سردار سلامی:
ناوهای هواپیمابر آمریکا آهن پارهای بیش نیستند
به گزارش خبرگزاری اهلبیت(ع) ـ ابنا ـ «سردار حسین سلامی» جانشین فرمانده کل سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی در آیین اختتامیه همایش فرماندهان و مسئولین نیروی دریایی سپاه که در مشهد برگزار شد با اشاره به هویت، نقش و جایگاه سپاه، این نهاد انقلابی را یک حقیقت و ماهیت اصیل دانست و اظهار داشت: پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی از بزرگی ناوهای هواپیمابر و غرش موشکهای آمریکا و دشمنان فرامنطقهای هرگز ترسی به دل راه ندادهاند و این تجهیزات در نگاه آنان آهنپارهای بیش نیست.
سردار سلامی تشکیل سپاه و بسیج را معجزه ذهنی امام خمینی(ره) دانست و تصریح کرد: سپاه و بسیج پژواک نور حق و الهامی الهی در اندیشه امام(ره) بودند که با تشکیل آن نسخه راههای غلبه کفار بر مسلمین پیچیده شد.
جانشین فرمانده کل سپاه خاطرنشان کرد: شاید در هزاره اخیر تنها کسی که از هیبت امپراتوریها نترسید و به آنها حمله کرد و قدرت جدیدی به نام جهان اسلام را احیا کرد امام خمینی (ره) بود.
وی افزود: شجاعت، خردوَرزی و حکمت بی نظیر مقام معظم رهبری(مدظلهالعالی) توانست این مسیر را هموار ساخته و امروز جهان اسلام شکل بگیرد.
جانشین فرمانده کل سپاه با بیان اینکه نظام موازنه قوای جهانی امروز دچار تغییر شده است، گفت: تا قبل از این مسلمانان در گورستان جهالت مدرن دفن شده بودند اما انقلاب اسلامی آنها را احیا کرد و امروز مسلمانان به یک قدرت جهانی تبدیل شدند.
جانشین فرمانده کل سپاه اذعان داشت: فرقی نمی کند که 1400 سال پیش برای دفاع از اسلام و دین خدا شمشیر بزنیم یا اینکه امروز برای دفاع از اسلام موشک بزنیم، این نبرد ادامه خواهد یافت به این دلیل که به ماهیت متضاد سرشت حق و باطل مربوط میشود و دشمنان دست از سر ما برنمیدارند مگر اینکه دست از دینمان برداریم.
سردار سلامی در ادامه اظهار داشت: اینکه ما عصر امام راحل و مقام معظم رهبری(مدظلهالعالی) را درک میکنیم و از این چشمهسار معنویت بهرهمند میشویم و از وی دستور میگیریم افتخاری بسیار بزرگ است.
وی با بیان اینکه جنگ ما به نقطه سرنوشتساز و حساسی رسیده است گفت: نبرد ما با دشمنان در تمامی ابعاد مقیاسی جهانی یافته و این بیسابقه است که کشوری به تنهایی با تمامی ابرقدرتهای عالم جنگیده دوام بیاورد و به لنگرگاه امنیت عالم تبدیل شود.
سردار سلامی اذعان داشت: ترکیب تیمهای مذاکره کننده 1+5 در برابر ایران، آرایش قدرت جهانی را به نمایش میگذارد و تیم مسلمان متکی بر خدا انفعال کشورهای اروپایی را برانگیخته تا جایی که آنان حرفی برای گفتن و عملی برای انجام ندارند.
سردار سلامی گفت: پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی از بزرگی ناوهای هواپیمابر آمریکا و دشمنان فرامنطقهای هرگز ترسی به دل راه نداده و این تجهیزات در نگاه آنان، آهنپارهای بیش نیست.
وی با اشاره به تحریمهای ایجاد شده در عرصه اقتصادی ایران اظهار داشت: مقیاس جنگ اقتصادی ما جهانی است و هیچ کشوری را در طول تاریخ نمیتوان یافت که در محاصره اقتصادی همه دنیا قرار گیرد و تمام شاهراههای ارتباطی مالی دنیا به رویش بسته باشد.
سردار سلامی در ادمه گفت: علی رغم تمامی این تهدیدات، ایران اسلامی هر روز برگی جدید از نوآوریها ،خلاقیتها و فتح قلههای جدید را رقم میزند و مستکبرین دیگر قدرت مهار انقلاب و نظام مقدس جمهوری اسلامی ایران را ندارند.
