NAM menurut pandangan Ayatullah Khamenei
Agensi Berita Ahlul Bait ( - Persidangan Pergerakan Negara Berkecuali (NAM) yang akan berlangsung di Tehran diakui mempunyai kepentingan tersendiri oleh semua orang. Kedudukan Iran sebagai paksi perlawanan (moqawama) dan kebangkitan Islam serantau menyebabkan peningkatan ancaman, sekatan, tekanan Barat untuk pemulauan di peringkat serantau dan dunia. Republik Islam Iran menjelaskan betapa pentingnya penganjuran persidangan yang dihadiri wakil 138 negara di Tehran ini.
NAM ditubuhkan pada tahun 1961 ketika kemuncak perang dingin dan situasi dwikutub antara Barat dan Timur dengan harapan negara-negara yang berkecuali dapat membentuk perpaduan. Persidangan pertamanya diadakan pada tahun 1955 di Kota Bandung, Indonesia.
Setelah revusi Islam, Iran masuk ke dalam pergerakan ini pada tahun 1979 dan dapat menghadiri persidangan ini di Havana pada tahun 1979. Setelah itu Iran menghadiri semua persidangan pergerakan ini di berbagai tempat.
NAM dianggotai oleh 138 buah negara dan merupakan badan dunia yang terbesar setelah PBB. Ia juga mempunyai pengaruh dalam kemelut di arena antarabangsa seperti mempertahankan kegiatan-kegiatan nuklear Iran secara komprehensif dalam tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini.
Beberapa kali pemimpin agung revolusi Islam Iran ini menekankan betapa pentingnya peranan pergerakan NAM. Beliau juga pernah menghadiri persidangan NAM selaku presiden Iran suatu ketika dahulu.
Ayatullah Khamenei kira-kira tujuh tahun lalu pernah bertemu dengan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi yang ketika itu memegang jawatan presiden OIC dan NAM. Mereka menganggap satu-satunya jalan untuk umat Islam menghadapi politik pembulian kuasa dunia ialah pemerkasaan dan perpaduan umat.
Merujuk kepada peranan NAM, meskipun perubahan situasi dunia pada permulaan pergerakan ini dan kedudukan suaranya sebagai 60 peratus dalam PBB, beliau menegaskan, "Dalam situasi seperti kuasa besar Amerika ingin menukarkan PBB menurut kepentingannya, salah satu kewajipan penting negara-negara anggota NAM ialah memainkan peranannya dalam menghadapi perkara ini."
Pemimpin revolusi Islam ini turut menghargai kedudukan baik Malaysia dan NAM terutamanya dalam aktiviti nuklear Republik Islam Iran dengan menegaskan, "Prinsip kami ialah menentang pengeluaran senjata nuklear. Namun masalah sebenar Amerika dan beberapa negara Barat dengan Iran ialah mereka tidak mahu pengetahuan progresif nuklear terkeluar dari lingkungan mereka dan tidak mahu pengetahuan dan keupayaan bidang penting ini jatuh ke tangan negara-negara lain.
Begitu juga dalam pertemuan bersama presiden Indonesia pada tahun 2002, dengan merujuk pada usaha-usaha Sukarno untuk mendekatkan negara-negara merdeka di Asia dan Afrika sebagai tujuan menghadapi situasi dwikutub di zaman tersebut, Khamenei berkata, "Faktor paling penting keupayaan negara-negara Asia dan Afrika di zaman tersebut dalam berkumpul dan mengasaskan NAM ialah perpaduan dan hari ini juga negara-negara Islam juga memerlukan kerjasama dan perhubungan yang lebih dekat."
Penekanan tentang keperluan menghidupkan NAM adalah satu lagi perkara yang dibangkitkan oleh beliau; Sebuah noktah yang akan menjadikan seluruh kerjasama erat antara negara-negara sebagai sebuah kenyataan kelak.
Beliau turut merujuk kepada pertemuannya dengan presiden Zimbabwe pada tahun 1992 yang membincangkan halangan perluasan kerjasama sebenar antara negara oleh negara-negara besar dan menegaskan betapa pentingnya memulihkan pergerakan NAM dari jalan kerjasama erat antara negara-negara kecil di seluruh dunia.
Khamenei juga dalam tahun 1981 ketika memegang jawatan presiden Reublik Islam pernah menyatakan kepentingan NAM dalam satu pertemuan dengan duta-dua Nepal, Vietnam, Panama, Guinea dan Yugoslavia.
Mengenai Yugoslavia yang menjadi tuan rumah persidangan NAM ke-9, beliau berkata, "Kami percaya NAM mempunyai identiti bebas dan jelas di dalam dunia dan berinisiatif untuk menggerunkan kuasa besar yang sering melampaui batas.
"Malangnya, beberapa anggota NAM memaksa untuk menerima kuasa besar sedangkan pergerakan ini tidak menerima sebarang ancaman. Namun sebaliknya kami percaya bahawa kuasa besar perlu mengambil kira NAM di mana sekiranya mereka berhasrat menceroboh negara-negara kecil, maka 101 negara NAM akan menghadapi mereka."
Dalam pertemuan dengan duta baru republik Persekutuan Sosialis Yugoslavia di Iran, duta tersebut berkata, "Kami akui Iran mempunyai peranan penting dalam NAM."
Walau bagaimanapun persidangan ke-16 NAM tetap akan berlangsung di Tehran. Menurut pegawai yang bertanggung jawab, hampir 50 pemimpin negara akan hadir dalam persidangan ini. Pihak Barat cuba mencanangkan medianya supaya tugas persidangan ini diselaputi kekaburan kerana mereka sedar bahawa Iran mempunyai peranan di rantaunya dan mempunyai pengaruh terhadap beberapa bahagian dunia.
