Monday 2 July 2012




                                        ENCIK HISHAMUDDIN RAIS


dalam akhbar SUARA KEADILAN


Kuasa imperial Amerika syarikat sedang merancang untuk menyerang Iran atas alasan Iran sedang berusha untuk membuat senjata bom nuklear. Ini agak senang difahami. Amerika sedang menyerang Pakistan untuk menafikan Pakistan dari terus dimiliki bom nuklear. Ini mungkin agak susah sadikit untuk difahami.

Kuasa imperial Anglo-Amerika ingin menyerang Syria kerana projek New World Order. Ini lagi ramai yang tidak faham. Ini lagi susah untuk difahami. Justeru, apa yang berlaku di Syria pada ketika ini telah melahirkan banyak kejulingan. Kejulingan yang jelas ialah kejulingan intelektual dikalangan masyrakat Melayu.

Kejulingan intelektual ini lahir dari kegagalan memahami asas politik. Kejulingan ini lahir kerana sikap malas membaca. Sikap malas berfikir.Sikap mengambil jalan pintas tanpa membuat selidikan sendiri.

Kejulingan ini juga lahir kerana telah ditanamkan sikap ‘budaya wajib mendengar’ dari bengolan-bengolan yang dikatakan memiliki ‘authoriti’. Bengolan-bengolan yang tahu bahasa sekian sekian sahaja yang memiliki tauliah untukbercakap. Bengolan-bengolan yang berat serbannya sekian sekian sahaja yang pandangan boleh didengar. Akhirnya tertanam sikap suka mendengar. Sikap suka mendengar ini telah membunuh sikap ‘suka membaca’ dan ‘suka mengkaji dan menyelidik’.

Hasilnya, sikap malas membaca ini melahirkan ramai tukang ikut dan ramai tukang sorak. Tukang sorak dan tukang ikut ini sebenarnya telah lama pencen dari menggunakan akaliah dan fikrah mereka. Apabila telah pencen maka apa yang tersimpan dibelakang dua telinga itu tidak lagi memiliki kudrat untuk menjadi gersang dan kritikal.Kegersangan untuk berfikir ini telah dilepaskan kepada bengolan-bengolan yang dikatakan bertauliah.
Biar saya jelaskan disini bahawa apa yang berlaku di Syria bukan tentang konflik agama. Bukan konflik mahzab Sunni dengan Shiah. Bukan konflik mahzab Alawite dengan Sunnah wal Jamaah. Atau konflik Islam dengan Kristian.

Memang saheh, wujudnya konflik antara Shiah dan Sunni. Memang betul kerajaan yang dipimpin oleh Bashar ini tidak demokratik. Memang betul ada gerakan rakyat yang menuntut agar ruang demokrasi dibesarkan lagi. Elit politik di Syria sama saperti elit politik di Malaysia atau elit politik dalam negara dunia ketiga. Mereka zalim, ganas, rasuah dan rakus merembat harta kekayaan negara. Kezaliman dan penyempitan hak kebebasan warga ini adalah watak elit politik dunia ketiga.

Memang betul pada awalnya ada kumpulan yang menuntut agar kebebasan dan ruang demokrasi di Syrian diperluaskan. Ini sama saperti tuntutan warga Malaysia yang mahu negara ini lebih bebas dan lebih demokratik. Tidak mahu penipuan dalam pilihan raya. Semua ini adalah asas pejuangan warga dari negara Dunia Ketiga.
Untuk memahami lebih mendalam maka saya terpaksa membuka minda pembaca untuk memahani teori kontradiksi. Kontradiksi adalah hukum alam semula jadi. Ianya sama saperti oxygen ertinya kontradiski wujud bersama kita. Tanpa kontradiksi alam ini tidak mungkin wujud. Sama ada negara itu penuh dengan kafir atau penuh dengan penganut Islam atau penuh dengan warga yang tidak percaya kepada Tuhan – kontradiksi terus wujud.

Kontradiksi tidak beragama. Tidak berbahasa. Dalam sistem ekonomi kapitalis atau ekonomi sosialis kontradiksi wujud. Alam bergerak kerana kontradiksi. Dalam kontradiksi ada pergeseran. Pergeseran dan percanggahan inilah yang mengerakan alam kita ini.