جانشین فرمانده کل سپاه تقابل ایران در عرصه فرهنگی، نظامی و امنیتی را نیز دارای مقیاسی عمیق و جهانی توصیف و تصریح کرد: امروز نظام مقدس جمهوری اسلامی ایران به رغم تمامی این فشارها با رهبری مقتدر، حکیم و الهی، ملتی بصیر و ولایتمدار و نیروهای مسلح هوشیار ایستادگی کرده و از آرمانهای خود دفاع میکند.
سردار سلامی افزود: سپاه نهادی ولایی ، شمشیر بُرّای ولایت و دژ مستحکم نظام است که با حرکتی انقلابی در صدد پیچیدن طومار تصور و تجسم دشمن نیز برمیآید.
وی همچنین دشمن شناسی را از خصوصیات ذهنی سپاه عنوان و تاکید کرد: این نهاد انقلابی باید به صورت مداوم دشمنان داخلی و خارجی خود را شناخته و با ابتکار و خلاقیت نگذارند دشمن تصویر ثابتی از آنها را تجسم کند.
حاملات الطائرات الامیركیة لیست سوى كتل من حدید الخردة
ابنا: اشار العمید سلامي الى اقتدار القوة البحریة وقال، انتم الوحیدون الذین اثبتم قدرتكم وعزمكم وارادتكم الراسخة فی التحرك بالقرب من السفن الحربیة الامیركیة ورفعتم رایة الاسلام واطلقتم صرخة التحدی لهم، وهم یحترمون هذا الاقتدار والهیبة.
واشار العمید سلامي الى العقوبات الاقتصادیة المفروضة من قبل امیركا والغرب ضد الجمهوریة الاسلامیة الایرانیة واضاف، ان حربنا الاقتصادیة الیوم عالمیة المقاس ولا تجدون دولة على مر التاریخ تعرضت للحصار الاقتصادی من العالم كله واغلقت امامها جمیع الطرق المالیة الرئیسیة الى العالم.
واضاف، انه رغم كل هذه التهدیدات فان ایران الاسلامیة تسجل كل یوم صفحة جدیدة من الابداعات والابتكارات وتسلق القمم الجدیدة ولا قدرة للمستكبرین بعد الان في احتواء الثورة والجمهوریة الاسلامیة الایرانیة.
واوضح نائب القائد العام للحرس الثوري بان حربنا الیوم وصلت الى نقطة حاسمة وحساسة وقال، ان حربنا مع الاعداء قد اخذت مقاسا عالمیا في جمیع الابعاد، وهو امر لا سابق له بان تواجه القوى الكبرى كلها فی العالم دولة لوحدها وتستمر هذه الدولة فى مسارها وتتحول الى مرفأ لأمن العالم.
وقال، ان ایران الاسلامیة وقفت وقاومت لوحدها امام عالم الاستكبار لتصبح انموذجا للعالم الاسلامي.
واضاف العمید سلامي، ان جمیع القوى الكبرى في العالم ورغم الخلافات الصارخة فیما بینها في الكثیر من الحالات والقضایا الا انها متفقة في الراي على قضیة مواجهة الثورة الاسلامیة والجمهوریة الاسلامیة في ایران.
TV Al-Hijrah, stop breeding disunity among Muslims
S.M. Mohamed Idris / Citizens International, | 18 July 2012 |
Your television channel Al Hijrah is a popular one with a large number of viewers. The attitudes, understanding, views and actions of those who watch your programmes are bound to be influenced by them. Therefore, as operators of an Islamic channel, you have a great responsibility to exercise extreme care
in the message the channel conveys to the viewers so that it does
not violate the Qur’anic teaching to enjoin the good and forbid the
Al Hijrah, in its mission and vision statement, has pledged to be a
broadcaster with a mission to educate, entertain and unite the
Ummah through creative and quality broadcasts based on Islam
suitable for local and international society.
Given this noble mission, it came as a shock to us to learn that
recently Al Hijrah broadcast a panel discussion in which the panellists
, considered as Islamic scholars, made baseless allegations against
Shi’ahs which would only serve to create disunity and hatred in the
Muslim Ummah.
They accused the Shi’ahs of plotting together with Jews, regarding
Sunni Muslims as dogs, practising deception, and other highly
inflammatory allegations which would instigate Sunni Muslims to
hate their Shi’ah brothers and sisters. Such provocative statements
are clearly in violation of Allah’s commandment:
And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out
for you) and be not divided among your selves... [Surah Al Imran
TV broadcasts demonising Shi’as undermine the initiatives being
taken to promote greater understanding between them and us,
Sunnis, in order to strengthen Islamic unity in accordance with the
teachings of the Qur’an.