«الإمام سيد علي الخامنئي»:
المنطقة حاليا احوج ما تكون الى الوحدة والتقارب بين المسلمين
ابنا: اكد قائد الثورة الاسلامية «الإمام سيد علي الخامنئي» ان "ما يجري حاليا في الساحة السورية عبارة عن حرب بين جبهة الكفر والاستعمار وجبهة المساندة للمقاومة والنضال" وشدد على ضروة التقارب بين المسلمين في ظل مساع تقوم بها امريكا والصهيونية لاثارة الفتنة، منددا بدور الدول النفطية التي تصف لاثارة الفتنة بين المسلمين خدمة لهذا المشروع الامريكي الصهيوني.
جاء ذلك خلال استقبال مرشد الثورة الاسلامية الايرانية، لوفدا من "تجمع العلماء المسلمين" في لبنان برئاسة رئيس الهيئة الإدارية «الشيخ حسان عبد الله» الذي عاد اليوم الثلاثاء من زيارة رسمية للجمهورية الإسلامية الإيرانية بدعوة من وزير الخارجية الايراني «علي أكبر صالحي»، وقدم الوفد خلال الزيارة "شرحا مفصلا لوضع التجمع ومواجهته للفتنة المذهبية والطائفية ودعمه لنهج المقاومة في لبنان وفلسطين ودوره البارز في تأسيس إتحاد علماء بلاد الشام".
واشار الإمام الخامنئي الى ان "هناك دولارات نفطية كثيرة تصرف من أجل بث الفتنة بين الإخوة في العالم الإسلامي"، ولفت الى ان "أعداء العالم الإسلامي المتمثل بأميركا والصهيونية وجبهة الكفر المتحدة صاروا يستغلون هذه النقطة إلى أبعد مدى"، واضاف "إننا مكلفون شرعا ووجدانا أن نصمد أمام هذا الموقف للأعداء وهذا التكليف فريضة سياسية".
واضف الإمام الخامنئي في حديثه لوفد علماء المسلمين في لبنان:
" لبنان من بين جميع الدول العربية تميز باستطاعته إنزال أكبر هزيمة بالعدو الإسرائيلي"، ونبه "لذلك يريدون اليوم إسقاطه من هذا المقام بشكل عام في منطقة بلاد الشام"، واعتبر ان "ما يجري حاليا في الساحة السورية عبارة عن حرب بين جبهة الكفر والاستعمار وجبهة المساندة للمقاومة والنضال".
واضاف الإمام خامنئي في اشادة لدور "تجمع العلماء المسلمين" في لبنان ، في التقريب بين السنة والشيعة والتصدي لمحاولات الفتنة الطائفية قائلا:
"نحن نرفع شعار الوحدة والتقارب بين السنة والشيعة، لكن الاخوة في تجمع العلماء المسلمين حققوا عمليا أمنية كانت بعيدة المنال من خلال تجسيدهم هذا الشعار عمليا وقد صمدوا واستقاموا ثلاثين سنة في هذا السبيل".
وتابع قائد الثورة الاسلامية محذرا : "في بلدكم لبنان بذور المؤامرة والدسيسة توزع بشكل كبير ومختلف الأطراف السياسية المرتبطة بالاستعمار، وجبهة الكفر تحاول أن تستغل هذا الموقف إلى أبعد حدود".
وشدد الإمام الخامئني، على ضرورة التقارب لتفويت الفرصة على الاعداء قائلا: "واجب كل الأطراف على الساحة اللبنانية أن تتقارب مع بعضها أكبر قدر ممكن وإلا فإن الأعداء سيأخذون لبنان إلى الأسوأ حتى لا يتنفس ويضيقون عليه بحيث يصعب الاستمرار والبقاء".
ابنا: أكد قائد الثورة الاسلامية في ايران «الإمام سيد علي الخامنئي» على دور ايران البارز في ظل التغيير العالمي الهائل الذي تشهده المرحلة التاريخية الراهنة.
وأضاف الإمام الخامنئي في كلمة القاها امام حشد كبير من الاساتذة والباحثين في الجامعات الايرانية، إنه ينبغي تنمية ثقافة الجهاد لجبهة الحق في الجامعات.
وأردف، أنّ العالم يجتاز مرحلة التغيير صوب بنية وهندسة وخارطة جديدة على الصعد السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية.
وأشار الى المكانة والدور المتميز للشعب الايراني في هذا التغيير التاريخي وأضاف أن النخبة في البلاد ومنهم الجامعيون يستطيعون المساهمة بقوة من خلال اداء مسؤولياتهم المهمة للغاية في هذه المرحلة التاريخية الحساسة ورفع مكانة ايران في البنية العالمية الجديدة.
واعتبر التطورات العالمية الراهنة يمكن مقارنتها ظاهريا بمرحلة التطورات التي اجتازها العالم بعد الحرب العالمية الاولى ومرحلة ظهور الاستعمار الاوروبي.
واوضح أن اتجاهات التغييرات العالمية المقبلة ليست كالمراحل السابقة تسير باتجاه عملية تبادل القوى والقدرات العامة لشعوب معينة مع قوى اخرى.
واشار الى الصحوة الاسلامية في الدلالة على المؤشرات والشواهد على ظهور تغييرات عالمية عميقة.
واضاف أن الشعور بالهوية والصحوة القائمة على الاسلام بين مختلف الشعوب الاسلامية تعتبر مؤشرا غير مسبوق على عمق التغيير في الهيكلية والهندسة والخارطة المستقبلية للعالم.
واكد أن فشل الغرب بزعامة اميركا في الهيمنة على منطقة غرب آسيا يشكل مؤشرا آخر على مرحلة التغيير الراهنة.
واردف أن التحركات الفاشلة لاميركا في الهيمنة على هذه المنطقة المهمة والحساسة لاسيما في شأني العراق وافغانستان برزت للعيان وذلك ما يشير الى تغييرات عميقة يجتازها العالم.
واعتبر الاحداث الجارية التي تشهدها اوروبا والمستقبل الغامض للبلدان القوية في هذه القارة من بين الشواهد الاخرى التي تبين الحركة الراهنة للعالم باتجاه بنية وخارطة جديدة.
