Thursday 19 July 2012


Seyyed Hasan Nasrallah :



‌في أي حرب مقبلة نعد العدو الإسرائيلي بمفاجأة كبيرة
السيد حسن نصر الله»:
في أي حرب مقبلة نعد العدو الإسرائيلي بمفاجأة كبيرة

اكد الامين العام لحزب الله «السيد نصر الله» "اننا نملك عقولا وقلوبا وارادات والعزائم والقدرة على ان نخطط وندير ونقاوم وننتصر في نهاية المطاف مصرحا: ‌في أي حرب مقبلة نعد العدو الإسرائيلي بمفاجأة كبيرة". 

ابنا:‌ تحدث الامين العام لحزب الله «السيد نصر الله» عن وقائع حرب تموز عام 2006 والفشل الذريع الذي مني به الكيان الاسرائيلي فيها، مؤكدا ان "كيان العدو ما زال تحت الصدمة بفعل هزيمة هذه الحرب واننا في اي حرب نعد الاسرائيليين بمفاجأة كبيرة".
وفي كلمة له اليوم بمهرجان حزب الله في الذكرى السنوية السادسة لإنتصار حرب تموز، اضاف السيد نصر الله ان "الإسرائيليين يقيمون محاضرات ويكتبون مقالات ويشارك بها كبار القادة الصهاينة والكل يتحدث عن الهزيمة".
وفي هذا المجال اوضح الامين العام لحزب الله "يكفينا أن يقف رئيس الموساد في زمن الحرب كان يقول لرئيس حكومته في ذلك الوقت اولمرت الحرب كانت كارثة وطنية تلقت فيها اسرائيل ضربة قاسمة".
وتابع السيد نصر الله قائلا ان "الصهاينة كانوا دائما يبحثون عن انجازات وهم يخادعون ويتحدثون عن انجاز كبير ونوعي وعملية حصلت في حرب تموز سمّوها عملية الوزن النوعي".
واضاف ان "الكيان الإسرائيلي قام بعملية يوم الجمعة 14 تموز 2006، اجتمع المجلس الوزاري المصغر وقُدم له طرح والطرح كان انهم جمعوا معلومات دقيقة ومهمة جدا عن جميع منصات صواريخ حزب الله وهذه الصواريخ ايرانية الصنع".
واردف قائلا "يقول وزير الحرب الاسرائيلي حينها، اماكن المنصات في الجنوب كلها محددة وقمنا بعمل استخباري دقيق وحددنا الاحداثيات لمكان وجود هذه المنصات واجرينا مناورات لقصف مشابه".
واضاف "بعد ساعة من المصادقة على العملية قامت اكثر من 40 طائرة حربية بشن الهجوم وضربت اكثر من 40 هدفا وخلال 34 دقيقة كانت العملية انجزت وكل الاهداف المحددة على انها منصات صواريخ فجر 3 وفجر 5 قاموا بتدميرها".
وصرح السيد نصرالله "في اليوم الثاني خرج بيريز وقال إنتصرت إسرائيل وامين عام حزب الله هرب الى دمشق وانا كنت ما زلت في الضاحية كما قال حالوتس دمرنا 60 الى 70% من القدرة الصاروخية لحزب الله".
وتطرق السيد نصر الله الى انجازات المقاومة في حرب تموز وقال ان "المقاومة اكتشف حركة العدو حول منصات الصواريخ المتوسطة المدى والمقاومة مشت معهم في لعبتهم وساعدتهم في جمع المعلومات".
واضاف ان "الانجاز الامني الاول تمثل في ان المقاومة عرفت ان الاسرائيلي يعرف اماكن المنصات فيما كان الانجاز الامني الثاني ان المقاومة استطاعت اخراج المنصات من تلك الاماكن دون ان يشعر الاسرائيلي بذلك".
واكد السيد نصر الله ان "الاغلبية الساحقة من الاماكن التي قُصفت في العملية خالية من منصات الصواريخ، وما حصل ان المنصات خرجت من اماكنها الحقيقة وبدأت بقتالها الذي استمر 33 يوما وكانت جاهزة لتضرب تل أبيب".
وتابع ان "عملية الوزن النوعي التي يتباهى بها سلاح الجو النوعي نسميها عملية الوهم النوعي وعملية الوقوع في خديعة المقاومة".
واكد الامين العام لحزب الله "اننا نملك عقولا وقلوبا وارادات والعزائم والقدرة على ان نخطط وندير ونقاوم وننتصر في نهاية المطاف مصرحا: ‌في أي حرب مقبلة نعد العدو الإسرائيلي بمفاجأة كبيرة".

