وكالة أهل البيت (ع) للأنباء _ ابنا _
ولد «آية الله السيد محمد بهشتي» في سنة 1928 وأكمل دراسته المتوسطة في أصفهان ودخل الحوزة العلمية في أصفهان بسبب الرغبة الشديدة في العلوم الإسلامية ودرس فيها الدروس العلمية حتى أواخر السطوح العالية، ثم سافر في سنة 1946 إلى حوزة قم وبعد أن أتم دراسته لمجموعة من العلوم حضر درس الخارج لـ«الإمام الخميني» (ره) مع الشهيد «آية الله مطهري» وكان ضمن الطلاب البارزين والنادرين.
وبعد أن أكمل الدراسة الإعدادية في سنة 1951 دخل كلية الإلهيات والمعارف الإسلامية وحصل على شهادة البكلوريوس، وفي سنة 1959 أكمل مرحلة الدكتوراه في ذات الكلية ومنذ سنة 1951 بدأ يدرس في إعداديات قم وفي سنة 1954 أسس إعدادية الدين والعلم في قم ومن بين الخدمات الثقافية الثمينة لهذا الأستاذ يمكن ذكر إمكانية تعليم اللغات والعلوم المعاصرة لفضلاء الحوزة العلمية في قم وفي هذا الصدد لا يخلومن الضرورة ذكر تأسيس المركز الإسلامي لطلاب المدارس العاملين في الحقل الثقافي في قم، كما أسس سنة 1963 مدرسة "حقاني".
وبعد أن أكمل الدراسة الإعدادية في سنة 1951 دخل كلية الإلهيات والمعارف الإسلامية وحصل على شهادة البكلوريوس، وفي سنة 1959 أكمل مرحلة الدكتوراه في ذات الكلية ومنذ سنة 1951 بدأ يدرس في إعداديات قم وفي سنة 1954 أسس إعدادية الدين والعلم في قم ومن بين الخدمات الثقافية الثمينة لهذا الأستاذ يمكن ذكر إمكانية تعليم اللغات والعلوم المعاصرة لفضلاء الحوزة العلمية في قم وفي هذا الصدد لا يخلومن الضرورة ذكر تأسيس المركز الإسلامي لطلاب المدارس العاملين في الحقل الثقافي في قم، كما أسس سنة 1963 مدرسة "حقاني".
وقام بمساعدة جمع من فضلاء الحوزة العلمية بإعداد مجموعة تحقيقات حول الحكومة في الإسلام وفي هذه الأثناء نقل بواسطة منظمة الأمن (السافاك) من قم إلى طهران، وفي سنة 1964 إشترك في إعداد برنامج جديد في التعاليم الدينية للمدارس، وبعد سنة واحدة أي في سنة 1965 سافر إلى ألمانيا وقام هناك بتأسيس مجمع الناطقين بالفارسية في الجمعية الإسلامية للطلبة الجامعيين في أوربا علاوة على مجموعة من الدروس الناتجة عن أصالته الفكرية وعمقه الأيديولوجي، كما أنه أقام مؤتمرات تعليمية وثقافية في المحافل الجامعية والكنيسة في ألمانيا منذ سنة 1965 وحتى سنة 1970.
وفي سنة 1970 عاد إلى طهران وعقد جلسة تفسير القرآن الكريم وفي هذا الصدد قام بالتعاون من الأخوة كل من «باهنر» و«غفوري» بنشاط تعليمي وإعداد كتاب التعاليم الدينية للمدارس.
وفي شهر تشرين الثاني 1978 سعى بشكل مكثف لإيجاد جماعة العلماء المجاهدين في طهران بالتعاون مع الشهيد مطهري والشهيد «مفتح» و«حجة الإسلام ملكي» و«حجة الإسلام إمامي كاشاني» وجمع آخر من العلماء المجاهدين وبعد ذلك إنضم إليها «الإمام سيد علي الخامنئي» و«المشكيني» و«رباني أملشي» و«طبسي» وتشكل مجلس الثورة بأمر الإمام الخميني (قدس سره) وبواسطة الدكتور بهشتي والعلماء المذكورين يجدر الإشارة إلى أن النواة الجهادية للعلماء الملتزمين بعد الثورة تبلورت في شكل الحزب الجمهوري الإسلامي.
كانت المكانة العلمية لآية الله بهشتي من المكانات العلمية التي قل نظيرها بين المجتهدين، وكان بالإستفادة من درس الخارج في الفقه والأصول للمرحوم «آية الله العظمى البروجردي» والإمام الخميني (ره) والمرحوم «آية الله داماد» قد أصبح صاحب نظر في هذين الفرعين علاوة على معرفته بالأدب الفارسي والعربي والمنطق والفلسفة والتفسير ويعتبره العلماء من أرفع العلماء المعاصرين.
وقد أمضى الدكتور بهشتي حياته في مكافحة الظالمين وكمثال على ذلك أنه عندما ظهر حزب "تودة" في الساحة السياسية في البلاد وبتنظيمات قوية حيث لم يكن في ذلك الوقت إهتمام بالإسلام الأصيل قام الدكتور الشهيد بنشاطات ايديولوجية في مستوى روحيات الشباب وألقى محاضرات بذلك ووقف بحزم وشدة أمام حزب تودة وحارب الأفكار المنحرفة وكان من الوجوه النشطة والمؤثرة في الدفاع عن الحكومة الوطنية للدكتور «محمد مصدق» في سنوات 1329هـ و1332 هـ ومعه العلماء المجاهدون، ولعب دورا مهما في التظاهرات المعادية للنظام في أصفهان ضد عميل الإنجليز «قوام السلطنة»، ومن ذلك إلقاؤه محاضرة حماسية في ثورة 21/7/1952 م التي يمكن إعتبارها نقطة عطف في بداية الكفاح الدقيق والمتواصل المقرون بتقييم مجدد وأساسي.