Kontradiksi ini juga bertahap-tahap. Ada yang fudumental, ada yang tahap kedua dan ada yang kurang penting. Kontradiksi ini berubah-ubah. Contoh terbaik ialah dalam sejarah perjuangan orang yang terdahulu dari kita ketika perang dunia ke dua. Ketika itu Tanah Melayu sedang dijajah oleh British. Inilah kontradiksi utama. Kontradiksi - pertentangan antara warga Tanah Melayu dengan penjajah.

Tetiba Jepun datang menyerang. British yang menjadi musuh utama telah menjadi musuh ke dua. Yang wajib dilawan ialah tentera Jepun. Malah kontradsiksi dengan British menjadi luntur sehinggakan ada kerjasama antara warga Tanah Melayu dengan British untuk melawan kontradiksi yang fundumental :penjajah Jepun.

Bagitu juga di Syria sekarang. Pada awalnya kaum demokrat Syria telah bangun menuntut demokrasi. Tetapi ajenda suci rakyat Syria ini telah diambil alih oleh kuasa imperial Anglo-Amerika. Justeru kontradiksi yang wujud di Syria hari ini bukan antara Sunni dengan Shia. Bukan antara Islam dengan Kristian. Bukan antara Presiden Bashar yang bermazhab Alawite dengan majoriti warga yang bermazhab Sunni.

Kontradiksi utama atau pegeseran utama pada ketika ini ialah diantara rakyat Syria dari semua mahzab agama dengan kuasa imperialis Anglo-Amerika. Silap memahami kontradiksi fundumental ini maka akan silaplah semua analisa politik. Akan bertaburan segala hujah. Tidak akan dlihat satu kesatuan fikrah yang tersusun dalam menganalisa situasi di Syria. Inilah yang melahirkan kejulingan pandangan terhadap apa yang sedang berlaku di Syria.

Pasti para pembaca akan bertanya kenapa kuasa imperial Anglo-Amerika melakukan semua ini? Apa sebenarnya yang diperlukan oleh kuasa imperial Anglo-Amerika ini? Jawapannya ialah kuasa imperial Anglo-Amerika ialah kuasa imperialis. Imperialisma ini ialah tahap yang paling tinggi yang boleh dicapai oleh sistem kapitalis.

Sistem ekonomi kapitalis yang bertuhankan keuntungan maksima memerlukan bahan mentah, buruh dan pasaran. Sistem ekonomi kapitalis selama 150 tahun initelah bergerak dengan jayanya dengan bantuan bahan bakar petrol. Tanpa bahan bakar ini sistem ekonomi kapitalis akan runtuh berderai.

Justeru wajib disedari jika Iraq hanya pengekspot petai, jering dan cincalok pasti Iraq tidak akan diserang. Jika Iran hanya memiliki budu dan tidak memiliki bahan bakar petrolium dan gas maka Iran tidak akan diserang.
Pasti akan ada pembaca yang bertanya Saudi juga ada minyak kenapa tidak diserang. Qatar juga ada minyak kenapa Qatar tidak diserang? Malaysia dan Berunai juga ada minyak kenapa tidak diserang? Jawabnya cukup senang. Rejim Arab Saudi dan Qatar ini adalah barua kepada Amerika. Malah tidak perlu diserang kerana terlaga minyak di Saudi dan Qatar adalah milik Amerika.

Bagitu juga Malaysia dan Berunai. Dua negara Melayu ini adalah ‘budak setia’kepada Amerika. Malah Malaysia telah menghantar tentera ke Afghanistan. Malaysia juga sedang membantu Raja Saudi yang sedang cuba memadamkan apa kebangkitan warga Bahrain yang sedang berjuang untuk mendirikan Bahrain yang lebih demokratik.

Tetapi Syria tidak memiliki bahan bakar petrolium? Ini betul. Tetapi dalam strateji kuasa imperial Anglo-Amerika untuk mendirikan New World Order Syria ini dilihat sebagai musuh. Syria menjadi musuh bukan kerana Syria ini Shiah tetapi kerana Syria menyokong perjuangan Hisbulah dan Hamas yang sedang mengangkat senjata menentang kuasa zionis Israel.