ولفت الى أن الاوضاع الراهنة في اوروبا والتي ستطرحها ارضا لم تنجم عن اخطاء تكتيكية او استراتيجية وانما نجمت عن اخطاء بنيوية في النظرة للعالم.
واعتبر افول اميركا على الصعيد العالمي يشكل مؤشرا آخر يبين ان العالم يجتاز مرحلة جديدة.
وتابع: أن اميركا باعتبارها القوة الاولى في العالم على صعد الثروة والعلم والتقنية العسكرية وغيرها كانت تحظى بسمعة عامة جيدة لدى الشعوب على مدى عدة عقود إلا أن هذا البلد ليس فقد سمعته فحسب بل تحول لدى الراي العام العالمي الى رمز للغطرسة والظلم والتدخل في شؤون الشعوب واشعال نيران الحروب.
وأشار الى المؤشرات على ظهور تغييرات عميقة في البنية والخريطة والهندسة العالمية المقبلة واعتبر ان الشعب الايراني يتبوأ مكانة مهمة وحساسة في هذه المرحلة حيث إن فهمها يحمل مسؤولية ثقيلة على الشعب والنخبة والمسؤولين في البلاد.
واعتبر الإمام الخامنئي الصحوة الناجمة عن الثورة الاسلامية والصمود والثبات الذي يحظى به النظام القائم على العقيدة والايمان والعقل والعاطفة من الادلة على مكانة ايران المتميزة في ظل التطورات العالمية الراهنة.
وتابع: انه بالاضافة الى ذلك فان الثروة والاحتياطيات الهائلة في البلاد ومنها مصادر الطاقة والكوادر الانسانية الرفيعة منحت ايران مكانة خاصة على صعيد التغييرات العالمية.
ووصف الغرب بالعقم في تقديم فكر جديد للبشرية واوضح، انه خلافا للغرب قدمت الجمهورية الاسلامية في ايران افكارا ومبادرات خلاقة للمجتمع الانساني على مختلف الصعد السياسية والاقتصادية والاخلاقية والثقافية والاجتماعية ونظام الحكم.
ولفت الى أن نظام السيادة الشعبية الدينية القائم على المعنويات وامتزاج الدين بالحياة على الصعد السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية من بين الافكار الجديدة للنظام الاسلامي والشعب الايراني التي يقدمها الى شعوب العالم.
واشار الى الصمود والصلابة التي يمتاز بها الشعب الايراني والنظام الاسلامي في مواجهة الاساليب السلطوية للغرب واعتبره دليلا آخر لاثبات المكانة المتميزة لايران في التطورات العالمية الراهنة واوضح أن ايران وشعبها بمن فيهم النخبة والمسؤولين يصمدون في مواجهة التهديدات واشعال نيران الحروب والقتل والمجازر واثارة الفرقة والخلافات التي يمارسها الغربيون مامنح هذا البلد العظيم ميزة خاصة.
Perkembangan terkini dunia Islam menentukan
perjalanan masa depan
Agensi Berita Ahlul Bait ( - Ayatullah Sayed Ali Khamenei di dalam khutbah Eidul Fitri berkata perubahan besar yang terjadi di Timur Tengah bakal merubah perjalanan masa depan dunia Islam.
Kata beliau, "Keberkatan ruang lingkup kerohanian, keberkesanan dan daya-maju yang wujud dalam negara perlu direbut oleh semua orang.
"Dengan membiasakan pembacaan al-Quran, individu-individu terutamanya golongan muda dapat menyimpan cahaya di bulan mulia ini di samping dapat menjaga diri dari syaitan dalaman dan luaran."
Sambil memuji perhimpunan Hari al-Quds Sedunia, pemimpin revolusi ini berkata, "Tidak syak lagi, gerakan besar dalam dunia Islam ini akan mengiringi kesan besar dalam dunia Islam."
Mengenai solidariti umat Islam di seluruh dunia bersama rakyat Iran dalam Hari al-Quds, Ayatullah Khamenei berkata, "Tahun ini lebih ramai umat Islam turun ke lapangan membela Palestin terutamanya di negara-negara 'kebangkitan Islam' dan Insyallah peristiwa ini akan diteruskan."
Sambil menyifatkan Hari al-Quds Sedunia ibarat darah segar yang mengalir di dalam urat umat Islam, beliau mengatakan, "Dengan mengamati usaha berterusan musuh-musuh Islam untuk melupakan masalah Palestin, perarakan Hari al-Quds memberikan makna yang sangat mendalam."
Pemimpin revolsi Islam ini menggambarkan perkembangan terkini dunia Islam sebagai ajaib dan tiada tandingan dengan mengatakan, "Transformasi yang bakal menentukan masa depan dunia Islam ini adalah rahmat Ilahi, irama ini akan terus berlanjutan."
Beliau menegaskan, "Musuh-musuh umat Islam memasuki lapangan dengan helah yang lebih kompleks dan kerahan seluruh kekuatan untuk mematahkan perkembangan ini. Walau bagaimanapun umat Islam akan melumpuhkan komplot-komplot musuh."
Ayatullah Khamenei turut menegaskan betapa pentingnya mengambil perhatian terhadap peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi sambil mengelak dari kesilapan dalam analisa perkembangan semasa, beliau menegaskan, "Di mana sahaja Amerika, Zionis dan ahli politik regim angkuh memulakan gerakan, tidak dapat dinafikan lagi gerakan dan tujuannya itu salah dan batil. Hanya ketelitian dalam peristiwa ini sahaja dapat mengelak kesalahan dan kesilapan dalam analisa."
Beliau sempat menyentuh tentang gempa bumi dan kerosakan yang dideritai oleh saudara seagama di wilayah Azerbaijan Timur dengan menyifatkannya sebagai peristiwa pahit dan musibah berat dengan mengatakan, "Semua orang amat berdukacita."