وفي إطار الحركة السياسية والكفاحية والعقائيدة التي كان قد بدأها جنبا إلى جنب المجاهدين من أصدقائه كالأستاذ مطهري والدكتور «إبراهيم آيتي» والمهندس «بازركان» و«آية الله طالقاني» شكل حركة أدت في النهاية إلى هز كيان السافاك بشدة.
إن الشهيد بهشتي لم يكن رجل علم وبيان وقلم فحسب بل كان رجل كفاح بميزات خاصة منذ بداية ثورة الإمام الخميني (ره) سنة 1962 إذ نهض بالتعاون مع الجمعيات المؤتلفة الإسلامية وانتخب في عضوية شورى العلماء فيها، وكانت تلك الجمعيات منظمة وقد إنبعثت من داخل كفاح الجمعيات الإقليمية وجمعيات المدن، وتولت إدارة الكفاح حتى سنة 1971.
وكان له دور مؤثر في إقامة مسيرات الرابع من شوال ويومي تاسوعاء وعاشوراء و28 صفر حيث حرك الناس بمحاضراته الحماسية وخاصة في يوم 7 أيلول في مسجد صاحب الزمان (عجل الله فرجه الشريف).
وعندما كان الإمام في باريس ذهب إلى هناك لتبادل الرأي مع الإمام ثم اختير بأمر الإمام في عضوية مجلس الثورة الإسلامية في إيران، وكان دوره المؤثر في ذلك الوقت ملموسا بشكل واضح ونتيجة لذلك قام أعداء الثورة بإغتيال الصفوة من العلماء المجاهدين الرساليين عندما قاموا بتفجير المكتب المركزي للحزب الجمهوري الإسلامي في 28/6/1981 والذي أدى إلى استشهاد 72 شهيدا على رأسهم هذا العلم الشامخ الذي
قال عنه الإمام الراحل (ره)
:(عاش بهشتي مظلوما ومات مظلوما وكان شوكة في عين أعداء الإسلام).
فسلام عليك يا سيدي يوم ولدت ويوم استشهدت ويوم تبعث حيا
من وصية الدكتور بهشتي:
إنني محمد حسيني بهشتي رقم الجنسية 13707 من أصفهان، أوصي زوجتي وأبنائي وسائر أقاربي بالإهتمام أكثر من أي شيء في حياتهم بالشعلة الإلهيه التي هي في قلوب الناس وأن يفتحوا طريق السعادة أمامهم بالإيمان بالله الأحد العليم القدير السميع البصير الرحمن الرحيم وأنبيائه الكرام واتباع خاتم النبيين وكتابه القرآن والأئمة المعصومين سلام الله عليهم أجمعين، والإهتمام بذكر الله والصلاة بحضور القلب والصوم والعبادات الأخرى والإنفاق والإيثار والصدق والجهاد في هذا الطريق والحضور المتواصل بين الناس والأنس بهم.
محمد حسين بهشتي
27 رجب 1400 هـ
من مؤلفات الشهيد بهشتي:
الله في منظار القرآن، شريحة جديدة في مجتمعنا، معرفة الدين، المعرفة، ما هي الصلاة، العلماء في الإسلام وبين المسلمين، دور الإيمان في حياة الإنسان، الملكية، البنك والقوانين المالية في الإسلام، الثائر المنتصر...
Martyr Ayatullah Behesti
"YOU ARE A NATION(Ummah) FOR OUR NATION".... Imam Khoemini for Shaheed Beheshti
Shahid (the martyr) Sayyid Muhammad Husaini Beheshti was born in Aban 2nd, 1307 (October 24th, 1928) in a district called Lomban in Isfahan ( Chaharsouq district).
He was born in a family whose members were familiar with Islamic values. His father was one of Isfahan's clergies and prayer-leader of Lomban mosque who went to the village once a week in order to preach and solve the problems of people and establish the community prayers.
He passed away in 1341 (1962). His maternal grand father the late Haj Mir Mohammad Sadiq Modarres Khatunabadi, was one of the leading authorities on divine law.
When Shahid (Martyr) Beheshti was just one year old, he passed away and Shahid Beheshti was deprived of his meeting, however; knowing about his grandfather's manner later on affected Shahid Beheshti's personality.
With four years of age he entered traditional elementary school. He was so genius that he learned how to recite Quran and how to read and write in a very short time.
After a while, having passed the entrance exam, he entered the primary school at the sixth grade but since he was not old enough to take part in that grade he was registered in fourth grade. Nevertheless he took part in the final exams and was granted the second best student title. Wishing to complete his studied, he entered the high school.
In 1321 (1942) he gave it up, since he was interested in the theological matters he entered the theological center. Although his home was in Isfahan for saving time, being independent while thinking and studying, since 1324(1945) he rented a room at Sadr school of Isfahan and he lived there.
During 1321 to 1325(1942- 1946) he could study the Arabic literature, logic, Fiqh (Jurisprudence), divine law & fundamentals and stole the attention of his professors to the extent that when they met him as if he reminded his maternal grand father to the m.
In 1325 (1946) when he was 18 years old, he left for Qom to continue his studies and in 6month-time he studied the rest of subjects namely : Sath , Kefayeh and Makasib. In the same year, Allameh Tabatabee came to Qom and his classes and sessions attracted the active students like Shahid Beheshti who later on took part in his classes.
In 1326 (1947) Dr. Beheshti with Shahid Motahari, and some of his friends prepared a schedule according to which they had to go to the most remote villages to preach Islamic values, by means of a little amount of expense which Ayatollah Boroujerdi gave t o them to guide the villagers and inform each other about their ideas concerning planning for future activities.