Syria juga dijadikan musuh kerana Syria dari zaman Presiden Hafeez al-Assad telah berkerjasama dengan Iran dalam banyak bidang. Malah dasar luar Iran/Syria telah membantu memperkuatkan gerakan Hisbullah dan Hamas.

Dari era Perang Dingin lagi Syria telah dilihat amat sedia untuk bekerjasama dengan USSR, kemudian dengan Russia. Banyak kelengkapan persenjataan Syria yang digunakan untuk melawan zionis Isreal telah dibekalkan oleh Russia. Russia adalah sahabat Syria yang telah diduga. Hubungan intim dengan Russia terjalin lama dan dibuktikan dengan wujudnya pengakalan tentera laut Russia di Tartus semenjak tahun 1971. Tartus ialah perlabuhan yang kedua terbesar di Syria.

Mungkin ramai yang terlupa Isreal telah juga menawan dan sedang menjajah wilayah Bukit Tinggi Golan semenjak 1967dahulu. Wilayah ini adalah milik Syria dan diakui oleh Bangsa Bangsa Bersatu.
Kerjasama antara Syria dengan Iran dan Russia ini adalah satu pekara yang tidak dapat diterima oleh kuasa imperial Anglo-Amerika. Obama dan Clinton melihat bahawa kerjaan Bashar ini berkemungkinan akan menggagalkan strateji Amerika untuk menawan Iran. Syria perlu dipatahkan dahulu sebelum serangan dapat dilakukan keatas Iran. Justeru kerajaan Bashar wajib dijatuhkan.

Disini ada tiga buah negara yang sedang menjadi barua Amerika. Saudi, Qatar dan Turkey. Saudi dan Qatar menjadi taiko mengeluarkan dana. Manakala Turkey menyedikan tempat di sempadan Turkey/Syria untuk melatih kumpulan-kumpulan pengganas anti-Syria yang kini memanggil nama mereka Free Syrian Army. Nama kumpulan ini amat menarik tetapi mereka ini dilatih oleh CIA.

Hari ini telah diberitakan sebuah jet pejuang Turki telah jatuh ditembak oleh peluru berpandu Syria. Ini mungkin sandiwara untuk mengolah persetujuan rakyat Turkey dan rakyat dunia. Turkey kini memiliki cita-cita untuk sekali lagi – saperti zaman Ottoman dauhulu –untuk dapat mempengaruhi Dunia Arab.Turkey memiliki nafsu besar, untuk menjadi kuasa besar. Nafsu besar ini muncul kerana Turkey memiliki viagra yang bernama Nato.

Para pembaca wajib sedar bahawa dibelakang semua ini ialah kuasa zionis Isreal. Dengan licik Israel telah berjaya menjadikan Saudi, Qatar dan Turkey sebagai budak suruhan gerakan Zionis International.

Pada ketika ini kuasa dan pengaruh zionis Israel cukup kuat sehinggakan Obama terpaksa mengikut telunjuk Benjamin Natanyahu. Kaum zionis Isreal telah memilih waktu yang tepat– tahun pilihan raya - dimana tidak ada bakal Presiden Amerika yang berani bercanggah dengan Isreal.
Amerika , Saudi, Qatar dan Turkey semunya sedang menjadi budak suruhan zionis Isreal.Kita wajib sedar dan berwaspada kerana dibelakang zionis Isreal ini ialah tuan empunya bank dan gedung-gedung perniagaan antarabangsa. Mereka inilah yang sedang merancang untuk mendirikan New World Order – Satu Dunia Baru – dimana semua harta kekayaan dunia ini akan mereka miliki. Kuasa dan kekayaan ini akan dipertahan oleh senjata-senjata buatan Amerika dan Nato.

Mungkin ada yang tidak percaya apa yang saya tulis ini. Mungkin ada yang melihat ini ialah perjuangan Sunni terhadap ajaran sesat Shiah. Mungkin ada yang akan mengatakan ini perjuangan adil rakyat Syria menuntut kebebasan dan demokrasi. Mungkin ada yang percaya bahawa kuasa imperial Amerika bersama Nato sedang berusha menaburkan demokrasi saperti yang sedang mereka lakukan di Afghanistan, di Iraq atau di Libya.

