حجت الاسلام والمسلمین سید حسن عاملی» امروز، 9 تيرماه در خطبه های نماز جمعه اردبیل با اشاره به رویكرد 1+5 در مذاكرات هسته ای گفت: آنها به دنبال نتیجه گرفتن این مذاكرات نیستند ، آنها منتظرند كه ایران چه وقت در برابر فشارها سر تسلیم فرود می آورند.
وی اظهار داشت: غربی ها در مذاكرات هرگز مطلب و موضوع منطقی مطرح نكرده اند و از مذاكرات به عنوان سنجش میزان مقاومت و پایداری ملت ایران استفاده می كنند.
نماینده ولی فقیه در استان اضافه كرد: برخی ها در داخل باید بدانند كه هدف غرب از مذاكرات رسیدن به توافق نیست، آنها در مذاكرات رویكردی سازنده نداشتند و در مذاكرات برای به نتیجه رسیدن آن شركت نمی كنند.
حجت الاسلام عاملی گفت: مقام معظم رهبری بارها تاكید كرده اند كه اگر مصلحت در مذاكرات باشد خود ایشان در این راه همیشه پیشقدم هستند ولی موضوع این است كه غربی ها در گفت و گوها به دنبال تسلیم همه جانبه ما هستند و به حق و حقوق ما بی توجه اند.
وی با بیان اینكه جمهوری اسلامی ایران در مذاكرات سال 82 با تعلیق فعالیت های هسته ای خود و در سال 89 با واسطه گری برزیل و تركیه در انتقال اروانیوم غنی شده خود حسن نیت خود را ثابت كرد گفت: در مقابل این حسن نیت آمریكا و غرب كارشكنی كردند و حتی به وعده خود درباره عضویت ایران در سازمان تجارت جهانی عمل نكردند.
خطیب جمعه اردبیل گقت: برای غرب مذاكرات هسته ای مهم نیست و بدنبال به نتیجه رسیدن آن هم نیستند ، تازه اگر جمهوری اسلامی ایران همه خواست های غیر منطقی آنها در این مداكرات را تامین كند آنها باز ما را رها نمی كند.
وی تاكید كرد كه هدف غرب حفظ امنیت اسراییل در منطقه است، آلمان به اسراییل زیر دریایی هسته ای می فروشد هیچ صدای مخالفی از غربی ها بلند نمی شود، آنوقت آنها درباره فعالیت های صلح آمیز هسته ای ما داد و بیدا می كنند.
امام جمعه اردبیل در ادامه با بیان اینكه نه ایران ایران سال های گذشته است و نه غرب، غرب گذشته افزود: ملت ایران توانمند و قدرتمند شده و در برابر فشارها تسلیم نمی شود.
عاملی بیان كرد : تحریم ها بر ما اثری ندارد و غرب بی جهت در انتظار تسلیم ما نباشد، ملت ایران عزت خود را از كربلا درس گرفته و در مقابل ظالم تسلیم نمی شود.
وی تاكید كرد كه این مردم با درس گرفتن از عاشورا هرگز امان نامه كفر و شرك را امضا نمی كند.
امام جمعه اردبیل همچنین به پیروزی رییس جمهور اسلامگرا در انتخابات مصر اشاره كرد و گفت: دوران افول لاییك ها در منطقه فرا رسیده و در دیگر كشورها نیز لاییك ها باید خود را آماده رفتن كنند.
سرویس خبرنگاران/ داخلی/ پریسا نجات

US, Israel plan joint military exercise against Iran in fall
US, Israel plan joint military exercise against Iran in 


The top American army commander has announced that the US and the Israeli regime plan to hold a joint military exercise sometime around October or November to prepare for any confrontation with Iran. 

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - "We rescheduled it for October-November time frame," said General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on Friday. 

The drill, called Austere Challenge 12, was initially scheduled for April but was apparently postponed due to comments by Israeli officials about an attack on Iran. 

The aim of the upcoming maneuver is to test the capability of the duo's air defense systems against missiles and rockets fired form rather distant places such as Iran, reports said.

According the act, the US will make new commitments to preserve the Israeli regime and strengthen the strategic cooperation between the two allies. The bill also supports "Israel's inherent right to self-defense." 

It calls for the United States to provide Israel with additional aerial refueling tankers, missile-defense capabilities and specialized munitions such as bunker-busters. 

The United States and Israel have repeatedly threatened Iran with a military strike in an attempt to force the Islamic Republic to halt its nuclear energy program, which Washington and Tel Aviv claim has a military component. 

Iran rejects the allegations, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use the nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. 

Last week, Commander of the Aerospace Division of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh said the Islamic Republic will strongly confront any possible assault against the country. 