In 1327 (1948) he continued the normal high school education and he could get his literal diploma in final exams of late comers. Then he entered the college of Theology (at that time rational sciences)and in 1330(1951) he received his BA. During (1329-13 30)(1950-1951) he was in Tehran and at the end of mentioned year he returned to Qom again and this time he officially started his teaching at Hakim Nezami high school as an English teacher. During (1329-1330)(1951-1956) he spent his life carrying out researches and philosophical matters .
In Ordibehesht 1331 (May 1952) he married one of his relatives whose result was 4 children (2 sons and 2 daughters).
In 1333 (1956-1959) he was a student of Ph.D. of theological philosophy (and of course in 1353(1947) he defended his thesis called _the problems of Mabad ul Tabi_e in Quran_, under guidance of the Shahid Professor Mortza Motahari. During this time he was coming and going to Tehran and Qom.
In 1338 (1959) he founded an English class at _Din and Danesh School_ for theological students and in the same year along with the thought of the leading figures like Motahari, Taleqani_etc, he held the monthly speech sessions in Tehran on which the programmed lectures were held with the large number of the students and intellectuals as an audience.
From 1339 (1960) the idea of organizing the theological center and arranging the syllabus of it for 17 years was in his mind whose result was foundation of _Haqqani_ and_ Montazeriyeh_ schools. In 1341 (1962) he decided to establish the Islamic center of students and educators which was a measure for linking between the educated people in the past and present methods.
He was actively taking part in (1341-1342)(1962-1963) campaigns. And in collecting and composing the _statements _he was a great help. From 1342 he formed a searching group for surveying about the Islamic government and in the same year Savak (the controlling system for security at that time )made him leave Qom.
He came to Tehran and in programming on preparing the textbooks was closely cooperating with Shahid (martyr) Bahonar, in the same year he was also cooperating with campaigning groups and coalition bodies. Besides, he was participating in a 4-member council in the name of _divine law-political council_ with help of Shaid (martyr) Motahari, Mr. Anvari and Mr. Molaee.
In 1343 (1963) with the proposal of Ayatollah Haeri and Ayatollah Milani he left for Hamburg and he began to manage and direct the mosque and formation of religious groups of the young and revealing Shah's (the last king ) crimes.
At this time he traveled to Saudi Arabia ( in Haj. time ) Syria, Lebanon , Turkey to visit Imam Mousa Sadr and in 1348 he traveled to Iraq to visit Imam Khomeini.
In 1349 (1970) he returned to Iran and it was impossible for him to return to Germany. He started to teach in session for interpreting Quran and examined the textbooks and this process continued till 1355(1976).
Shahid (the martyr) Sayyid Muhammad Husaini Beheshti was born in Aban 2nd, 1307 (October 24th, 1928) in a district called Lomban in Isfahan ( Chaharsouq district).
He was born in a family whose members were familiar with Islamic values. His father was one of Isfahan's clergies and prayer-leader of Lomban mosque who went to the village once a week in order to preach and solve the problems of people and establish the community prayers.
He passed away in 1341 (1962). His maternal grand father the late Haj Mir Mohammad Sadiq Modarres Khatunabadi, was one of the leading authorities on divine law.
When Shahid (Martyr) Beheshti was just one year old, he passed away and Shahid Beheshti was deprived of his meeting, however; knowing about his grandfather's manner later on affected Shahid Beheshti's personality.
With four years of age he entered traditional elementary school. He was so genius that he learned how to recite Quran and how to read and write in a very short time.
After a while, having passed the entrance exam, he entered the primary school at the sixth grade but since he was not old enough to take part in that grade he was registered in fourth grade. Nevertheless he took part in the final exams and was granted the second best student title. Wishing to complete his studied, he entered the high school.
In 1321 (1942) he gave it up, since he was interested in the theological matters he entered the theological center. Although his home was in Isfahan for saving time, being independent while thinking and studying, since 1324(1945) he rented a room at Sadr school of Isfahan and he lived there.
During 1321 to 1325(1942- 1946) he could study the Arabic literature, logic, Fiqh (Jurisprudence), divine law & fundamentals and stole the attention of his professors to the extent that when they met him as if he reminded his maternal grand father to the m.
In 1325 (1946) when he was 18 years old, he left for Qom to continue his studies and in 6month-time he studied the rest of subjects namely : Sath , Kefayeh and Makasib. In the same year, Allameh Tabatabee came to Qom and his classes and sessions attracted the active students like Shahid Beheshti who later on took part in his classes.
In 1326 (1947) Dr. Beheshti with Shahid Motahari, and some of his friends prepared a schedule according to which they had to go to the most remote villages to preach Islamic values, by means of a little amount of expense which Ayatollah Boroujerdi gave t o them to guide the villagers and inform each other about their ideas concerning planning for future activities.
In 1327 (1948) he continued the normal high school education and he could get his literal diploma in final exams of late comers. Then he entered the college of Theology (at that time rational sciences)and in 1330(1951) he received his BA. During (1329-13 30)(1950-1951) he was in Tehran and at the end of mentioned year he returned to Qom again and this time he officially started his teaching at Hakim Nezami high school as an English teacher. During (1329-1330)(1951-1956) he spent his life carrying out researches and philosophical matters .
In Ordibehesht 1331 (May 1952) he married one of his relatives whose result was 4 children (2 sons and 2 daughters).
In 1333 (1956-1959) he was a student of Ph.D. of theological philosophy (and of course in 1353(1947) he defended his thesis called _the problems of Mabad ul Tabi_e in Quran_, under guidance of the Shahid Professor Mortza Motahari. During this time he was coming and going to Tehran and Qom.
In 1338 (1959) he founded an English class at _Din and Danesh School_ for theological students and in the same year along with the thought of the leading figures like Motahari, Taleqani_etc, he held the monthly speech sessions in Tehran on which the programmed lectures were held with the large number of the students and intellectuals as an audience.