Kepada yang tidak yakin dengan tulisan saya, saya cadangkan agar mereka pergi ke Kedutaan Saudi dan Qatar untuk bertanya bila piliharaya akan diadakan di Saudi Arabia dan Qatar? Khalas. (TT)

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dalam akhbar SUARA KEADILAN
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Covert war underway in Syria territory: Analyst
 Covert war underway in Syria territory: Analyst

An American analyst says a "covert war" is underway in Syria's territory and that mercenaries recruited by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are fighting against Syrian government. 

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - "The [so-called] Free Syrian Army is not representative of Syrian civil society. It is an armed group, which is in large part integrated by foreign fighters; mercenaries recruited and supported by Qatar, Saudi Arabia, [as well as] Turkey and other NATO powers including the United States of America," Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, the Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, told us on Thursday. 

"So that in effect at this particular juncture, the war has already started. A covert war has been waged within Syrian territory for the last month," he said. 

Chossudovsky noted that the Turkish government favors a war in Syria and not a political way to the ongoing unrest in the Middle Eastern country. 

"Turkey supported the incursions right from the beginning, right from the beginning in March of 2011 and this incident turns realities upside down. It points to Syria as the aggressor in relation to the incident of the downed fighter jet, which was in Syrian territorial waters at a very low altitude and it now is using that incident to further militarize that 800 kilometer border on Syria's northern frontier," he said.
On Tuesday, Turkey deployed a large number of tanks and other armored vehicles to the Syrian border amid rising tensions with Damascus over the downing of a Turkish jet fighter by the Syrian army. 

The move comes after Turkish Prime Minster Recep Tayyip Erdogan adopted a bellicose tone and vowed to retaliate against Damascus over the downing of its jet. 

Syria on Friday said that a Turkish F-4 Phantom fighter plane, was downed in the Syrian territorial waters west of the village of Om al-Tuyour in Lattakia Province, 10 kilometers from the beach. 

The Syrian military stressed that it had engaged the jet in the Syrian airspace "according to the laws that govern such situations." 

Turkey, however, claims that its fighter jet was shot down in "international airspace." 

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011. While the West and the Syrian opposition accuse the government of killing protesters, Damascus blames ''outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups'' for the unrest, insisting that it is being orchestrated from abroad. 

Syrian President: Syria Built its Policy on National & Popular Compass
Syrian President: Syria Built its Policy on National & 

Popular Compass

President Bashar al-Assad stressed that the national and ethical conditions which are interrelated for the majority of Syrian people are the primary element that confronted the pressures which Syria is exposed to at the hands of the world's most powerful states along with many regional states, adding "the national and ethical conditions withstood many tempting offers of money and other things." 

 (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - President Bashar al-Assad stressed that the national and ethical conditions which are interrelated for the majority of Syrian people are the primary element that confronted the pressures which Syria is exposed to at the hands of the world's most powerful states along with many regional  states, adding "the national and ethical conditions withstood many tempting offers of money and other things."

In an interview with the Iran's Channel 4 on Thursday evening,  President al-Assad said the Syrian people play the primary role in preserving Syria as a state,  since the role of the state institutions and army can't be separated from the people, and that otherwise the state could not have stood in the face of the popular stance, noting that this was expressed through the spontaneous demonstrations in the street.

President al-Assad emphasized that the solid internal situation is the real barrier which prevents the success of any foreign interference, whether this interference is through pumping money or sending weapons, stressing that the internal and external situations are inseparable and that one cannot assign percentages to their role in the crisis.

The President voiced support to the six-point plan brokered by special envoy Kofi Annan, saying that the plan is good and is still viable now and in the future, affirming that Syria approved it out of conviction, particularly the article related to the ending of violence which means the cessation of the criminal acts of the terrorist groups and the cessation of providing them with money and weapons by the countries who sponsor them.

President al-Assad said that western and regional countries who claim to back this plan are making false claims because  they consider the failure of the Annan's plan in their favor as a way of accusing Syria of causing its failure and justify their going to the UN Security Council to adopt resolutions against it.

He added that some countries are not content with the Security Council; rather they want a military strike similar to what happened in Libya, but it seems that their attempts, until the moment, have failed.