"Usaha perlu diteruskan supaya tanggungjawab yang lebih berat dan lebih besar terhadap mangsa gempa bumi dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik."
Sambil memuji keperihatinan masyatakat terhadap mangsa gempa bumi, beliau menegaskan, "Rakyat Iran tidak sekali-kali mengabaikan simpati dalam peristiwa seperti ini, hendaklah bantuan dan pertolongan terus disalurkan kepada mangsa gempa bumi."
Beliau berharap usaha-usaha para pegawai bantuan dan pertolongan orang awam dapat menghilangkan kesan peristiwa ini dan penduduk di tempat yang dilanda gempa bumi akan menyaksikan pembinaan dan pembangunan baru.
Ayatullah Musawi Ardebili;
Pesidangan NAM di Tehran sangat penting
Agensi Berita Ahlul Bait ( - Menteri Kebudayaan dan Bimbingan Islam Sayid Muhammad Ridha Husaini telah mengadakan pertemuan dengan Marji' Taqlid Ayatullah Musawi Ardebili kelmarin.
Beliau menceritakan tentang program-program yang telah dilaksanankan oleh kementeriannya.
Ayatullah Ardebili menegaskan persidangan NAM yang akan diadakan di Tehran sangat penting dengan mengatakan, "Dalam situasi yang tertentu, transformasi serantau, sekatan ekonomi terhadap negara lain dan pemulauan Republik Islam Iran di arena antarabangsa oleh Amerika dan pemimpin kuasa angkuh dunia, maka persidangan di Tehran mempunyai banyak kepentingannya dari perspektif politik."
Beliau menerangkan, persidangan NAM ini menunjukkan kestabilan politik dan keutuhan sistem Islam di peringkat dunia. Ia juga memberikan gambaran sebenar tentang Republik Islam Iran kepada penduduk dunia.
Tehran seru negara jiran
Agensi Berita Ahlul Bait ( - Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimin Kazim Siddiqi kelamarin di dalam khutbah Jumaatnya di Teran berkata, "Iran sedang muncul bangkit dan bersinar di mata dunia bagaikan bintang, dan bintang ini memendekkan umur Amerika dan kuasa angkuh dunia selain melemahkannya.
Sadiqi menegaskan, "Kehadiran perwakilan dari 120 negara ke Iran menunjukkan Republik Islam Iran tidak dipencilkan. Bahkan menjadi tumpuan semua bangsa dan hati penuntut kebebasan seluruh dunia tertarik dengannya. Dengan ini, kuasa angkuh dunia akan musnah secepat mungkin.
Mengenai perkembangan Bahrain beliau mengatakan, "Di Bahrain, masyarakatnya masih berjuang melawan dan percaya akan menang setelah dua tahun mereka bertahan. Bahkan mereka tetap bangkit di Hari al-Quds meskipun regim Al Khalifah melakukan jenayah dan badan dunia berdiam diri."
Khatib solat Jumaat ini berkata, "Serangan bom dan pembunuhan di negara Iraq termasuklah di perkampungan yang mengadap Syria sebenarnya sudah dirancangan. Namun kita lihat kerajaan dan askar Syria berdiri teguh dengan sokongan kuat daripada rakyatnya dalam menghadapi pengganas."
NAM Summit Will Discuss Comprehensive Syria Peace Plan
By Farzaneh Shokri
Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said Iran will present a comprehensive peace plan for Syria at the upcoming NAM Summit in Tehran. Speaking in a press conference on Saturday he added that consultations will be held with countries which are in consensus with Iran on the issue. He further said the participants at the 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Tehran will visit Iran’s nuclear sites on the sidelines of the meeting, noting that the Natanz nuclear facility will be one of the sites scheduled for the visits. Mehmanparast said 120 NAM member states will attend the Tehran Summit at various levels. “50 countries will participate in the highest level including 27 presidents, 2 kings, 7 prime ministers, 9 vice presidents, 2 parliament speakers and 5 presidential special envoys.” He noted that the summit will kick off in Tehran on Sunday, August 26 and will run until August 31. The spokesman stated that Syria will be represented at the meeting by the foreign minister and another official of higher ranks. “A representative from Russia’s foreign ministry will also take part in the summit.”
Agensi Berita Ahlul Bait ( - Mesyuarat pegawai kanan persidangan ke-16 NAM pagi ini akan rasmikan dengan ucapan Menteri Luar Iran, Ali Akbar Solehi di dewan pameran antarabangsa Seda-ye-Sima.
Mesyuarat ini akan berlangsung selama 2 hari.
Mesyuarat menteri luar akan berlangsung pada hari ke-tujuh dan ke-lapan sementara persidangan pemimpin-pemimpin akan diadakan pada hari ke-9 dan ke-10 dengan kehadiran wakil 120 negara di Tehran.
Republik Islam Iran menjadi tuan rumah untuk sidang kemuncak ke-16 pemimpin negara NAM.
Tetamu NAM mungkin akan melawat pusat nuklear Iran
Timbalan menteri luar India memaklumkan hasrat negaranya berunding dengan Iran dan Afghanistan dalam kesempatan persidangan NAM.
Agensi Berita Ahlul Bait ( - Salah seorang pegawai kerajaan India berkata, "Iran, India dan Afghanistan sedang berbincang tentang menaik taraf pencapaian saliran air di Afghanistan dan usaha diplomatik Iran untuk memperbanyakkan bekerjasama dengan negara-negara serantau.
Setiausaha luar India Ranjan Mathay berkata, "Pegawai kanan tiga negara telah berbincang bersama-sama pada hari Sabtu ketika menjelang persidangan NAM di Tehran mengenai jalan, landasan dialog dan diskusi, serta komunikasi bagaimana meluaskan jalan-jalan di perlabuhan-perlabuhan Tenggara Iran dan Afghanistan."
Beliau berkata, "Kesepakatan ini membuka jalan India ke Afghanistan tanpa kehadiran saingan lama negara ini, iaitu Pakistan."