In July 2005, based on the fatwas provided by 24 of the most
senior religious scholars (who included the Shaykh Al-Azhar,
Ayatollah Sistani and Sheikh Qaradawi), King Abdullah II of
Jordan convened an international Islamic conference of 200
of the world's leading Islamic scholars from 50 countries
and they issued the following ruling:
• Whosoever is an adherent to one of the four Sunni schools
(Mathahib) of Islamic jurisprudence {Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i
and Hanbali), the two Shi'i schools of Islamic jurisprudence
(Ja'fari and Zaydi), the Ibadi school of Islamic jurisprudence
and the Thahiri school of Islamic jurisprudence, is a Muslim.
Declaring that person an apostate is impossible and impermissible.
• There exists more in common between the various
schools of Islamic jurisprudence than there is difference
between them. The adherents to the eight schools of Islamic
jurisprudence are in agreement as regards the basic principles
of Islam.
• All believe in Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He, the One and
the Unique; that the Noble Qur'an is the Revealed Word of
God preserved and protected by God, Exalted be He,
from any change or aberration; and that our master Muhammad,
may blessings and peace be upon him, is a Prophet and
Messenger unto all mankind.
• All are in agreement about the five pillars of Islam: the
two testaments of faith (shahadatayn); the ritual prayer
(salah); almsgiving (zakat); fasting the month of Ramadan,
and the Hajj. All are also in agreement about the foundations
of belief: belief in Allah, His angels, His scriptures, His messengers,
and in the Day of Judgment, in Divine Providence in good and in
• Disagreements between the 'ulama (scholars) of the eight
schools of Islamic jurisprudence are only with respect to the
ancillary branches of religion (furu) and some fundamentals
(usul) [of the religion of Islam]. Disagreement with
respect to the ancillary branches of religion (furu) is a mercy.
Long ago it was said that variance in opinion among the
'ulama (scholars) "is a mercy".
The ruling was unanimously adopted at the Organization of
the Islamic Cooperation Summit at Makkah in December
2005 and by six other international Islamic scholarly
assemblies, culminating with the International Islamic
Fiqh Academy of Jeddah in July 2006. In total, over
500 leading Muslim scholars worldwide have unanimously
endorsed the ruling and the Amman Message. [Visit the
Official Website of the Amman Message for a detailed
list of endorsers of the ruling].
Resolution 152 of the International Islamic Fiqh
Academy, Islam and the One Ummah, and the Schools
of Islamic Jurisprudence, calls for casting aside
disagreements between Muslims, mutual respect for
each other, strengthening the ties of brotherhood, and
not to permit discord and outside interference. It
advocates teaching the fiqh pertaining to Islamic unity
to university and secondary school students. It
recommends that relevant authorities in Islamic
countries take steps to prevent the printing,
distribution and circulation of publications that
deepen division in the Ummah.
Resolution 152 warns against blaming any
of the eight schools of Islamic Jurisprudence for
the mistaken actions of extremists such as
killing of innocents, dishonouring the honourable
and seizure of property. There are extremist
elements among both Shi’as and Sunnis who, in
some countries resort to violence, sometimes
even inside mosques. Such elements must be
exposed and isolated as they breed disunity
among Muslims and defame Islam. Dialogue
between Shi’ahs and Sunnis must be promoted
and encouraged, and differences discussed in an
environment of brotherhood.
Imam Khomeini cautioned Syi’ahs going on Hajj
against separating themselves from other
Muslims. He advised the pilgrims: “Iranian
brothers and Shiites of other countries are
required to avoid all ignorant actions, which
might be a cause of separation within the lines
of Muslims. They are also required to attend
the gatherings of Sunnis and avoid attending
and forming prayers in houses or setting up
loud speakers to oppose them. They must
avoid genuflecting on the holy tombs and
doing whatever is not in consistent with the
sacred law at all cost.”
We need to be aware that sectarian conflicts
are being promoted by the Western powers
who want to impose their hegemony on Muslim
societies and control the resources in Muslim
states. Divide and Rule has been their policy
since the end of the First World War. They
deceived the Arab rulers into supporting their
war against the Uthmania Caliphate by promising
independence for the Arab lands, but, after defeating
the Turks, Britain and France divided the territory
between them and created Israel and Saudi Arabia.
We see a replay of the same policy in Iraq, Lebanon
and Pakistan.
Imperialist forces are working to partition these states
along sectarian or tribal lines; instigating ‘moderate’
Arab states to join with the United States and
Israel to destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in
Palestine and bring about regime change in Iran.
Regrettably some ulamas have allowed themselves
to be used as tools by imperialists and despots
for creating disunity among Muslims.