"We don't have any information of specific plans, but there are bids by the a few countries to push the issue towards military action. However, a little sense they have prevents them from going to a military action because the region – with its geopolitical importance and social structure – is a seismic fault line, and in a case of any manipulation of this fault line, the earthquake will move far in different directions. So, this issue is much greater than the calculations of some," President al-Assad said.

He noted that proper analysts for what is going on in the region shows that there is a conflict between two projects: the resistance project which rejects hegemony, and the Greater Middle East project, adding that this conflict is not new but as old as colonialism; it was just given a new name.

President al-Assad pointed out that the New Middle East  which people of the region want  is a Middle East which is resistant  to all projects that come from abroad, all dictations, all occupation and hegemony, as it is a project that stems from the people in the region and their interests.

He went on to say that he believes that this conflict will continue, saying "however, we as states and peoples in this region will not allow any other project to pass if it does not express our interests."

President al-Assad said that Syria is paying the price for its  political positions in supporting the resistance and adhering to the Arab and Islamic rights, in addition to the fact that its geo-political position is important, adding that Syria has always been exposed to interference bids or an arena for conflict between superpowers throughout history. 

"Controlling Syria means controlling a big part of the political decision in the region, and  the attack to which Syria is exposed to today is not the first one; in 2005 it was exposed to a similar attack but it failed, so it they moved to another method," he said.

President al-Assad stressed that supporting the resistance in Palestine and other areas will continue as long as the people don't relinquish this support, stressing that Syria has mainly built its policy on the national and popular compass, and not the foreign or Western one.

The President stressed that the Palestinian cause is the core of all causes in our region, particularly the Arab region, and if the Palestinian issue isn't resolved and if the rights aren't restored, then there would be no changes in positions even if one waited for generations, adding " now we are speaking about the third or fourth generation since the occupation of Palestine, and the positions didn't and will not change. "

"What is happening in Syria has several aspects; international, regional and internal dimensions which converged with each other to carry Syria into a crisis it never experienced before nor did it experience anything similar to it… The international side is mainly linked to the position of countries with colonial history which did not change the essence of their colonialist policies; rather they changed the form and moved from direct occupation to methods of imposing opinions and dictations… they reject the existence of countries which have independence and defend  their interests and say no when  there is something contrary to their own convictions or principles."

President al-Assad said that the regional aspect is linked to the region's countries and has multiple aspects as well, as there are countries that are shamed by the Syrian political position towards various issues, whether in Palestine, Iraq,  Lebanon or elsewhere, adding "they saw a chance in these circumstances to downscale or crush the Syrian role… and then there are countries that aren't necessarily against the Syrian position,  but they are subject to foreign dictations and unable to adopt a resolution to express their  vision or that of their people."

He pointed out that some states formally announced that it will send weapons in one way or another to the terrorist groups, and since these forces spoke  about themselves as such then there's no point in discussing this issue or seeking evidence.

"In terms of the internal aspect, Syria, like any country, has positives and negatives, but any problems or challenges should not reach the point where a Syrian kills another Syrian… We, as in many countries of the world, have problems related to corruption, equitable distribution of income,  equality of opportunities, and economic or political development, but these points were exploited to convert some Syrian who are ignorant or have no principles to mercenaries working against their own country for money,"  President al-Assad explained.

President al-Assad made it clear that those who are killing the Syria people are a mixture of outlaws and religious extremists whose numbers are not very big but they are dangerous, along with Al Qaeda or organizations that adopt a similar ideology, stressing  that the rate of participation in the killings differed since the beginning of the crisis, but currently the extremists constitute the largest number of killers.

He said that these people receive money to commit massacres at specific times to support a certain decision or a particular conflict at the UN Security Council in order to change the balance inside the council, adding that the same thing happened to the resistance in Lebanon in past years when a certain assassination or  a particular crime was committed on the eve of issuing a certain decision pertaining to the resistance or the situation in Lebanon.

President al-Assad added that Al Qaeda is present in Syria and a number of persons who belong to this organization were arrested and confessed to committing crimes.

"Al Qaeda is a US creation financed by Arab countries, and this is well-known… the Americans adopt an interim policy according to the interim interests. They used to support Al Qaeda and called its members in the eighties – as former US President Ronald Reagan did –freedom fighters, and years later they became terrorists… Now some of them are back to dealing with them and now they say that there's good extremism and bad extremism, meaning that  they divide roles and change their labels and terms according to the condition of the U. S.;  if Al Qaeda strikes at a country that they do not like, it is good, and if it strikes against the U.S. or its allies' interests in a certain area, it becomes bad."