From 1339 (1960) the idea of organizing the theological center and arranging the syllabus of it for 17 years was in his mind whose result was foundation of _Haqqani_ and_ Montazeriyeh_ schools. In 1341 (1962) he decided to establish the Islamic center of students and educators which was a measure for linking between the educated people in the past and present methods.
He was actively taking part in (1341-1342)(1962-1963) campaigns. And in collecting and composing the _statements _he was a great help. From 1342 he formed a searching group for surveying about the Islamic government and in the same year Savak (the controlling system for security at that time )made him leave Qom.
He came to Tehran and in programming on preparing the textbooks was closely cooperating with Shahid (martyr) Bahonar, in the same year he was also cooperating with campaigning groups and coalition bodies. Besides, he was participating in a 4-member council in the name of _divine law-political council_ with help of Shaid (martyr) Motahari, Mr. Anvari and Mr. Molaee.
In 1343 (1963) with the proposal of Ayatollah Haeri and Ayatollah Milani he left for Hamburg and he began to manage and direct the mosque and formation of religious groups of the young and revealing Shah's (the last king ) crimes.
At this time he traveled to Saudi Arabia ( in Haj. time ) Syria, Lebanon , Turkey to visit Imam Mousa Sadr and in 1348 he traveled to Iraq to visit Imam Khomeini.
In 1349 (1970) he returned to Iran and it was impossible for him to return to Germany. He started to teach in session for interpreting Quran and examined the textbooks and this process continued till 1355(1976).
In 1359 (1971) he formed 50 sessions of interpreting of Quran on Saturdays which was called _the School of Quran_ where was a place for gathering the active young people . In 1354 (1975) due to the mentioned sessions and the relationships with the campaigning organizations inside and out side of Iran he was arrested by Savak and after a time he was released.
From 1355 (1976) and later he began to deal with formational tasks and in (1356)(1977) he was determined to form the broad formations being active in secret activities and also overtones for forming a party .In the same year due to the disagreements among the Islamic active groups in abroad (which there have been some conflicts) he traveled there and even to the United States and he paved the ground for establishing new relationships among the Islamic groups.
In 1357 (1978) he was arrested for a couple of days and he was freed. After which he went to Imam Khomeini in Paris. After his return he played an effective role regarding determining the policy of the Islamic revolution.
From Azar 1357 (December 1978) according to Imam's command he formed the revolution's council and he was dealing with that till the victory of the revolution.
After the revolution as an intellectual person in the revolution's council he wanted to organize and arrange the affairs. Regarding this mentioned fact he founded the Islamic Republic Party. He took part in the election of Experts Assembly, and as a vice president of Majlis he dealt with managing the affairs, preparing and forming the Constitution. After resigning of the interim government in 1358 (1979) he was doing his duty as a minister of justice.
Then through the command of Imam he was chosen and appointed as the chairman of Supreme Court. He was busy with his duties till the evening of Tir, 7, 1360 (June 28,1981) after Namaz Maqrib (evening prayer) and Esha (night prayer) while giving lecture, he was martyred due to the explosion of a bomb planted by the members of MKO terrorist group, known as Monafeqin with 72 people from his colleagues and through the tears and sighs and sorrows of millions of Iranian people he was buried in Behesht-e Zahra Tomb.
May his soul rest in peace.
Shahid Beheshti University
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shahid Beheshti University | |
دانشگاه شهید بهشتی Dāneshgāh-e Shahid Beheshti | |
Established | March 20, 1960 |
Type | Public |
Endowment | US$ 70000[1] |
Academic staff | Faculties |
Location | Tehran, Tehran province,Iran |
Campus | Urban |
Website | www.sbu.ac.ir |
Shahid Beheshti University was formerly The National University of Iran (NUI). The university's name was changed during the cultural revolution in Iranian universities, 1980-82. It is located in Evin District and extends into Velenjak District in northwestern Tehran,Iran, on a main campus of approximately one million square meters. The university was founded in 1959. Due to an academic reform in 1986 the medical schools were separated from the main universities and became Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciencesworking within the purview of the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
Shahid Beheshti University (SBU), established in 1959(The ex- National University of Iran), started its academic life in 1960 with only 174 students in two faculties: Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning and Faculty of Banking and Economics. The first Master's course at SBU was offered in the Faculty of Architecture in 1961, while the first Ph.D. program was introduced in the Faculty of Economics in 1991.
Today, there are more than 70 programs at Master's and over 30 at Ph.D. levels. Development of new facilities in the main campus paved the way for increased academic activities, so that by 1978 several other faculties became active at SBU, e.g. Faculties of Literature and Human Sciences, Basic Sciences, Law, Earth Sciences, Statistics and Informatics and Education and Psychology.
SBU combines the tradition of a classical university with the dynamic character of a modern and interdisciplinary scientific enterprise. Since 1990, the university has placed more emphasis on postgraduate, in particular PhD, and research programs, while still aiming to enhance the quality of its well-established undergraduate courses.
Students at the university are inspired by an outstanding and rewarding academic environment not only in Iran but in the region. The University and the members of the academia are at the forefront of world research in many fields and the teaching is informed by the very latest developments in each discipline.
At the moment (in 2006-2007), there are 6763 BA/BSc, 4120 MA/MSc and 664 PhD students studying at the university.