We should heed the warning given by Imam Khomeini
more than 25 years ago: “The filthy hands which
aggravate the differences between the Shi’ites
and Sunni Muslims belong neither to the Shi’ites nor
the Sunnis. They are the hands of the colonialists
which plan to take the Islamic countries out of our
hands. The colonial powers who want to plunder
our wealth through various schemes and conspiracies
are the ones who hatch plots for creating division
under the pretext of Shi’ism or Sunnism.”
We appeal to you to play a proactive role in
promoting unity among Muslims and to give
wide publicity to the Amman Message and
Resolution 152 of the International Islamic Fiqh
Academy. You should also produce programmes
on the historical roots of the challenges facing
Muslims particularly the Western balkanisation
and colonisation of the Arabian Peninsula after
World War I. We recommend that your programme
producers study The Unmaking of the Middle East
by Jeremy Salt and The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
by Ilan Pappe and produce programmes based on them.
We attach the following documents for your information
and distribution to your programme producers:
1. The Amman Message
2. Resolution 152 of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy
3 Ahmed Deedat on Iran: A nation Reborn
4. Qaradawi and Shia-Sunni dialogue
We trust you will give due consideration to our comments
and suggestions which are intended to make Al Hijrah a truly
Islamic TV channel.
* The writer is chairman of Muslim advocacy group Citizens
International, Penang.
in the message the channel conveys to the viewers so that it does
not violate the Qur’anic teaching to enjoin the good and forbid the
Al Hijrah, in its mission and vision statement, has pledged to be a
broadcaster with a mission to educate, entertain and unite the
Ummah through creative and quality broadcasts based on Islam
suitable for local and international society.
Given this noble mission, it came as a shock to us to learn that
recently Al Hijrah broadcast a panel discussion in which the panellists
, considered as Islamic scholars, made baseless allegations against
Shi’ahs which would only serve to create disunity and hatred in the
Muslim Ummah.
They accused the Shi’ahs of plotting together with Jews, regarding
Sunni Muslims as dogs, practising deception, and other highly
inflammatory allegations which would instigate Sunni Muslims to
hate their Shi’ah brothers and sisters. Such provocative statements
are clearly in violation of Allah’s commandment:
And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out
for you) and be not divided among your selves... [Surah Al Imran
TV broadcasts demonising Shi’as undermine the initiatives being
taken to promote greater understanding between them and us,
Sunnis, in order to strengthen Islamic unity in accordance with the
teachings of the Qur’an.
In July 2005, based on the fatwas provided by 24 of the most
senior religious scholars (who included the Shaykh Al-Azhar,
Ayatollah Sistani and Sheikh Qaradawi), King Abdullah II of
Jordan convened an international Islamic conference of 200
of the world's leading Islamic scholars from 50 countries
and they issued the following ruling:
• Whosoever is an adherent to one of the four Sunni schools
(Mathahib) of Islamic jurisprudence {Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i
and Hanbali), the two Shi'i schools of Islamic jurisprudence
(Ja'fari and Zaydi), the Ibadi school of Islamic jurisprudence
and the Thahiri school of Islamic jurisprudence, is a Muslim.
Declaring that person an apostate is impossible and impermissible.
• There exists more in common between the various
schools of Islamic jurisprudence than there is difference
between them. The adherents to the eight schools of Islamic
jurisprudence are in agreement as regards the basic principles
of Islam.
• All believe in Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He, the One and
the Unique; that the Noble Qur'an is the Revealed Word of
God preserved and protected by God, Exalted be He,
from any change or aberration; and that our master Muhammad,
may blessings and peace be upon him, is a Prophet and
Messenger unto all mankind.
• All are in agreement about the five pillars of Islam: the
two testaments of faith (shahadatayn); the ritual prayer
(salah); almsgiving (zakat); fasting the month of Ramadan,
and the Hajj. All are also in agreement about the foundations
of belief: belief in Allah, His angels, His scriptures, His messengers,
and in the Day of Judgment, in Divine Providence in good and in
• Disagreements between the 'ulama (scholars) of the eight
schools of Islamic jurisprudence are only with respect to the
ancillary branches of religion (furu) and some fundamentals
(usul) [of the religion of Islam]. Disagreement with
respect to the ancillary branches of religion (furu) is a mercy.
Long ago it was said that variance in opinion among the
'ulama (scholars) "is a mercy".