President al-Assad said that the state's responsibility, in accordance with the Constitution,  is to protect all its citizens in all the Syrian territories, and when it takes out a terrorist, it protects dozens and perhaps hundreds or thousands, because a terrorist targets citizens from one place to another.

"We didn't release any person whose hands are stained with Syrian blood; we released persons who have taken up arms as a result of false understanding or ignorance or because of the need for money, but they have not committed criminal acts, and they made a self-initiative and turned themselves in to the state and asked to be allowed to return to the correct position in society… it's natural to be tolerant with those and give them the opportunity to be patriotic people again," he explained.

President al-Assad pointed out that reform in Syria is an ongoing process which started in 2000 in parallel with difficult external circumstances faced by Syria pertaining to putting pressure on it to give up the Palestinian cause and stop supporting the resistance.

"Indicators today don't show a link between reform and what is going on because the reform now didn't improve  the conditions… the terrorists and the countries that back them are not concerned with reform; rather they want chaos. Even if we implemented reform now or before, what happened would have happened, because it was planned abroad and not a spontaneous issue linked to reform," he elaborated.

President al-Assad said that the replication or cloning of any model from one country in another requires cloning the entire people with their history, customs, morals, traditions and the context they are going through, which is practically  impossible, stressing there is no model that is applied in a place to resolve a certain crisis that can be applied elsewhere, regardless of the fact what was applied in Libya is not a model of a solution since it transferred Libya to a much worse situation and now everyone can see how the Libyan people are paying the price.

"We, in Syria,  do not accept any model  that is not Syrian and national, regardless of whether it was  imposed by superpowers or proposed by friendly countries. No one knows how to resolve the problem in Syria as well as we do, as Syrians… so, any model that comes from abroad is unacceptable regardless of its content."

President al-Assad said that Syria appreciates the objective positions of countries on the international level such as China and Russia, countries in the region like Iran, and other countries  in the world, noting that these positions are not in defense of a government or a person as the west is trying to portray them; rather they defend the stability  of  the region because Syria is an important country and its stability affects the stability of the region and the world.

On Turkey's position regarding the Syrian crisis, President al-Assad stressed the need to make a distinction between the positions of some Turkish state officials and the popular temperament, the later being positive towards what is happening in Syria because they know most of the facts despite the media falsification in Turkey.

"As for the revival of the Ottoman Empire, I believe we're now in another age that is different in every way, and this is no longer possible… our vision for relations with Turkey and the Turkish role was that it was possible to build an empire of good relations, alliances and organizations that unite interests, similar to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and others; these new empires can be built through objective and rational positions that express the region's interests, and not by becoming subject to westerns – or specifically U.S. – positions."

President al-Assad noted that the Arab League was never allowed to play a positive role in the causes of Arab countries, and that the Arab Summits were mostly arenas of conflict in the face of the proposed projects or concepts that are against Arab interest, adding that the League wasn't allowed to play a role due to the actions of certain well-known countries that always implement foreign plans in the Arab arena.

He pointed out that the League was allowed to play a role through these very countries, only it was against Arab countries, which is what happened with Libya when the Arab League gave cover to the bombardment of Libya.

"Syria may have been the only country that openly rejected that decision, and we had to pay the price of that position. So they moved directly after that decision to attack Syria through the Arab League… this is the truth of the Arab League, in the past and in the present," President al-Assad concluded.

الجيش السوري يواصل عمليات ضد المسلحين بريف 





واصلت القوات السورية عملياتها العسكرية ضد المسلحين في ريف دمشق، وذلك غداة اقتحام الجيش مدينة دوما وانسحاب مقاتلي الجماعات المسلحة منها. 