Contents[hide] |
- School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- School of Architecture & Urban Engineering
- Department of Architecture
- Department of Construction
- Department of Design
- Department for History of Architecture and Preservation
- Department of Reconstruction
- Department of Urban Planning
- School of Business & Management
- Department of Public Management
- Department of Business Management
- Department of Commercial Management
- Department of Financial Management
- Department of Industrial Management
- Department of Entrepreneurial Management
- Institute for Research
- School of Ecological Sciences
- Department of Biology
- Department of Genetics
- Department of Marine Biology
- Department of Microbiology
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Zoology
- School of Economics & Political Sciences
- Department of Economics
- Department of Political Sciences
- School of Energy Sciences & Modern Technologies
- Department of Aeronautics
- Department of Biotechnology
- Department of Energy
- Department of Nanotechnology
- Department of Cellulose and Paper sciences
- School of Geological Sciences
- Department of Geology
- Department of Geography
- Department of Geophysics
- School of Law
- Department of Criminology & Criminal Law
- Department of Intellectual Property
- Department of International Trade Law
- Department of Economic Law
- Department of Environmental Law
- Department of Human Rights
- Department of International Law
- Department of Private Law
- Department of Public Law
- School of Literature & Human Sciences
- Department of Linguistics and Literature
- Department of Philosophy
- Department of History
- Department of Archaeology
- Department of Sociology
- Institute of Iranology
- Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Statistics
- Department of Computer Sciences
- School of Nuclear Engineering
- Department of Applied Radiation
- Department of Fuel-Recycling
- Department of Radiology (Medical Radiation)
- School of Physical Education & Sport Sciences
- School of Psychology and Education
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Behavioral Studies & Advising
- Department of Educational Sciences
- School of Sciences
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Physics
[edit]Research Centers
- Automated Software Engineering Research Group
- Center for Environmental Researches
- Center for Family Researches
- Center for Medicinal Plant and Drug Research Institute
- Center for Laser & Plasma Research (Laser Research Institute)
- Fiber optics
- LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy)
- Magneto-optics
- Non-Destructive Testing
- Polymers and Organic Materials Photonics headed by Dr.Mohajerani
- Center for Pharmaceutical Research
Shahid Beheshti University was founded as the National University of Iran in 1959 by Dr. Ali Sheikholislam only to be the first private university in Iran. The university was originally planned to be devoted to graduate studies. At its opening, it consisted of two schools,Architecture and Urban Planning and Banking and Economics, with just 174 students in total. Soon the School of Literature and Foreign Languages began its life in downtown Tehran. The first graduate academic degree program was the Master's course in the School of Architecture, launched in 1961. In 1962, a new main campus was built in Evin, a suburb in the north of Tehran. Academic offerings expanded as facilities were added. The first PhD course was offered in the School of Economics in 1991.
During the 1960s and early 1970s, the university was home mainly to students coming from well-to-do families of Tehran. However, from the mid-1970s onwards, students from plebeian families in Tehran and other Iranian provincial cities began to infiltrate the student body of the university. Under royal auspices, the university library began to acquire some of the most important collections in the field of Oriental studies and literary classics in French and German. During that period, the university library ranked in importance second in the country only to Aryamehr (later Sharif) University of Technology.
[edit]Notable faculty and alumni
- Mir-Hossein Mousavi, a graduate of the School of Architecture, the last prime minister in modern Iranian history, and the leader of the Green Movement.
- Abdul Ali Bazargan, one of the most famous intellectuals of the country and the son of Mahdi Bazargan, the well-known thinker, opposition leader under both royal and Islamic regimes, and the first Primer of Iran after the 1979 revolution.
- Hashem Aghajari, a professor of history who was sentenced to death by the Islamic regime of Iran in 2002 on account of his anti-clerical remarks, but after nationwide demonstrations by Iranian students his life was spared.
- Masoumeh Ebtekar, the first female Vice President in Iranian history.
- Abbas Milani, former professor of political science, now director of Hoover Institution and professor of Iranian Studies at Stanford University
- Seyyed Hossein Nasr, world-renowned philosopher, served as chancellor of the university in the mid-1970s.
- Mohsen Sazegara, former government official, political activist. Earned his master's degree in history from the university.
- Sharaf al-Din Khorasani, a graduate of Cambridge University and the most famous professor of Greek philosophy in Iran.
- Amir Parviz Puyan, a leading member and theoretician of the Marxist guerrilla movement in Iran in 1970s, who died in armed confrontation with security forces of the royal regime in southern Tehran.
- Mohammad-Ali Mojtahedi, the first Iranian holder of the doctorat d'état in mathematics from Sorbonne, a professor of mathematics at the University of Tehran, principal of the Alborz High School, founder of the Aryamehr (later Sharif) University of Technology and President of the National University of Iran (later Shahid Beheshti University) in 1969.
- Abbas Safavian, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and the private physician of the last Shah of Iran who supervised the medical treatment of Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi's blood cancer in late 1970s.
- Kourosh Yaghmaei, one of the first Iranian rock musicians.
[edit]World Rankings
2012: International Rank : 1551, National Rank : 14
[edit]See also
- Tehran University
- Higher Education in Iran
- Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
- Shahid Beheshti's library management system
[edit]External links
- Shahid Beheshti University home page
- Research Institute
- Iran Photonics Forum
- Shahid Beheshti University Faculties and PhD Students' Personal Homepage
- Shahid Beheshti's Central Library
Najla Mahmud,isteri Presiden baru Mesir,Muhammad Morsi lebih mengutamakan dirinya sebagai ''Wanita berkhidmat'' kepada rakyat dari menjadi '' First Lady '' kepada rakyat Mesir.
به گزارش خبرگزاری اهلبیت(ع) ـ ابنا ـ «جلاء محمود» همسر محمد مرسي، رئيسجمهوري منتخب مصر در گفتوگو با يكي از روزنامههاي مصري اظهار داشت: دوست ندارم كه به من لقب بانوي اول مصر را بدهند، چرا كه اسلام به ما آموخته است رئيسجمهور "خدمتگزار ملت" است و اين به آن معناست كه همسر وي نيز بايد خود جزو خدمتگزاران به مردم باشد.
وي افزود: هر عنواني كه براي ما انتخاب شده، بايد هرچه زودتر از زندگي سياسي و اجتماعي حذف شود.