Beliau menerangkan bahawa Manmohan Singh akan menghadiri persidangan di Tehran dan ingin bertemu dengan Ayatullah Sayid Ali Khamenei dan mengadakan pertemuan dengan pegawai diplomatik Iran.
Berasaskan laporan ini, hubungan erat India dan Iran berkemungkinan akan membangkitkan reaksi Amerika yang sedang berusaha menyingkirkan Iran dari masyarakat antarabangsa.
Persidangan ke-16 pemimpin NAM akan berlangsung di Tehran bermula dari 16 sehingga 31 Ogos.
Agensi Berita Ahlul Bait ( - Pegawai hal ehwal politik Ali Asghar Geranmayeh Pur berkata, "Berlangsungnya persidangan ke-16 NAM merupakan peluang keemasan untuk berjuang menghadapi kuasa angkuh dunia dan kewajipan para pemimpin NAM bertambah dua kali ganda."
Beliau menganggap kehadiran para pemimpin lebih 100 negara dari seluruh dunia adalah sangat penting dengan mengatakan, "Resolusi dan keputusan persidangan ini memberikan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap keseimbangan global, terutamanya dalam hak asasi dan harapan kebanyakan golongan yang ditindas di seluruh dunia."
Mantan perwakilan wilayah Kashan, Aran dan Bidgol menegaskan dalam mesyuarat, "Pemimpin politik Amerika termasuklah Zionis dan sebahagian kuncu-kuncunya berusaha habis-habisan untuk melemahkan kelangsungan persidangan di Tehran ini. Namun kehadiran majoriti pemimpin-pemimpin negara anggota, seluruh komplot mereka menemui kegagalan."
Geranmayeh Pur berkata, "Tugas yang dipikul selama tiga tahun dalam persidangan ini telah menyingkirkan seluruh komplot iran-fobia yang dicanang oleh kuasa angkuh."
Persidangan ke-16 para pemimpin pergerakan NAM berlangsung mulai 26 sehingga 31 Ogos ini.
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - “The American-Israeli campaign” against Iran “is not resonating in much of the world,” the daily wrote on Wednesday.
It noted that Ban’s decision “reinforced Iran’s contention that a reordering of powers is underway in the Middle East where Western influence is waning.”
“The 120 countries that are in the Non-Aligned Movement represent the biggest single voting bloc in the 193-member General Assembly at the United Nations,” the daily said.
Earlier in the day, Ban’s spokesman Martin Nesirky announced the secretary-general’s decision to partake in the summit, despite strong opposition from the United States and Israel.
Earlier this month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tried to dissuade the UN chief from attending the NAM summit.
The 16th summit of the NAM member states will be held in the Iranian capital from August 26 to 31, during which the Islamic Republic will assume the rotating presidency of the movement for three years.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei will address the summit.
NAM, an international organization with 120 member states and 21 observer countries, is considered to be not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc.
NAM's purpose, as stated in the Havana Declaration of 1979, is to ensure “the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and security of non-aligned countries.”
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Speaking in the Latvian capital Riga, Germany's top diplomat voiced 'full confidence in the compelling work' of the UN secretary general.
Westerwelle's remarks defending Ban's trip to Iran comes in the wake of intense US and Israeli arm-twisting to cancel plans for such a visit.
On Wednesday, a UN spokesman in New York said Ban would go ahead with the visit, despite pressure from Washington and Tel Aviv.
The UN chief has reportedly made a request to meet Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad on the sidelines of the NAM summit.
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Kim Jung Eun is the North Korean President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly and meanwhile the Ceremonial Affairs Leader of the country, since the late founder of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Il Sung is officially introduced as the eternal president of the DPRK, and his grandson, Kim-Il Sung is today the Supreme Leader of the DPRK.
The official DPRK news agency KCNA, reporting the news early Thursday morning reported that the Ceremonial Head of the country and President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly Kim Jung Eun will attend the 16th Tehran NAM Summit as a sign of DPRK’s good will and in response to the IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s kind invitation.
Democratic Republic of Korea and Islamic Republic of Iran are both under international sanctions due to their governments’ nuclear programs and both seriously at odds with the United States.
The KCNA also reported that an Iranian delegation visited the DPRK in July, 2012, for political negotiations and consultations on international developments, at the end of whose visit the two sides adopted a shared stand against the western imperialism and its hegemonic approach.
A report that suggested North Korean dictator Kim Jong Eun might travel to Iran lit up the North Korea watch-o-sphere Wednesday.
But it appeared to be a misunderstanding over the role of Kim Yong Nam, the powerful man who has the biggest title in the North’s government and is the second strong man next to the leader from the family of Kim-Il Sung.
The German news agency DPA, citing an Iranian news website Tabnak, got the report going around the word that Kim Jong Eun would be attending the Non-Aligned Movement summit next week in Tehran.
North Korea routinely sends Kim Yong Nam, the 84-year-old president of the Supreme People’s Assembly Presidium, overseas to meet important people.
He went to the last Non-Aligned Movement Summit, which was in Egypt in 2009, and he traveled to Laos and Vietnam earlier this month.
South Korea’s embassy in Tehran, Yonhap reported, learned late Wednesday that Iranian officials said Kim Jong Eun was not going to be at next week’s summit.
On Thursday morning, North Korea’s news agency announced Kim Yong Nam would go to Tehran to take part in the summit and “pay an official goodwill visit.”
That’s a break with KCNA’s usual practice of waiting to announce the travels of its leaders until they’ve arrived at their destination. For years, it wouldn’t say anything about Kim Jong-Il’s overseas trips until he had returned back home — even when those trips were widely reported by media outside the country. KCNA last year broke with that practice when Kim went to Russia.
By revealing that Kim was out of the country, KCNA found a new story to tell, as embodied in this dispatch from August 22nd, 2011: Officials in various fields and servicepersons of the DPRK are greatly excited to hear the news of leader Kim Jong-Il’s visit to Siberia and the Far East region of the Russian Federation and filled with boundless longing and reverence for him.