 الجيش السوري يواصل عمليات ضد المسلحين بريف دمشق
ابنا: داهمت قوات النظام اوكار المسلحين في دوما واطرافها، حيث عثرت على 3 مستودعات للأسلحة المتنوعة منها عبوات ناسفة وقواذف (ار بي جي) ورشاشات وقناصة وبنادق آلية وكمية كبيرة من الذخيرة، إضافة الى معمل لتصنيع العبوات الناسفة.
وجرت اشتباكات بين الجيش والمسلحين أسفرت عن مقتل عدد كبير واعتقال العشرات منهم، وتواصل الجهات المختصة عمليات البحث والتفتيش عما تبقى من مسلحين وأوكارهم بهدف تطهير المدينة منهم.
وضبطت الأجهزة الأمنية في مدينة عرطوز بريف دمشق أيضا وكرا لمجموعة مسلحة في إحدى مزارع المنطقة، وعثر فيه على مصنع لإعداد العبوات الناسفة ومخزن لها وبعض هذه العبوات جاهز ومعد للتفجير، وكاميرات مراقبة ومناظير ليلية وأجهزة اتصال لاسلكية وكواتم صوت.
وقالت مصادر في الجيش إن العمليات العسكرية متواصلة لحين تطهير المنطقة من المسلحين.
وكان قد أكد سفير ايران لدى الامم المتحدة محمد خزاعي أن بلاده يجب أن تكون جزءا من المفاوضات حول سوريا، مؤكدا أن طهران تدعم جهود المبعوث الاممي كوفي انان.

 پیشنهاد مجله آمریکایی برای ترور "بشار اسد"




یک مجله آمریکایی احتمال ترور بشار اسد رییس جمهور روسیه توسط آمریکا را دور از ذهن ندانست. 

 پیشنهاد مجله آمریکایی برای ترور "بشار اسد"
به گزارش خبرگزاری اهل‌بیت(ع) ـ ابنا ـ  مجله آمریکایی "نیوزویک" در گزارشی نوشت: اقدام آمریکا برای ترور بشار اسد امری بعید به نظر نمی آید.
"پیتر بینارت" نویسنده این گزارش با اشاره به عملیات ترور آمریکا در مناطق مختلف دنیا، تأکید کرد: برخی می گویند که دخالت آمریکا در عملیات ترور هدفمند منطقی نیست، ولی آمریکا اکنون دانش گسترده ای را در این زمینه دارد.
بینارت با اشاره به کشته شدن سران کشورهایی که آمریکا در آنجا حمله نظامی کرده و یا از کودتای نظامی حمایت کرده است، خاطرنشان کرد: یکی از دلایلی که برخی آن را برای مخالفت با ترور بشار اسد مطرح می کنند، این است که چنین اقدامی با قانون منع ترور رؤسای کشورها در تعارض است .. اما آمریکا بارها نشان داده است که به هیچ وجه به قوانین بین المللی احترام نمی گذارد.
نویسنده این مطلب اظهار داشت: واشنگتن از همه راه های ممکن برای نقض حاکمیت کشورها استفاده می کند، اقداماتی که اگر از سوی کشورهای دیگر علیه آمریکا صورت گیرد، با مخالفت و اعتراض شدید آمریکایی ها همراه می شود.
بینارت در ادامه این مقاله، که نوعی اذعان به نقشه غرب و بویژه آمریکا به هدف براندازی نظام سوریه است، خاطرنشان کرد: آیا بهتر نیست به جای بمباران سربازان یا شهروندان سوری برای سرنگونی رژیم بشار اسد، خود بشار اسد را ترور کرد؟

Turkey rushes F-16 warplanes to Syrian border

Turkey rushes F-16 warplanes to Syrian border

Turkey says it has rushed F-16 fighter jets to its border with Syria, having ordered the deployment of troops and military equipment along the frontier. 

 (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Turkey’s military released a statement on Sunday, saying six jets were sent to the area on Saturday, The Associated Press reported.

The move came after Syria said a Turkish fighter jet had been downed in Syrian territorial waters west of the village of Om al-Tuyour in the Latakia province, which is located in western Syria, last month.

At a press conference in Damascus on June 24, Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi said that the warplane had “violated Syrian airspace, and in turn Syrian air defenses fired back and the plane crashed inside Syrian territorial waters.”

Last Tuesday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned that his country would retaliate against Damascus over the incident, saying that he had given orders to the Armed Forces to react to any threat approaching Turkish territory from Syria.

Syria has been the scene of violence by armed groups since March 2011. The violence has claimed the lives of hundreds of people, including many security forces.