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has no interest in wars with other countries, but we will strongly confront the enemies' possible aggression and will give them a response that will make them regret the aggression," he stated.

Commander: Iran Able to Fight Enemies Thousands of Miles Away
 Iran Commander: Iran Able to Fight Enemies 

Thousands of Miles Away 

Attacking Iran is now among the poor options of the enemy since the Iranian military forces can now traverse for several thousand miles to fight the enemy states in their frontiers, a senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps said Saturday. 

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - "Today all enemy bases are within the reach of our missiles. There was a time when they fought against us at the country's borders, but today we can fight them several thousand kilometers away," Deputy Lieutenant Commander of the IRGC Ground Force for Operations General Morteza Miriyan told us on Saturday. 

"Today our security alignment, in Lebanon for example, is more dangerous for the enemy, and thus, it is not in their interest to clash with us …," the commander added. 

Earlier this month, Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari had underlined his forces' ability to fully protect the country's security and interests not just in the regional waters, but thousands of miles away from the Iranian coasts. 

"We don't need foreign or trans-regional forces to establish security in the region," Sayyari said, addressing a ceremony to welcome back home the 19th fleet of warships after an 82-day mission in the high seas. 

If necessary, we will take action 30,000 km away to defend and safeguard our dear homeland's interests and resources as well as the honor and dignity of the sacred Islamic Republic ruling system," Sayyari stated at the time. 

Elsewhere, Miriyan stressed Iran's ability to produce its needed military capabilities, and noted that Iran is fully self-sufficient in combat capability. 

He expressed the hope that Iran could produce weapons in the near future which are beyond enemy imagination. 

Tehran launched an arms development program during the 1980-88 Iraqi imposed war on Iran to compensate for a US weapons embargo. Since 1992, Iran has produced its own tanks, armored personnel carriers, missiles and fighter planes. 

Yet, Iranian officials have always stressed that the country's military and arms programs serve defensive purposes and should not be perceived as a threat to any other country. 

 صواريخ مضادة للرادار على القطع الايرانية بمضيق هرمز

أعلن قائد القوة البحرية للحرس الثوري الايراني الاميرال علي فدوي انه تم نشر صواريخ مضادة للرادارات يصل مداها الى 300 كلم على القطع البحرية الايرانية في مضيق هرمز. 


 صواريخ مضادة للرادار على القطع الايرانية بمضيق هرمز
ابنا: اوضح الاميرال فدوي قائلا: بعد الثورة فان التهديد الذي واجهته ايران بشكل اكثر جدية كان من ناحية البحر ولم يكن من جانب الدول المجاورة او دول الند بل من جانب اميركا التي هي بالاساس دولة بحرية.
واشار فدوي الى ان القوة البحرية للحرس الثوري لديها كافة التخصصات الفنية المطلوبة فضلا عن امتلاكها مختلف انواع القطع البحرية وقاذفات الصواريخ والطوربيدات وزرع الالغام.
وقال قائد القوة البحرية للحرس الثوري: "لقد نشرنا على قطعنا البحرية صواريخ يصل مداها الى اكثر من 220 كلم وهي قطع صغيرة جدا وذات سرعة عالية وقدرة على المناورة واطلاق النيران الكثيفة , وبسب صغرها فانه لا يمكن رصدها بالرادار اي ان انظمة الرادار تكون ذليلة امام  القطع البحرية الصغيرة.
واكد فدوي ان القوة البحرية للحرس الثوري بامكانها استهداف منطقة الخليج الفارسي ومضيق هرمز وبحر عمان باكملها بصواريخ ساحل – بحر المصنعة محليا، معربا عن امله في ادخال صواريخ يصل مداها الى 300 كلم الى الخدمة بنفس المواصفات ومصنعة داخل البلاد.
كما اشار فدوي الى تم تجهيز المروحيات بمختلف انواع الاسلحة مما يضاعف القدرات العملياتية للقوة البحرية للحرس الثوري.
واوضح فدوي الى ان ايران هي التي تحدد ظروف المواجهة البحرية مع اميركا في الخليج الفارسي وانها تأخذ بزمام المبادرة.
واوضح استنادا الى تصريحات الاميركان فان الخليج الفارسي ليس مكانا للمعدات العسكرية الاميركية فقط، وانما توجد هنا المصالح الحيوية وعناصر الامن القومي الاميركي.
واشار فدوي الى ان اميركا باتت حاليا اضعف تجاه قضايا الخليج الفارسي ومضيق هرمز وموضوع الطاقة مقارنة مع عقد الثمانينات من القرن الماضي، بالعكس من ايران التي ازدادت قوة.
واعتبر ان نقل نفط المنطقة عبر الانابيب عديم الجدوى لانه سيكلف مبالغ طائلة لايمكن للعديد من الدول تحمل تكلفتها.
واكد فدوي انه لو وقعت حرب في الخليج الفارسي ولم تتمكن ايران من تصدير النفط فسيعتبر ذلك فرصة استئنائية للجمهورية الاسلامية لان العالم لن يتمكن من تحمل مقاطعة وارادات الطاقة من ايران ،يعني اذا تم المساس بمصادر الطاقة بالخليج الفارسي فان الاقتصاد العالمي سينهار، وهذه حالة ردع ينبغي عليهم عدم الاقدام على هذا العمل مطلقا.
واوضح ان الاميركيين هم الذين جاوا الى منطقة الخليج الفارسي لذا فنحن من يقرر طبيعة الارض وقواعد اللعبة ولكن لو كنا نحن من ذهب الى خليج المكسيك تكون قواعد اللعبة قد تغيرت حينها.
وشدد الادميرال فدوي على تاثير القوة العسكرية الايرانية على الداخل وقال ليس هناك في العالم من هو اكثر استقرارا من الشعب الايراني واهدأ من ايران وان هذا الاستقرار والهدوء ليس فقط بسبب القوة العسكرية بل بسبب النظام الاسلامي ككل وكذلك بسبب درك الشعب الايراني لصراعنا مع الاستكبار فهذا الصراع ليس بسبب السياسه او الاقتصاد بل هو بسبب طبيعة الصراع بين الحق والباطل.