نجلاء همچنين در گفتوگو با يك روزنامه مصري ديگر ابراز اميدواري كرده كه مجبور نشود در كاخ رياستجمهوري زندگي كند و ملكه آن كاخ باشد.
همسر مرسي گفت: در تلاش است تا خانه بزرگي را در قاهره خريداري كند، چرا كه خانه كنوني آنها به دليل مساحت كم امكان پذيرايي از شمار زيادي از مردم را در شرايط جديد نميدهد.
نجلاء محمود كه در طول تبليغات انتخاباتي همسرش همواره همراه وي بوده در سال 1962 در محله "عين شمس" قاهره متولد شد؛ در سال 1979 با مرسي كه دانشجوي رشته مهندسي بود، ازدواج كرد. وي در لس آنجلس به آموزش زنان آمريكايي تازه مسلمان ميپرداخت.
نجلاء بعدها به اخوان المسلمين پيوست و به تلاش در عرصههاي خيريه و به ويژه در زمينه آموزش پرداخت.
Agensi Berita Ahlul Bait (ABNA.co) - Presiden baru Mesir menyuarakan hasratnya untuk memperbaiki hubungan Kaherah-Tehran. Kata beliau Barat cuba meminggirkan Iran dengan memperalatkan isu senjata nuklear meskipun dinafikan oleh Tehran. Sejak presiden baru ini memegang tampuk pemerintahan, kedua-dua negara tersebut telah menunjukkan minat masing-masing untuk memperbaharui hubungan kedua-dua negara yang terputus sejak 30 tahun lalu. "Kita hendaklah memperbaiki hubungan dengan Iran berasaskan kepentingan dan meluaskan kerjasama politik dan ekonomi kerana ini akan mengimbangi tekanan serantau." kata Mursi di dalam wawancara yang disiarkan oleh agensi berita Fars Iran. Mengenai kabar angin bahawa beliau akan melawat Riyadh, Mursi berkata, "Saya tidak pernah berkata demikian, hingga sekarang belum ada keputusan untuk mengadakan lawatan di peringkat antarabangsa."
Surat Khabar Al-Akhbar Lubnan menyorot kembali artikel kolumnis Thomas Freedman di Ney York Times beberapa bulan lalu yang menyatakan betapa yakinnya penyokong regim Zionis bahawa kebangkitan Mesir tidak menuntut perubahan dasar luar negara mereka.
Penulis cuba membuatkan Israel selesa namun bagi mereka yang mengikuti perkembangan dan slogan revolusi Mesir pasti benar-benar tahu bahawa pemuda Mesir sudah menuntut berbagai perubahan dalam strategi dasar luar negara mereka. Fakta-fakta menunjukkan slogan lazim yang dilaungkan dalam demonstrasi di Kaherah ialah ‘Hosni Mubarak’ dan timbalannya ‘Omar Suleiman’ sebagai tali barut Amerika. Salah satu sasaran dalam tuntutan perubahan dasar luar Mesir ialah mengenai interaksi Mesir dengan Arab Saudi atas beberapa sebab yang berpunca dari percutian putera mahkota Saudi di Mesir. Antaranya ialah banyak laporan tentang rasuah, kes bunuh, penganiyaan yang dilakukan kerabat diraja dan rombongan mereka yang disembunyikan oleh regim Mubarak. Tambahan lagi, kerabat Saudi dan Israel merupakan penyokong setia regim Mubarak sehingga ke saat akhir regim itu diturunkan dari singgahsana diktatornya. Memang sudah sedia maklum bahawa Saudi juga turut menawarkan suaka politik kepada Hosni Mubarak termasuklah ketika proses persidangan mahkamah sedang berlangsung. Begitu juga kemarahan mereka beberapa bulan ini terhadap media Saudi seperti saluran satelit Al-Arabia yang mengambil sikap pendirian anti revolusi Mesir. Antara alasan lain yang membawa kekecewaan mereka ialah peranan buruk Arab Saudi dalam dunia Islam. Selain itu rakyat Mesir turut berbangga melaungkan kebencian mereka terhadap usaha Saudi yang menyumbangkan dana besar ke negara-negara lain demi untuk mencapai matlamatnya.
Apakah bungkamnya para pejabat Arab Saudi di saat militer Israel melakukan kebiadabannya bagian dari kesepakatan rahasia Arab Saudi dan Israel dalam masalah proyek jembatan dari pulau Tiran? Terlebih lagi setelah sejumlah pakar menyebut-nyebut adanya sumber minyak di pulau Tiran dan Sanafir.
Negara-negara Arab hingga kini tetap anteng menjalankan propaganda strategi asing terkait kunjungan Presiden Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ke pulau Abu Musa, Iran, Teluk Persia. Indikasi tersebut jelas, sebab para pemimpin berigal Arab tetap bungkam dan menggerendel mulutnya mengenai pendudukan Israel atas kepulauan Tiran dan Sanafir milik Arab Saudi.
Sementara terkait tiga pulau milik Iran, enam negara Teluk Arab akan bertemu di ibu kota Saudi, Riyadh, membahas kepemilikan ketiga pulau yang diklaim oleh Uni Emirat Arab (UEA), kata Gulf News Jumat, 13/04/12.
Para menteri luar negeri dari anggota Dewan Kerja sama Teluk (GCC), yaitu Arab Saudi, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE dan Oman, akan bertemu pada Rabu ini, 18/04/12 untuk pertemuan darurat guna menentukan strategi bersama berkaitan dengan Iran.
Menurut laporan itu, Sekretaris Jenderal GCC Abdul Latif Al Zayani mengecam perjalanan Ahmadinejad itu sebagai “pelanggaran yang jelas atas kedaulatan UEA” dan “tidak sejalan dengan kebijakan GCC menjaga hubungan bertetangga baik dengan Iran.”