Damascus blames ‘outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups’ for the unrest, asserting that it is being orchestrated from abroad. 



وزير عراقي: سنقف مع سوريا ضد أي مؤامرة يقودها الأتراك
 وزير عراقي: سنقف مع 

سوريا ضد أي مؤامرة يقودها


حذر وزير النقل العراقي هادي العامري تركيا من القيام باي تجاوزات ضد سوريا وشعبها، مشيرا الى ان ما تتعرض له العملية السياسية في العراق من أزمات سببه معروف وكارثي وهو من أجل تمرير المؤامرة في سوريا، قائلا: سنقف مع سوريا وشعبها وأهلها ضد أي مؤامرة خارجية يقودها الأتراك. 

ابنا: قال العامري "اتعجب من الدول العربية هل ماتت الغيرة فيهم، اليوم تركيا تهدد وتتوعد بلدا عربيا هو سوريا والجميع لم يتحرك وسكت عن الموقف، نحن نقول للأتراك لن نسكت عن تجاوزكم على سوريا ولن نسمح لأي بلد أن يتجاوز على بلد عربي".
وبدأت تركيا الخميس الماضي بنشر قوات وأسلحة مضادة للطيران على الحدود مع سوريا، وذلك بعد أيام على إسقاط الدفاعات الجوية السورية مقاتلة تركية انتهكت مجالها الجوي.
واضاف العامري: "سنقف مع سوريا وشعبها وأهلها ضد أي مؤامرة خارجية يقودها الأتراك ويجب على الأتراك أن يفهموا ذلك".
واشار الى انه إذا أرادت تركيا مصالح وشراكة في العراق عليها الكف عن المؤامرات في سوريا، مضيفا "هذا هو رأينا وإلا سوف لن نسمح لأحد أن يمس سوريا أو أن يكون بأرض العراق".
وكان رئيس الوزراء العراقي نوري المالكي قال في نيسان/ابريل الماضي، إن تركيا تتحول الآن إلى ما وصفه بدولة عدائية في المنطقة، بسبب سياسات رئيس حكومتها رجب طيب أردوغان.
جدير بالذكر، ان تركيا تدعم الجماعات المسلحة في سوريا وتستضيف قيادات الجماعات المسلحة او ما تسمى بـ "الجيش الحر" كما استضافت اجتماع ما يسمى "باصدقاء سوريا".

موج فرار گروهی سربازان اسرائیلی از جولان سوریه
موج فرار گروهی سربازان اسرائیلی از جولان سوریه



فرمانده یگان 36 ارتش رژیم صهیونیستی هشدار داد که اتفاقات جاری در سوریه احتمال درگیری در جولان را بیشتر کرده است و هر لحظه احتمال فرار گروهی سربازان اسرائیلی وجود دارد. 

 به گزارش خبرگزاری اهل‌بیت(ع) ـ ابنا ـ  سرهنگ «تمیر هایمن» فرمانده یگان 36 ارتش رژیم صهیونیستی در جولان اشغالی سوریه از احتمال بروز فرار جمعی سربازان اسرائیلی در این منطقه خبر داد.
به گزارش السفیر،‌ این سرهنگ صهیونیست تاکید کرد که ارتش اسرائیل خود را برای آغاز موج فرار سربازان اسرائیل در جولان آماده می‌کند.
در حالی که سوریه خود قربانی تروریست‌های مسلحی است که از حمایت آمریکا و اسرائیل برخوردار است، هایمن مدعی شد که ارتش با توجه تحولات جاری سوریه، «احتمال فراوان می‌دهد که عملیات‌های تروریستی از سوریه آغاز شود... از مرزهایی که ده‌ها سال آرام بود...».
این افسر ارتش رژیم صهیونیستی برای اینکه وانمود کند سوریه بشدت ناآرام است، مدعی شد که عدم کنترل دولت مرکزی سوریه بر جولان بخصوص در منطقه حوران در جنوب سوریه، ممکن است این منطقه به محل فعالیت سازمان‌های جهادی [تکفیری] علیه اسرائیل تبدیل شود.
فرار از ارتش رژیم صهیونیستی خبر جدیدی نیست و این امر به وفور در ارتش اسرائیل دیده می‌شود.


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