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The Lebanese president will pay a visit to Iran on August 29 at the head of a delegation including Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour.
During his stay in Tehran, Suleiman is also scheduled to hold talks with senior Iranian officials including President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Iran's First Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi extended Ahmadinejad’s invitation to his Lebanese counterpart in May to take part in the NAM summit in Tehran.
The 16th summit of the NAM member states will be held on August 26-31 in the Iranian capital during which the Islamic Republic will assume the rotating presidency of the movement for three years.
NAM, an international organization with 120 member states and 21 observer countries, is considered as not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc.
On Wednesday, UN spokesman Martin Nesirky said the United Nation Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will attend the upcoming summit of the movement despite pressures from the US and Israel.
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The summit is extremely important as the West claims Iran has faced international isolation over its nuclear program which Tehran insists is purely for peaceful purposes.
Ebrahim Azizi, the presidential aide, says the NAM summit shows that the “global arrogance’s plots against our country have been futile”.
Azizi told us that “the satanic plots”, which had been engineered by the Zionist regime of Israel and arrogant powers, could not last long.
“At a time that Westerners have intensified sanctions against our country one of the most important and greatest conferences” will be held in Iran as a key country in the Islamic world, he noted.
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Iraqi Ambassador to Tehran Mohammed Majeed al-Sheikh says the forthcoming summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Tehran will be a “golden opportunity” to resolve regional and international issues.
“The Tehran summit can be a center for dialogue among countries to settle the issues in the region by regional nations and governments,” al-Sheikh told IRNA on Saturday. The Iraqi ambassador, whose country will attend the NAM summit at the highest level, added that the region is currently faced with many developments, including the Palestinian issue, stressing the meeting should focus on ways to restore rights of the oppressed Palestinians. Nations are currently awakened and aware of their demands and rights. The 16th NAM summit can play a determining role in further promoting awakening among nations, he pointed out. He cited the existence of nuclear weapons in certain regions as a clear example of discrimination in the world and called on participants at the NAM summit in Tehran to express their resolve to eliminate such weapons across the globe. The 16th summit of the NAM member states will be held in the Iranian capital August 26-31. NAM, an international organization with 120 member states and 21 observer countries, is considered as not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. The heads of 35 NAM member states are scheduled to attend the Tehran summit and more than 100 countries have so far expressed their readiness to participate in the meeting.
ابنا: بروجردى أعرب عن أمله فى أن يعم الأمن كافة إرجاء البلاد، موضحا أن تبادل الزيارات بين المسئولين الإيرانيين والسوريين هو الشكل الطبيعى للعلاقات بين البلدين.
وأكد بروجردى أنه سيلتقى خلال زيارته لسوريا التى تستغرق يومين بالرئيس بشار الأسد، ورئيس مجلس الشعب محمد جهاد اللحام، ونائب رئيس الوزراء، ووزير الخارجية وليد المعلم. والجدير بالذكر أن بروجردى وصل صباح اليوم إلى دمشق على رأس وفد برلمانى يضم عضوى مجلس الشورى الإسلامى جواد جهانجير زاده وناصر عاشورى.
ابنا : افادت صحیفة (المنـــار) المقدسیة أن رئیس السلطة الفلسطینیة محمود عباس رفض طلبا أمریکیا بعدم المشارکة فی قمة دول عدم الانحیاز التی ستعقد نهایة الشهر الجاری فی طهران ،
و سوف یصل الى العاصمة الایرانیة على رأس وفد فلسطینی کبیر فی الثلاثین من شهر آب الجاری لکسب تأیید أعضاء القمة لمصلحة قضیة الشعب الفلسطینی کما سیطرح فی کلمته أمام المؤتمر فی الیوم الاول لانعقاده شرحا تفصیلیا عن الوضع الفلسطینی.
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - "Although NAM has been established a long time ago, and is counted as the second great organization after the UN in the world, the members of the movement have not embarked on establishing a joint bank ", said Ramin Pashaei Fam, a member of the economic working group for NAM summit, and the offering agent of the joint bank initiation.
He added:"the present share of NAM from global GDP comprises less than 15 percent. Establishing the mentioned bank, shall practically increase member states’ quota in the global GDP which, of course, causes a reduction of quota for countries like America. This might bring about oppositions, threats, and problems by those countries." He continued: "In economics, production is a subordinate to investment and human resources. To have production increased; the ratio of investment to working resources must be rational. Although NAM member states have enough working resources, they are in short of the required fund". The managing director of Bank-e- Sepah also quoted:" it is through establishing a joint bank and a monetary unit among the members of the movement that can bring about investment and production." Pashaei said: “there are great economic powers among NAM member states. With regard to high population in some of the member countries as well as the existing consumption market, there is a great opportunity to establish a bank and to increase the gross domestic product. This would decrease America and West’s share of the world economy. Mentioning that NAM bank can equip countries’ resources, he added: “despite the high potentials of NAM member states, these countries are in short supply of financial resources for development; so as to decrease their gap with developed countries.” Explaining that many of the world’s great counties started developing themselves by means of huge bank loans, Pashaei reiterated: “establishing the NAM bank - as a currency-creating, policy-making and money-regulating bank to which agent and trade banks may also join - can lead to the development of these countries”. He said: “if establishing this bank increases the gross domestic products of NAM member states, the level of world production and buying capability of NAM member states would increase as a result. The realization of this event is followed by development of member states and solution of economic crisis of developed countries that are in search of customers for their products.” The managing director of Bank-e-Sepah expressed his hopes that the idea of establishing this bank be approved in the upcoming NAM summit in Iran.
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Currency and gold reservations of countries are two of the most important economic supplies that show a countries’ economic power. Countries count on gold and currency supplies as the backbone of economy, although it is considered less likely these days; NAM news agency reported.