The ruling was unanimously adopted at the Organization of
the Islamic Cooperation Summit at Makkah in December
2005 and by six other international Islamic scholarly
assemblies, culminating with the International Islamic
Fiqh Academy of Jeddah in July 2006. In total, over
500 leading Muslim scholars worldwide have unanimously
endorsed the ruling and the Amman Message. [Visit the
Official Website of the Amman Message for a detailed
list of endorsers of the ruling].
Resolution 152 of the International Islamic Fiqh
Academy, Islam and the One Ummah, and the Schools
of Islamic Jurisprudence, calls for casting aside
disagreements between Muslims, mutual respect for
each other, strengthening the ties of brotherhood, and
not to permit discord and outside interference. It
advocates teaching the fiqh pertaining to Islamic unity
to university and secondary school students. It
recommends that relevant authorities in Islamic
countries take steps to prevent the printing,
distribution and circulation of publications that
deepen division in the Ummah.
Resolution 152 warns against blaming any
of the eight schools of Islamic Jurisprudence for
the mistaken actions of extremists such as
killing of innocents, dishonouring the honourable
and seizure of property. There are extremist
elements among both Shi’as and Sunnis who, in
some countries resort to violence, sometimes
even inside mosques. Such elements must be
exposed and isolated as they breed disunity
among Muslims and defame Islam. Dialogue
between Shi’ahs and Sunnis must be promoted
and encouraged, and differences discussed in an
environment of brotherhood.
Imam Khomeini cautioned Syi’ahs going on Hajj
against separating themselves from other
Muslims. He advised the pilgrims: “Iranian
brothers and Shiites of other countries are
required to avoid all ignorant actions, which
might be a cause of separation within the lines
of Muslims. They are also required to attend
the gatherings of Sunnis and avoid attending
and forming prayers in houses or setting up
loud speakers to oppose them. They must
avoid genuflecting on the holy tombs and
doing whatever is not in consistent with the
sacred law at all cost.”
We need to be aware that sectarian conflicts
are being promoted by the Western powers
who want to impose their hegemony on Muslim
societies and control the resources in Muslim
states. Divide and Rule has been their policy
since the end of the First World War. They
deceived the Arab rulers into supporting their
war against the Uthmania Caliphate by promising
independence for the Arab lands, but, after defeating
the Turks, Britain and France divided the territory
between them and created Israel and Saudi Arabia.
We see a replay of the same policy in Iraq, Lebanon
and Pakistan.
Imperialist forces are working to partition these states
along sectarian or tribal lines; instigating ‘moderate’
Arab states to join with the United States and
Israel to destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in
Palestine and bring about regime change in Iran.
Regrettably some ulamas have allowed themselves
to be used as tools by imperialists and despots
for creating disunity among Muslims.
We should heed the warning given by Imam Khomeini
more than 25 years ago: “The filthy hands which
aggravate the differences between the Shi’ites
and Sunni Muslims belong neither to the Shi’ites nor
the Sunnis. They are the hands of the colonialists
which plan to take the Islamic countries out of our
hands. The colonial powers who want to plunder
our wealth through various schemes and conspiracies
are the ones who hatch plots for creating division
under the pretext of Shi’ism or Sunnism.”
We appeal to you to play a proactive role in
promoting unity among Muslims and to give
wide publicity to the Amman Message and
Resolution 152 of the International Islamic Fiqh
Academy. You should also produce programmes
on the historical roots of the challenges facing
Muslims particularly the Western balkanisation
and colonisation of the Arabian Peninsula after
World War I. We recommend that your programme
producers study The Unmaking of the Middle East
by Jeremy Salt and The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
by Ilan Pappe and produce programmes based on them.
We attach the following documents for your information
and distribution to your programme producers:
1. The Amman Message
2. Resolution 152 of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy
3 Ahmed Deedat on Iran: A nation Reborn
4. Qaradawi and Shia-Sunni dialogue
We trust you will give due consideration to our comments
and suggestions which are intended to make Al Hijrah a truly
Islamic TV channel.
* The writer is chairman of Muslim advocacy group Citizens
International, Penang.
به گزارش خبرگزاری اهل بیت(ع) ـ ابنا ـ سید حسن نصرالله دبیر کل حزب ساعت هشت و نیم شب به وقت لبنان به مناسبت سالروز پیروزی مقاومت در جنگ 33 روزه سخنرانی می کند.
وی در این سخنرانی به ابعاد مبارزه با رژیم صهیونیستی و تحولات منطقه و لبنان خواهد پرداخت.
وی در این سخنرانی به ابعاد مبارزه با رژیم صهیونیستی و تحولات منطقه و لبنان خواهد پرداخت.
ReplyDeletesaya berminat tentang syiah...saya nak xramai yg tahu ttg shiah..minta tunjuk ajar