Hebatnya mereka. Soal kepulauan milik Iran, mereka kompak menyudutkan Iran, namun ironisnya Arab Saudi dan para pemimpin Arab berigal, tidak pernah mempermasalahkan dua pulau; Tiran dan Sanafir yang sampai saat ini tetap diduduki oleh Rezim Zionis Israel.
Secara historis, pasukan Israel menduduki kedua pulau tersebut sejak tahun 1967 tetapi raja Saudi tidak pernah mempersoalkan atau bersuara merebut kembali kedua wilayah yang diduduki oleh Israel tersebut.
Dua pulau tersebut awalnya oleh Saudi Arabia disewakan kepada Presiden Mesir, Gamal Abdel Nasser, untuk keperluan logistik dalam Perang Enam Hari tahun 1967 dengan pasukan Israel. Namun, pulau-pulau tersebut malah dicaplok tentara Tel Aviv sejak Mesir mengalami kekalahan.
Anehnya, Uni Emirat Arab tanpa memiliki bukti kuat ngotot dan mengklaim tiga pulau Abu Musa, Tunb Kecil dan Tunb Besar sebagai miliknya. Bahkan Uni Emirat Arab memanfaatkan isu Arabisme dan propaganda internasional untuk mengusik ketiga pulau ini.
Urgensi Pulau Tiran dan Sanafir
Pelabuhan Elat yang terletak di Teluk Aqabah sangat strategis bagi Rezim Zionis Israel, karena sebagian besar aktivitas ekspor dan impor rezim Zionis melalui pelabuhan ini. Pelabuhan Elat menjadi penghubung Israel dengan pesisir timur dan selatan Afrika dan negara-negara selatan dan barat daya Asia.
Pelabuhan ini dihubungkan dengan pelabuhan Asqalan pesisir timur Laut Mediterania lewat jalur pipa minyak dan jalur darat. Dengan memiliki pelabuhan ini, Israel sudah tidak lagi membutuhkan Terusan Suez, dan kenyataannya menunjukkan strategis pelabuhan Elat bagi rezim penjajah ini.
Namun apakah satu-satunya jalur hubungan Israel dengan laut melalui Selat Tiran?
Selat Tiran adalah pulau yang menghubungkan Teluk Aqabah dengan Laut Merah. Mulut Selat Aqabah adalah pulau Tiran dan Sanafir. Mantan Duta Besar Rezim Zionis Israel untuk Amerika Ishaq Rabin pernah mengatakan, “Pulau Tiran dan Sanafir sangat strategis. Pertikaian tiga orang bersenjata saja mampu menutup selat ini.”
Sebegitu strategisnya selat ini hingga banyak pengamat menilai salah satu pemicu perang Arab-Israel tahun 1967 adalah sikap Mesir menutup selat ini bagi armada laut Israel.
Kronologi Sejarah Urgensi Pulau Tiran dan Sanafir
Mesir pada tahun 1949 menutup Terusan Suez untuk kapal-kapal Rezim Zionis Israel. Sikap Mesir ini secara otomatis mengangkat posisi Pelabuhan Elat menjadi sangat strategis bagi Israel. Karena dengan ditutupnya Terusan Suez tanpa memiliki pelabuhan tersebut, itu berarti kapal-kapal dagang rezim Israel setelah melakukan transaksi untuk kembali ke asaknya, harus memutari Afrika Selatan terlebih dahulu.
Pada tanggal 13 September 1955, Mesir mengeluarkan peraturan bagi kapal-kapal yang ingin melewati Teluk Aqabah harus mendapat izin negaranya. Sebaliknya, Israel melihat kendala dalam upayanya untuk mengakses laut bebas.
Saat Gamal Abdel Nasser, Presiden Mesir menasionalisasikan Terusan Suez, negara-negara Perancis, Inggris dan Rezim Zionis Israel menyerang Mesir. Hasil dari perang ini adalah terealisasinya keinginan Rezim Zionis Israel dengan dibukanya kembali Selat Tiran dan ditempatkannya pasukan internasional di Teluk Aqabah dan Gurun Sina.
Pulau Sanafir untuk pertama kalinya diduduki Rezim Zionis Israel dalam perang tahun 1956 selama 10 bulan. Sebelum perang tahun 1967 Mesir menyewa pulau ini dari Arab Saudi dengan tujuan menutup Selat Tiran untuk armada kapal Israel. Namun setelah perang pulau ini menjadi jajahan Israel.
Sebelum terjadi perang, Mesir menuntut penarikan pasukan penjaga perdamaian PBB dari garis gencatan senjata dengan Israel. Pasukan perdamaian PBB pada tanggal 23 Mei 1967 menarik pasukannya dari sana. Mesir tetap menutup Selat Tiran bagi armada kapal Rezim Zionis Israel.
Pendudukan ilegal Pelabuhan Elat di kawasan Umm Al-Rashrash oleh Rezim Zionis Israel setelah gencatan senjata tahun 1949, Luas Teluk Aqabah lebih banyak dimiliki oleh Mesir dan keyakinan negara ini bahwa Selat Tiran bukan kawasan bebas menjadi alasan Mesir untuk menutup selat ini.
Langkah yang dilakukan Mesir menunjukkan negara ini telah siap untuk melakukan perang paling menentukan dengan Rezim Zionis Israel. Namun Rezim Zionis Israel mendahului Mesir dengan lampu hijau yang diberikan Amerika, pagi hari tanggal 5 Juni 1967 membombardir 9 bandar udara Mesir selama 3 jam dan setiap kalinya selama 10 menit.