In an analysis of international statistics of gold and currency reservation, we would realize that Asian countries own most of the currency reservations of the world; with china as the top, owning 3236 billion dollar worth reservation of gold and currency. NAM summit is being held in Tehran in a time when we made a comparison, on the basis of currency supplies, between currency and gold reservations of NAM members with US and Europe in order to evaluate their economic powers. NAM member states’ gold and currency supplies are worth more than 2850 billion dollars, comprising more than 25 percent of world’s currency supply. If we do not take china’s 3236 billion dollar worth currency supplies into account, the currency supply of NAM members comprise more than 35 percent of world’s reservations. Currency supply of US and Europe is worth about 2350 billion dollars which is 500 billion dollars less than that of NAM members. Based on this report, the currency reservations of European union and America is worth 1800 billion dollars approximately, which is more than a thousand billion dollars less than NAM reservations.
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Diplomatic circles are looking at Egypt on the eve of the NAM summit. Before it was announced that Morsi would go to Iran, it was expected that Egyptian Vice-President Mahmoud Mekki would represent Egypt at the NAM summit as a demonstration of Egypt’s estrangement from Iran.
Cairo’s relationship with Tehran and what develops from Morsi’s trip to Iran is what all Arabdom, Israel, and the US will be watching carefully. Some analysts are asserting that Egypt’s stance could “make or break” the project to isolate Iran, especially in sectarian terms involving a Shiite-Sunni divide. This is actually wrong, because there is nothing specifically significant that Egypt can do to break or isolate Iran. After all, Cairo and Tehran have essentially had no ties since 1980 and Mubarak was a staunch ally of the US who put Egypt to work with Saudi Arabia and Israel to curve Iranian influence. In the worst case scenario the relationship between the two countries will stay as it was during the Mubarak era. This is not a losing situation for Iran, albeit the situation in Syria has catalyzed the Iranian desire for faster rapprochement. Egyptian-Iranian relations have nowhere to go except upward. The Tahrir (Liberation) Square protests that dethroned Mubarak and helped bring about the elections that brought the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood into power is part of what Iranian officials call an “Islamic Awakening” in contrast to an “Arab Spring.” Iran did not hide its belief either that Egypt and it could eventually form a new regional axis after dictator-for-life Mubarak was booted out from power. If there is any man that can make the leap from the conception of an Arab Spring to an Islamic Awakening, at least publicly, it is President Morsi through an alliance with Iran. On August 8, Iran sent Hamid Baqaei to deliver Morsi’s invitation to attend the NAM summit in Tehran. Along the way the international press and pundits gave higher attribution to Baqaei’s governmental rank, because they failed to realize or mention that he was the most senior of eleven junior or assistant vice-presidents and essentially the cabinet minister responsible for the Iranian presidency’s executive affairs. First Vice-President Mohammed-Reza Rahimi, the former governor of the Iranian province of Kurdistan and himself a former junior vice-president, is Iran’s senior vice-president. Regardless, Baqaei’s visit to Cairo as both a presidential envoy and a close presidential aide was important. Iran could have delivered the invitation letter through its interest section in the Swiss Embassy to Egypt or other diplomatic channels, but made a significant gesture by sending Baqaei directly to Egypt. The move made all the countries conspiring against Iran and Syria very anxious. For these anxious countries the NAM get-together in Tehran will be all about Egypt, Iran, and Syria. Are Saudi, Qatari, and IMF moves in Egypt tied to the NAM Summit in Tehran? Both Saudi Arabia and Qatar have offered Egypt their financial aid before Morsi’s visits to Beijing, where he is expected to ask for Chinese help. Aside from the use of Saudi and Qatari aid to shape the way that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood interacts with Iran, the offers of aid from the petro-despots of Doha and Riyadh are part of the Arab competition over influence in Cairo. Morsi is widely seen as Qatar’s man and relations between Riyadh and Cairo have been uneasy for some time. The Saudi Embassy in Cairo was even temporarily closed after Egyptian protests against Saudi Arabia flared up. More importantly, the House of Saud opposed Morsi in support of longstanding Mubarak henchman Ahmed Shafik during the Egyptian presidential elections. In addition, the House of Saud has propped up its own political clients inside Egypt against the Muslim Brotherhood. The House of Saud’s Egyptian clients, the Nour Party and the their parliamentary coalition called the Alliance for Egypt (Islamic Bloc), trailed in second place behind the Muslim Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition, the Democratic Alliance. Despite the fact that Doha and Riyadh are both serving US interests, the two sheikhdoms have a rivalry with one another. This Qatari-Saudi rivalry picked up again after a brief pause that saw both sides invade the island-kingdom of Bahrain to support the Khalifa regime and to work together against the governments of Libya and Syria. The Saud and Al-Thani rivalry has seen both sides supporting different armed groups in Libya and competing anti-government forces during the so-called Arab Spring (or Islamic Awakening in Tehran). The elections in Egypt, where Doha and Riyadh supported different sides, just added fuel to Qatari-Saudi fire. Qatar’s Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani has made it a point to support the Muslim Brotherhood almost wherever they are as a means of expanding Qatari influence. Just days after the ousting of Mubarak, Qatar’s Al Jazeera showed great foresight when it launched Al Jazeera Mubasher Misr, a news channel dedicated exclusively to Egypt. While Qatar and its media have put their weight behind the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia and its media have not. This has also been the reason that the Saudi-controlled media, like Al Arabiya, has continued to level criticisms against President Morsi even after the elections in Egypt. To