سپاه مایه دلگرمی ملت و رهبر انقلاب است

رئیس دانشگاه لرستان گفت: سپاه مایه دلگرمی ملت و رهبر انقلاب است و برای ما مفدس است و اگر نباشد احساس بی هویتی می کنیم. 









Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution
سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی
BranchCombined arms force
Engagements1979 Kurdish rebellion
CommanderMohammad Ali Jafari
The Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (Persianسپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی ‎ / Sepāh-e Pāsdārān-e Enqelāb-e Eslāmi, or Sepāh for short), often called Revolutionary Guards, is a branch ofIran's military, founded after the Iranian revolution[1]Whereas the regular military (artesh) defends Iran's borders and maintains internal order, according to the Iranian constitution, the Revolutionary Guard (pasdaran) is intended to protect the country's Islamic system.[2] According to some outside observers, it is intended to prevent internal dissident and military uprisings.[1]
The IRGC has roughly 125,000 military personnel including ground, aerospace and naval forces. Its naval forces are now the primary forces tasked with operational control of the Persian Gulf.[3] It also controls the paramilitary Basij militia which has about 90,000 active personnel,[4] and in recent years has developed into a "multibillion-dollar business empire,"[5] and is reportedly the "third-wealthiest organization in Iran" after the National Iranian Oil Company and the Imam Reza Endowment.[6]
Since its origin as an ideologically driven militia,[7] the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution has taken an ever more assertive role in virtually every aspect of Iranian society. Its expanded social, political, military, and economic role under PresidentMahmoud Ahmadinejad's administration — especially during the 2009 presidential election and post-election suppression of protest — has led many analysts to argue that its political power has surpassed even that of the Shiite clerical system.[5][8] [9] [10]
The Chief Commander of the Guardians is Mohammad Ali Jafari, who was preceded by Yahya Rahim Safavi.




Army of the Guardians of
the Islamic Revolution
Supreme Leader of Iran
Senior officers
Military Branches
Aerospace Force
Ground Force
Quds Force
Missile Forces
Missile Forces
Ranks insignia
Baqiyatallah University
Iranian Revolution 
In Iran, due to the frequent use of referencing government organizations with one word names (that generally denotes their function) as opposed to acronyms or shortened versions, the entire general populace universally refer to the organization as Sepāh(Army). Although Artesh also means army as well, Sepāh has a connotation that is more security driven as opposed to Artesh, which is more militaristic, and henceforth, is used to refer to the general Armed Forces. However the Iranian Government, media, and those who identify to the organization generally use Sepāh e Pāsdārān(Army of Guardians), although it is not uncommon to hear Pāsdārān e Enqelāb (پاسداران انقلاب) (Guardians of the Revolution), or simplyPāsdārān (پاسداران) (Guardians) as well.
Because the Basij is the only part of the organization that is visible on a daily basis, and the ones that suppress internal unrest (i.e. Protests, civil disobedience, etc.), many Iranians also informally use the term to refer to the Revolutionary Guards as well.
Most foreign Governments and the English-speaking mass media usually use the term Iranian Revolutionary Guards ("IRG") or simply the Revolutionary Guards.[11] In the US media, the force is frequently referred to as the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps("IRGC"),[12][13][14] although this force is rarely described as a "corps" by non-US media.
During the 1980s, they were known as "the men in white Nissantrucks" and "the women in white Pakons". [15]