Pasukan darat rezim ini siang hari itu juga menyerang perbatasan Mesir dan kemudian merangsek maju mendekati terusan Suez. Sore hari kedua perang (6 Juni), Panglima Tertinggi Militer Mesir Abdul Hakim Amir memerintahkan pasukannya segera mundur dari Gurun Sina. Menyusul perintah ini, Mesir pada tanggal 7 Juni menerima dihentikannya perang dan menginformasikannya kepada Sekjen PBB, sementara militer Israel pada tanggal 8 Juni tengah berusaha untuk menduduki Gurun Sina secara keseluruhan.
Ada sejumlah capaian penting Rezim Zionis Israel setelah berakhirnya perang ke-3 tahun 1967 antara Arab dan Israel. Hasil-hasil itu sebagaimana berikut:
1. Rezim Zionis Israel tetap menguasai dan menduduki daerah-daerah seperti Tepi Barat Sungai Jordan, Jalur Gaza, Gurun Sina milik Mesir, Dataran Tinggi Golan milik Suriah dan pulau Tiran dan Sanafir milik Arab Saudi;
2. Sekitar 330 ribu warga Palestina menjadi pengungsi;
3. Rezim Zionis Israel menguasai sumber air Sungai Jordan dan Selat Tiran dan Teluk Aqabah terbuka bagi armada kapal rezim ini;
4. Rezim Zionis Israel berhasil menciptakan garis pertahanan baru yang strategis untuk menghadapi serangan asing;
5. Sejumlah daerah telah diduduki Rezim Zionis Israel. Setelah ini tujuan Arab hanya berusaha untuk mengembalikan tanah-tanah yang telah diduduki baik tahun 1948 atau 1967;
6. Kekuatan militer Mesir, Yordania dan Suriah telah hancur;
7. Ketidakmampuan para pemimpin Arab, ketidakkompakan dan ketidakseriusan mereka untuk membebaskan Palestina semakin tampak jelas;
8. Perlawanan Palestina muncul dan dari hari ke hari semakin menguat. Menyusul ketidakmampuan dunia Arab, bangsa Palestina menemukan jati dirinya dan berusaha dengan melakukan berbagai inovasi untuk membebaskan tanah airnya.
Perang tahun 1967 bukan akhir dari perseteruan Arab-Israel. Karena pada tahun 1973 perang kembali terjadi yang menjadi pendahuluan terjadinya Perjanjian memalukan Camp David yang ditandatangani oleh Presiden Mesir Anwar Sadat dan Perdana Menteri Rezim Zionis Israel Menachem Begin pada tanggal 17 September 1978. Dalam perundingan itu tidak disebutkan mengenai pulau-pulau milik Arab Saudi dan kawasan Umm Ar-Rashrash milik Mesir sebelum perang 1967 yang diduduki Rezim Zionis Israel.
Pengkhiatan Arab Saudi atas Cita-Cita Palestina dan Umat Islam
Mencermati kronologi pendudukan pulau Tiran dan Sanafir milik Arab Saudi oleh Rezim Zionis Israel dan bungkam pemerintah Arab Saudi atas kenyataan ini menimbulkan berbagai pertanyaan. Apakah mungkin ada kesepakatan rahasia antara pemerintah Arab Saudi dan Rezim Zionis Israel?
Perlu diketahui bahwa satu tahun setengah sebelum terjadinya perang Gaza, Arab Saudi menyakan akan membangun jembatan yang menghubungkan kedua negara ini dari Ra’s Al-Sheikh Hamid, Arab Saudi hingga Sharm Al-Sheikh, Mesir. Pernyataan ini kontan direaksi keras oleh Rezim Zionis Israel. Kerasnya pernyataan Israel ini dapat ditelusuri dalam tulisan yang dimuat dalam Situs Debka bahwa pembangunan jembatan itu dapat memicu perang besar di Timur Tengah. Alasan perang tahun 1967 antara Arab dan Israel dibesar-besarkan agar para pejabat Arab Saudi segera menarik kembali keputusannya itu.
Jembatan dengan panjang 50 kilometer itu diperkirakan akan menghabiskan biaya sebesar 3 miliar dolar dan direncanakan akan selesai selama tiga tahun. Hampir dua tahun dari pengumuman rencana dan peletakan batu pertama dilakukan, namun sampai kini tidak ada informasi baru mengenai kemajuan proyek ini.
Agresi brutal militer Rezim Zionis Israel dan bungkamnya Arab Saudi menyaksikan kebiadaban rezim ini membuat opini umum dunia bertanya-tanya. Apakah bungkamnya pejabat Arab Saudi dan para pemimpin Arab berigal saat militer Israel melakukan kebiadaban terhadap bangsa tertindas Palestina adalah bagian dari kesepakatan rahasia Arab Saudi dan Israel dalam masalah proyek jembatan pulau Tiran?
Terlebih lagi setelah sejumlah pakar menyebut-nyebut adanya sumber minyak di pulau Tiran dan Sanafir.
Waktu jugalah yang akan menjawab apa sebenarnya di balik kemungkinan kesepakatan rahasia antara pengkhianat dan munafik umat Islam dengan Rezim Zionis Israel.
Saat menulis surat kepada Perdana Menteri Palestina, Ismail Haniyah, Pemimpin Besar Revolusi Islam, Ayatullah Al-Udzma Sayyid Ali Khamenei mengatakan; “Para pengkhianat Arab juga harus tahu bahwa nasib mereka tidak akan lebih baik dari orang-orang Yahudi dalam perang Ahzab”, sambil menyebut ayat ke-26 surat Al-Ahzab yang berbunyi, “Dan dia menurunkan orang-orang Ahli Kitab (Bani Quraizhah) yang membantu golongan-golongan yang bersekutu dari benteng-benteng mereka, dan dia memasukkan rasa takut ke dalam hati mereka. Sebagian mereka kamu bunuh dan sebahagian yang lain kamu tawan.” Wallahu a’lam.
[Islam Times/on/SL]
- http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcfemdy1w6dtca.,8iw.html |
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