alleviate the House of Saud’s tensions with Egypt, Morsi made his first foreign trip as president to Saudi Arabia. Aside from favorable news coverage, it is also widely believed that Qatar helped finance the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt during elections. In addition, Qatari investments in Egypt grew by 74% according to figures released by the Egyptian Central Bank in July 2012. On August 11, Emir Al-Thani and a Qatari delegation also travelled to Egypt for a one-day visit with Morsi. The next day, on August 12, Morsi politely dismissed or “retired” Field Marshal Tantawi, the head of the Egyptian Armed Forces, and Sami Anan, the Egyptian Armed Forces chief of staff and Tantawi’s number two. After Al-Thani’s visit, rumors also began to circulate in Egypt that the Muslim Brotherhood was planning to lease the Suez Canal to Emir Al-Thani, which was denied by Morsi and his presidential staff. An outcome of Emir Al-Thani’s Egyptian visit was that it was announced that Qatar gave Cairo two billion dollars (US). In reality, the Qataris only gave Egypt 500 million dollars (US) and said that the remainder will be given in installments, which will start after the NAM summit in Tehran. Does the payment schedule say anything? The timing of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) visit to Cairo to negotiate a loan on the eve of the NAM summit in Tehran is also suspicious. After a year of uncertainty and begging, Qatar and the IMF have opened their pockets to the Egyptians (although Qatar sent some money earlier). The Libyan Transitional Council government has even offered to pitch in financially, even when its own coffers are in disarray as a result of the NATO war on Libya and the looting of Libya’s treasury and assets by the Atlanticists with the help of US neoliberal economist turned Libyan “minister of oil and finance” Ali Tarhouni. As for the House of Saud everyone understands that their terms for financial aid to Egypt include the continuation of anti-Iranian policies in Cairo. Everyone will be Watching Morsi in Tehran Readings on Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, which govern under the banner of the Freedom and Justice Party, vary. On the one hand the Egyptian government has maintained the closure of the borders with the Palestinians in Gaza. It has also pledged to honor its international treaties, a sly reference to its peace treaty with Israel that seeks to avoid mentioning Israel and prevent a media fuss. On the other hand, Morsi made positive gestures to Tehran at Mecca’s emergency Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit about forming an Ankara-Cairo-Riyadh-Tehran contact group to discuss the Syrian crisis and has said he wants amendments to be made to the Egyptian peace treaty with Israel. Like most politicians, Morsi has watered-down his election promises. He has had to walk a fine line surrounded by enemies and competitors alike while he has worked to slowly accumulate power. When he was elected there was a delay in announcing the outcome of the Egyptian election. Field Marshal Tantawi and the Egyptian military junta were taking their time to think over on deciding whether to keep Morsi as a president or to impose a new round of martial law while forcibly installing their fellow general Ahmed Shafik as the country’s civilian president. Morsi is at odds with Egypt’s military commanders who are the longstanding allies of Israel and the US, as well as allies of the House of Saud. Aside from retiring the two most important members of the Egyptian military junta, Morsi has also reversed the Egyptian military’s decisions to subordinate his presidency and amend the post-Mubarak constitution of Egypt. This power play has been widely described as a pre-emptive counter-coup against the Egyptian military junta. Doha may have supported the move to make sure that its Muslim Brotherhood racehorse stays in power, as opposed to the Saudi’s Egyptian military and Nour Party racehorses. Whether the counter-coup was a move made in the context of Qatari-Saudi rivalries or strictly a move to attain political freedom for Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood is a ten million Qatari riyal question. Looking East Policy Shift in Cairo? Where Morsi’s foreign policy is going after the NAM conference in Tehran is the other important question. Where he stands will begin to crystallize from the NAM meeting onwards. The fear of rapprochement between Iran and Egypt certainly keeps a lot of people up at night in Riyadh, Tel Aviv, London, and Washington, DC. Everyone is waiting to see what Cairo and Tehran will do and for many the expectations of rapprochement are running high, but the leverage and restrictions that exist over Morsi should not be forgotten either. Although there is far less fanfare and attention being paid to Morsi’s trip to China, what he does there will also be very important. Some say he plans on slowly shifting Cairo’s foreign policy away from the Atlanticist camp, with Washington as its capital, towards the Eurasianist camp that includes China and Iran. Certainly Chinese foreign aid will reduce Egyptian dependency on the Atlanticists and their Arab petro-monarch partners. What we are dealing with here is an intricate web of multiple relations between different groups who are interacting with one another in different ways and through changing relationships.
به گزارش خبرگزاری اهلبیت(ع) ـ ابنا ـ شانزدهمین اجلاس سران عدم تعهد فردا در سطح کارشناسی و با سخنرانی «علی اکبر صالحی» وزیر امور خارجه جمهوری اسلامی ایران فعالیت خود را آغاز خواهد کرد.
در روز سه شنبه یعنی در اجلاس وزیران خارجه جنبش عدم تعهد محمد کمال عمروا، وزیر امور خارجه مصر به عنوان رئیس دور پانزدهم اجلاس سخنران مقدماتی است و گزارشی از دوره ریاست مصر بر این اجلاس ارائه خواهد کرد.
سپس رئیس نشست وزیران انتخاب و در ادامه صالحی وزیر امور خارجه ایران به سخنرانی در اجلاس خواهد پرداخت.
بر اساس این گزارش در سطح سران اجلاس عدم تعهد نیز که در روزهای 9 و 10 شهریور ماه برگزار خواهد شد ،بعد از انجام مراسم افتتاحیه و استماع سخنان سخنران مراسم افتتاحیه، محمد مرسی رئیس جمهور مصر سخنرانی می کند و گزارشی از فعالیت های دوره سه ساله ریاست مصر بر نم از سال 2009 تا 2012 را ارائه خواهد کرد.
پس از سخنرانی مرسی ریاست دوره ای اجلاس عدم تعهد در مراسمی از مرسی رئیس جمهور مصر به محمود احمدی نژاد رئیس جمهور ایران منتقل خواهد شد و در ادامه این مراسم نیز رئیس جمهور کشورمان سخنرانی خواهد کرد.
شانزدهمین اجلاس عدم تعهد در سطح کارشناسی و وزرای خارجه در سالن همایش های صدا و سیمای تهران و دو روز اجلاس سران عدم تعهد نیز در محل اجلاس سران برگزارخواهد شد.
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