The force's main role is in national security. It is responsible for internal and border security, law enforcement, and also Iran's missile forces. IRGC operations are geared towards asymmetric warfare and less traditional duties. These include the control of smuggling, control of the Strait of Hormuz, and resistance operations.[16]The IRGC is intended to complement the more traditional role of the regular Iranian military, with the two forces operating separately and focusing on different operational roles.[16]
The IRGC is a combined arms force with its own ground forces, navy,[3] air force, intelligence,[17] and special forces. It also controls the Basij militia,. The Basij is a volunteer-based force, with 90,000 regular soldiers and 300,000 reservists. The IRGC is officially recognized as a component of the Iranian military under Article 150 of the Iranian Constitution.[18] It is separate from, and parallel to, the other arm of the Iran's military, which is called Artesh (another Persian word for army). Especially in the waters of the Persian Gulf, the IRGC is expected to assume control of any Iranian response to attacks on its nuclear facilities.[3]

[edit]History and Structure

The IRGC was formed following the Islamic Revolution of 1979 in an effort to consolidate several paramilitary forces into a single force loyal to the new regime and to function as a counter to the influence and power of the regular military, initially seen as a potential source of opposition and loyalty to the Shah. From the beginning of the new Islamic regime, the Pasdaran (Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Islami) functioned as a corps of the faithful. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic entrusted the defense of Iran's territorial integrity and political independence to the military, while it gave the Pasdaran the responsibility of preserving the Revolution itself.
Days after Khomeini's return to Tehran, the Bazargan interim administration established the Pasdaran under a decree issued by Khomeini on 5 May 1979. The Pasdaran was intended to protect the Revolution and to assist the ruling clerics in the day-to-day enforcement of the new government's Islamic codes and morality. There were other, perhaps more important, reasons for establishing the Pasdaran. The Revolution needed to rely on a force of its own rather than borrowing the previous regime's tainted units. As one of the first revolutionary institutions, the Pasdaran helped legitimize the Revolution and gave the new regime an armed basis of support. Moreover, the establishment of the Pasdaran served notice to both the population and the regular armed forces that the Khomeini regime was quickly developing its own enforcement body. Thus, the Pasdaran, along with its political counterpart, Crusade for Reconstruction, brought a new order to Iran. In time, the Pasdaran would rival the police and the judiciary in terms of its functions. It would even challenge the performance of the regular armed forces on the battlefield.
Although the IRGC operated independently of the regular armed forces, it was often considered to be a military force in its own right due to its important role in Iranian defense. The IRGC consists of ground, naval, and aviation troops, which parallel the structure of the regular military. Unique to the Pasdaran, however, has been control of Iran's strategic missile and rocket forces.
Also contained under the umbrella of the more conventional Pasdaran, were the Basij Forces (Mobilization Resistance Force), a network of potentially up to a million active individuals who could be called upon in times of need. The Basij could be committed to assist in the defense of the country against internal or external threats, but by 2008 had also been deployed in mobilizing voters in elections and alleged tampering during such activities. Another element was the Qods Force, a special forces element tasked with unconventional warfare roles and known to be involved providing assistance and training to various militant organizations around the world.
Yahya Rahim Safavi, head of the IRGC since 1997, was dismissed as commander in chief of the Revolutionary Guards ( Pasdarans ) in August 2007. The dismissal of general Yahya Rahim Safavi disrupted the balance of power in Iran to the advantage of conservatives. Analysis in the international press considered the removal of Yahya Rahim Safavi to be a sign of change in the defense strategies of Iran, but the general policies of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps are not personally determined by its commander. [19]

[edit]Military Structure

In late July 2008 reports originating that the IRGC was in the process of dramatically changing its structure. In a shake-up, in September 2008 Iran's Revolutionary Guards (Pasdarans) established 31 divisions and an autonomous missile command. The reported new structure was largely decentralized, with the force broken into 31 provincal corps, possibly to reflect a far greater internal role, with one for each of Iran's 31. Provinces.[19][20] The new structure changes the IRGC from a centralized to a decentralized force with 31 provincial corps, whose commanders wield extensive authority and power. According to the plan, each of Iran’s thirty provinces will have a provincial corps, except Tehran Province, which will have two.[21]


The Basij is a paramilitary volunteer militia founded by the order of the Ayatollah Khomeini in November 1979. The Basij are (at least in theory) subordinate to, and receive their orders from, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and current Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. However they have also been described as "a loosely allied group of organizations" including "many groups controlled by local clerics." Currently, the Basij serve as an auxiliary force engaged in activities such as internal security as well as law enforcement auxiliary, the providing of social service, organizing of public religious ceremonies, and more famously morals policing and the suppression of dissident gatherings.

[edit]Quds Force

The elite Ghods (or Quds) Force, sometimes described as the successor to the Shah's Imperial Guards, is estimated to be 2,000-5,000 in number.[4] It is a special operations unit, handling activities abroad. The United States describes it as a terrorist organization.[22]

[edit]Ansar-Ul-Mehdi Corps

The Ansar-Ul-Mehdi {(Followers of Imam Mehdi(a.s)(12th Shia Imam)} Corps is primarily responsible for the protection of top officials of government and parliament (excluding the Supreme Leader). As an elite, secretive force within the I.R.G.C Ground force, its officers are entrusted with many other special assignments,Like Counter Intelligence & Covert Operations beyond Iran's borders.
The corps has four layers of protection for top officials and the agents go to each layer according to their experience and loyalty. The current commander of Ansar-Ul-Mehdi is Colonel Asad Zadeh. [23][24]


The IISS Military Balance 2007 says the IRGC has 125,000+ personnel and controls the Basij on mobilisation.[25] It estimates the IRGC Ground and Aerospace Forces are 100,000 strong and is 'very lightly manned' in peacetime. It estimates there are up to 20 infantry divisions, some independent brigades, and one airborne brigade.[26]
The IISS estimates the IRGC Naval Forces are 20,000 strong including 5,000 Marines in one brigade of three or four Marine Battalions.,[27] and are equipped with some coastal defence weapons (some HY-2/CSS-C-3 Seersucker SSM batteries and some artillery batteries) and 50 patrol boats (including 10 Chinese Houdang fast attack craft). The IRGC air arm, says the IISS, controls Iran's strategic missile force and has an estimated one brigade of Shahab-1/2 with 12-18 launchers, and a Shahab-3 unit. The IISS says of the Shahab-3 unit 'estimated 1 battalion with estimated 6 single launchers each with estimated 4 Shahab-3 strategic IRBM.'

[edit]Senior commanders

[edit]Combat History

[edit]Iran–Iraq War

[edit]Lebanon Civil War

During the Lebanese Civil War, the IRGC allegedly sent troops to train fighters in response to the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon.[35] In Lebanon, political parties had staunch opinions regarding the IRGC's presence. Some, mainly the Christian militias such as the Lebanese ForcesPhalanges, and most of the Christian groups declared war on the IRGC, claiming they violated Lebanese sovereignty, while others, including Muslim militias, were neutral to their presence. Groups such as the PSP and Mourabiton did not approve of their presence, but to serve political alliances they decided to remain silent on the matter.


[edit]2006 Lebanon War

During the 2006 Lebanon War, several Iranian Revolutionary Guards were reportedly killed by Israeli forces in Baalbek, a town close to the Syrian border.[40]

[edit]2006 plane crash

In January 2006, an IRGC Falcon crashed near Oroumieh. All fifteen passengers died, including twelve senior IRGC commanders.[29] Among the dead was General Ahmad Kazemi, the IRGC ground forces commander.[41]

[edit]Possible attacks on Quds Force

On 7 July 2008, Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist and author Seymour Hersh wrote an article in theNew Yorker stating that the Bush Administration had signed a Presidential Finding authorizing the CIA'sSpecial Activities Division to begin cross border paramilitary operations from Iraq and Afghanistan into Iran. These operations would be against the Quds Force, the commando arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard that had been blamed for repeated acts of violence in Iraq, and “high-value targets” in the President’s war on terror.[42]

[edit]October 2009 Pishin bombing

In October 2009, several top commanders of the Revolutionary Guards were killed in a suicide bombing in thePishin region of Sistan-Baluchistan, in the south-east of Iran. The Iranian state television said 31 people died in the attack, and more than 25 were injured. Shia and Sunni tribal leaders were also killed. The Sunni Baluchi insurgent group, Jundullah claimed responsibility for the attack. The Iranian government initially blamed theUnited States for involvement in the attacks,[43] as well as Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and later Pakistan for their alleged support of the Jundallah group.[44][45] The United States denied involvement,[46] but some reports of US assistance to Jundallah during the Bush administration have come from Western sources.[47] The attacks appear to have originated in Pakistan and several suspects have been arrested.[48][49]



Ayatollah Khomeini urged that the country's military forces should remain unpoliticized. However, the Constitution, in Article 150, defines the IRGC as the "guardian of the Revolution and of its achievements" which is at least partly a political mission. His original views have therefore been the subject of debate. Supporters of the Basiji have argued for politicization, while reformists, moderates and Hassan Khomeini opposed it. President Rafsanjani forced military professionalization and ideological deradicalization on the IRGC to curb its political role, but the Pasdaran became natural allies of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei when reformists threatened him.[50] The IRGC grew stronger under President Ahmedinejad, and assumed formal command of the Basiji militia in early 2009.[51]
Although never explicitly endorsing or affiliating themselves with any political parties, the Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran (or Abadgaran), is widely viewed as a political front for the Revolutionary Guards. Many former members (including Ahmadinejad) have joined this party in recent years and the Revolutionary Guards have reportedly given them financial support.
As an elite group, members of Pasdaran have influence in Iran's political world. President Ahmadinejad joined the IRGC in 1985, serving first in military operation in Iraqi Kurdistan before leaving the front line to take charge of logistics. A majority of his first cabinet consisted of IRGC veterans.[52] Nearly one third of the members elected to Iran's Majlis in 2004 are also "Pásdárán".[53] Others have been appointed as ambassadors, mayors, provincial governors and senior bureaucrats.[22] However, IRGC veteran status does not imply a single viewpoint.[50]
In the days before the 2009 presidential election, the Revolutionary Guard warned against a "velvet revolution" and vowed to crush any attempt at one.[54] Three weeks after the election the Guard's commander, Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, "publicly acknowledged they had taken over the nation's security during the post-election unrest" and called this `a revival of the revolution,` in a press conference.[51] Another Guard general Yadollah Javani, stated that there would be no middle ground in the dispute over the election results, there being only two currents -- "those who defend and support the revolution and the establishment, and those who are trying to topple it."
Several sources have commented on increased power of the Guard following the election, saying that "it appears that the military likely will become the strongest stakeholder" in Iran,[9] that "many Iranians" fear "the outcome of the election was just a thinly-veiled military coup" by the Guard,[8] or even that Iran has now become a "regular military security government" with only "a facade of a Shiite clerical system.”[5]
On 5 July 2011 the head of the Guard (Mohammad Ali Jaffari) declared former president Mohammad Khatamiunfit to return to Iranian politics. This vetting power was traditionally the purview of the Guardian Council, but two days later the highest judicial authority of Iran, (Sadegh Larijani) issued a statement in support of Jaffari saying “the responsibility of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards [has] been based in the constitution ... " and includes all activities necessary for the “defense of Islam ..."[55][56] Also in July 2011, the first Pasdaran commander was nominated to a post in Iran's cabinet not related to defense when Brig. Gen. Rostam Ghasemi (head of Khatam al-Anbiya, "the most powerful economic wing of the Revolutionary Guards") was nominated for minister of petroleum. Petroleum is Iran's "most strategic sector", and if confirmed Ghasemi will be "in a position to oversee energy contracts".[57]

[edit]Economic activity

IRGC first expanded into commercial activity through informal social networking of veterans and former officials. IRGC officials confiscated assets of many refugees who had fled Iran after the fall of the Bani-sadr regime. It is now a vast conglomerate, controlling Iran’s missile batteries and nuclear program but also a multibillion-dollar business empire reaching almost all economic sectors.[5] It is thought to control around a third of Iran's economy through a series of subsidiaries and trusts.[58]
The Los Angeles Times estimates that IRGC has ties to over one hundred companies, with its annual revenue exceeding $12 billion in business and construction.[59] IRGC has been awarded billions of dollars in contracts in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries, as well as major infrastructure projects.[60] The following commercial entities have been named by the United States as owned or controlled by the IRGC and its leaders.[61]
  • Khatam al-Anbia Construction Headquarters, the IRGC’s major engineering arm & one of Iran’s largest contractors employing about 25,000 engineers and staff on military (70%) and non-military (30%) projects[50] worth over $7 billion in 2006.[61]
  • Oriental Oil Kish (oil and gas industry),[62]
  • Ghorb Nooh,[62]
  • Sahel Consultant Engineering,[62]
  • Ghorb Karbala,[62]
  • Sepasad Engineering Co., (excavation and tunnel construction).[62]
  • Omran Sahel,[62]
  • Hara Company (excavation and tunnel construction),[62]
  • Gharargahe Sazandegi Ghaem.[62]
  • Caisson Construction Company ( Foreign Branch, active in Venezuela)
In September 2009, the Government of Iran sold 51% of the shares of the Telecommunication Company of Iranto the Mobin Trust Consortium (Etemad-e-Mobin), a group affiliated with the Guards, for the sum of $7.8 billion. This was the largest transaction on the Tehran Stock Exchange in history.[63][64] IRGC also owns 45% participation in automotive Bahman Group and has a majority stake in Iran's naval giant SADRA throughKhatam al-Anbia.[50][65]
The IRGC also exerts influence over bonyads, wealthy, non-governmental ostensibly charitable foundations controlled by key clerics. The pattern of revolutionary foundations mimics the style of informal and extralegal economic networks from the time of the Shah. Their development started in the early 1990s, gathered pace over the next decade, and accelerated even more with many lucrative no-bid contracts from the Ahmadinejad presidency.[62] The IRGC exerts informal, but real, influence over many such organizations including:


See also

[edit]References and notes

  1. a b IISS Military Balance 2006, Routledge for the IISS, London, 2006, p.187
  2. ^ "Profile: Iran's Revolutionary Guards". BBC. 18 October 2009.
  3. a b c "The Consequences of a Strike on Iran: The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy", 15 December 2011.
  4. a b Abrahamian, Ervand, History of Modern Iran, Columbia University Press, 2008 p.175-6
  5. a b c d e Michael Slackman (21 July 2009). "Hard-Line Force Extends Grip Over a Splintered Iran".New York Times. Retrieved 2009-07-21.
  6. ^ Aryan, Hossein. "Iran's Basij Force - The Mainstay Of Domestic Security. 15 January 2009". Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  7. ^ Frykberg, MelL (29 August 2008). "Mideast Powers, Proxies and Paymasters Bluster and Rearm"Middle East TimesArchived from the original on 29 August 2008. Retrieved 2008-08-29.[dead link]
  8. a b "Arrests at new Iranian protests". BBC News. 21 July 2009. Archived from the original on 22 July 2009. Retrieved 2009-07-21.
  9. a b "Crisis as Opportunity for the IRGC".Stratfor. 27 July 2009. Retrieved 2009-08-01.[dead link]
  10. a b c Abdo, Geneive (7 October 2009). "The Rise of the Iranian Dictatorship"Foreign Policy (magazine)Archived from the original on 11 October 2009. Retrieved 2009-10-13.
  11. ^ Steven Morris and Ewen MacAskill (7 April 2007)."Someone said, 'Lads, I think we're going to be executed' 7 April 2007". London: Guardian. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  12. ^ "Brainroom Facts: Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps". 23 March 2007. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  13. ^ Hirsch, Michael; Dehghanpisheh, Babak; Hosenball, Mark (15 February 2007). "The New Enemy?"Newsweek (MSNBC). Archived fromthe original on 2007-04-01.
  14. ^ Chua, Howard (23 March 2007). "Why Iran Seized the British Marines". Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  15. ^ Betty Mahmoody. Not Without My Daughter. p. 423. ISBN 0-312-91193-9.
  16. a b "Jane's World Armies profile: Iran"JDW. Jane's Information Group. 29 August 2006. Archived from the original on 2007-01-03.(extract). (subscription required)
  17. ^ Hughes, Robin (4 October 2006). "Iran and Syria advance SIGINT co-operation"JDW. Janes Information Group. Archived from the original on 2007-01-03.
  18. ^ ICL - Iran - Constitution[dead link]
  19. a b John Pike. "Pasdaran - Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRCG)". Retrieved 2011-11-15.
  20. ^ شهاب نیکزاد. "‭BBC ‮فارسی‬ - ‮ايران‬ - ‮سپاه پاسداران از تغییر ساختاری تا آرایش امنیتی‬". Retrieved 2011-11-15.
  21. ^ "IRGC Revamps To Counter Enemy Within « Strategic Policy Consulting, Inc". Retrieved 2011-11-15.
  22. a b "Q+A-Iran's Revolutionary Guards weave powerful web". Reuters. 23 July 2009. Retrieved 2009-07-24.
  23. a b "Iran: New chief appointed for secretive military unit". 1 March 2006. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  24. ^ "personal gaurds of Iranian president(Persian)". Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  25. ^ IISS Military Balance 2006, Routledge for the IISS, London, 2007
  26. ^ See the Yahoo Groups TOE Group for an estimated Iranian ground force order of battle.
  27. ^ The IISS estimates the IRGC Naval Forces are 20,000 strong including 5,000 Marines (one brigade),
  28. ^ "Mideast Powers, Proxies and Paymasters Bluster and Rearm". Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  29. a b "Iran’s top military commanders die in plane crash". 8 January 2006. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  30. ^ "پایگاه اطلاع رسانی دولت - سردار پاکپور فرمانده نیروى زمینى سپاه شد". Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  31. ^ "Leader Appoints New IRGC Ground Force and Air Force Commanders". The Islamic Revolution Cultural-Research Institute. 21 January 2006. Archived from the original on 2007-10-14.
  32. ^ "Iran to hold large-scale naval war games". 29 March 2006. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  33. ^ John Pike. "Niruyeh Moghavemat Basij Mobilisation Resistance Force". Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  34. ^ "Iran Revolutionary Guards expect key changes in high command". 4 August 2005. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  35. ^ "frontline: terror and Tehran: inside Iran: the structure of power in Iran". PBS. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  36. ^ Baer, Robert (2 (2002). See No EvilCrown Publishing, New York.
  37. ^ Baer, p. 131
  38. ^ Baer, p. 81
  39. ^ Goldberg, Jeffrey (28 October 2002). "In the Party of God"The New Yorker.
  40. ^ Zeev Schiff (1 November 2006). Israel's War With IranNew York Times.
  41. ^ "Plane crash kills Iran commander". BBC News. 9 January 2006. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  42. ^ Hersh, Seymour (7 July 2008). "Preparing the Battlefield: The Bush Administration steps up its secret moves against Iran". The New Yorker.
  43. ^ "Larijani Blames US for Terrorist Attack on IRGC Commanders"Fars News Agency. 18 October 2009.
  44. ^ "Iran vows response to suicide blast"Al Jazeera. 18 October 2009.
  45. ^ Police Chief Holds Pakistan Accountable for Terror Attack in IranFars News Agency. 21 October 2009.
  46. ^ Derakhsi, Reza (19 October 2009). "US, UK behind attack on Guards, claims Iran"The Independent.
  47. ^ "Consider Jundallah’s Attack in a Wider Context". 18 October 2009. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
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  49. ^ "Iran arrests three linked to terrorist attack". Iran:Press TV. 20 October 2009.
  50. a b c d e f Wehrey et. al. (2009). The Rise of the Pasdaran: Assessing the Domestic Roles of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. Santa Monica, CA: National Defense Research Institute,RAND CorporationISBN 978-0-8330-4620-8. in full brief summary(PDF)
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  53. ^ Roy, Olivier, The Politics of Chaos in the Middle East, Columbia University Press, 2008, p.133, 135
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  57. ^ "Iran's Pick for Oil Post Signals Power Shift".Wall Street Journal. 28 July 2011
  58. ^ "Profile: Iran's Revolutionary Guards"BBC News. 26 October 2007. Archived from the original on 27 December 2008. Retrieved 2008-12-27.
  59. ^ Kim Murphy (26 August 2007). "Iran’s $12-billion enforcers"Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2008-12-27.
  60. ^ Azadeh Moaveni (5 September 2007). "Iran's Rich Revolutionary Guard"TimeArchivedfrom the original on 1 December 2008. Retrieved 2008-12-27.
  61. a b "Fact Sheet: Designation of Iranian Entities and Individuals for Proliferation Activities and Support for Terrorism". United States Department of the Treasury. 25 October 2007.Archived from the original on 23 July 2009. Retrieved 2009-07-24.
  62. a b c d e f g h i "107234" (PDF). U.S. State Department.
  63. ^ "Iran's Rev. Guard buys stake in Iran telecom". AP: 27 September 2009.
  64. ^ Slackman, Michael (8 October 2009). "Elite Guard in Iran Tightens Grip With Media Move".New York Times.
  65. ^ Ardalan Sayami (23 March 2010). "1388: Year of Militarization of Iran's Economy"Payvand News.
  66. ^ "Iran's Revolutionary Guards: Showing who's boss". 27 August 2009. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  67. ^ "Iran's resilient opposition: The regime's ramparts are shaky". 10 December 2009. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  68. ^ Erlich, Reese; Scheer, Robert (2007). "The Iran Agenda". PoliPointPress. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  69. ^ Baer, p. 250.
  70. ^ Mazzetti, Mark (1 January 2009). "Striking Deep Into Israel, Hamas Employs an Upgraded Rocket Arsenal". New York Times.
  71. ^ "Iran's Revolutionary Guards patrol Persian Gulf, U.S. says". 29 November 2007. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
  72. ^ Grandjean, Guy (30 December 2009). "Revealed: hand of Iran behind Britons' Baghdad kidnapping"The Guardian (London). Archivedfrom the original on 18 April 2010. Retrieved 2010-04-25.

[edit]Further reading

[edit]External links



  • [ Weekly Newsletter] published by the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (in Persian)
  • Official media news outlet used by the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (in Persian)



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