Hezbollah leader: Hezbollah will surprise Israel in 

any future war

Marking the sixth anniversary of Israel’s war against 

Lebanon in the summer of 2006, Hezbollah says the 

resistance movement will surprise Tel Aviv in any future 


 (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The Lebanese Resistance Movement said it has the capability to be victorious in any future war, Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah stated in a televised speech on Wednesday night.

“Israelis are still suffering from the shock of their defeat in the 33-day war,” Nasrallah said, noting that the Israeli regime is still investigating the reasons behind their defeat in the 2006 war.

"Two hundred and fifty rockets were launched at Israel on the last day of the July war," he said, recalling how the then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert described the defeat as ‘catastrophic’.

Hezbollah's leader took pride in the military achievements of the Lebanese movement, emphasizing that its rockets are capable of hitting targets as far as Haifa and Tel Aviv.

Nasrallah voiced support for the Lebanese army and highlighted the need for national unity within Lebanon as the key to counter the US-Israeli strategy of fomenting sectarian disputes in the country and the region.

“The July [2006] was an Israeli trick,” he pointed out, noting that if Hezbollah had been defeated, Israel would have expanded the war to Syria.

“The second stage of the Israeli attack was aimed at bringing down President Bashar al-Assad’s government,” Nasrallah added, noting that Hezbollah’s victory in Lebanon thwarted this objective and prevented Syria from falling under the US-Israeli scheme.

Hezbollah’s leader blamed the West, headed by the United States, for preventing dialogue on Syria and supporting terrorist activities in the country.

"There is a US-Israeli project against Syria," he stated. “The US and Israel consider Syria as a problem, because Syria is a real supporter of resistance.”

The Lebanese leader also accused the West of heaping pressure on Iran because of its support for the Palestinian cause. He scoffed at the US attempts to undermine Iran's sovereignty, pointing out how all this pressure from the West has strengthened the Islamic Republic. 

Nasrallah: Imam Khamenei’s Remarks Shed Light on Problems of Lebanese Resistance Movement
Nasrallah: Imam Khamenei’s Remarks Shed Light on 

Problems of Lebanese Resistance Movement

Secretary General of the Lebanese Hizbullah Hassan Narallah said on Wednesday that the wise remarks and guidelines of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei shed light on the problems of Lebanese resistance movement. 

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - He made the remarks in a meeting with Iran’s Ambassador to Beirut Ghazanfar Roknabadi on Wednesday.
There is no doubt that the Iranian nation and its supreme Leader had played a significant role in the victory of the Lebanese nation during 33-day war with the Zionist regime, he said.
In the meeting, the Iranian ambassador submitted the written message of Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi dealing with the victory anniversary of 33-day war with the Zionists.
In the message, Salehi congratulated the Lebanese resistance movement on its victory in the 33-day war with the Zionists which brought humiliation for Zionist usurpers.
There is no doubt that the big victory has brought dignity and pride for world Muslims and is regarded as a turning point in the history of Muslims' struggles with the usurper enemy, Salehi said in his message.
Victory is an valuable heritage of late Imam Khomeini and wise leadership of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, he said in the message.
The Lebanese people and teir resistance foiled all plots masterminded by the enemies and gave them an unforgettable lesson that they should never violate the country’s territorial integrity, he said, adding that this victory prepared grounds for the future triumphs of the Lebanese movement.

Diary of Hizbullah Resistance Operations -- July 1997
 Diary of Hizbullah Resistance Operations -- July 


The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of July in 1997... 

Islamic Resistance Performs 78 Operations in July, 1997
The resistance squadrons performed 89 operations in July, 87 operations among which were performed by the Islamic Resistance. The Islamic-Resistance operations actually resulted in the death of an "Israeli" major and the injury of three "Israeli" soldiers, in addition to the death of two Lahd militiamen and the injury of twelve others, the occupation sources acknowledged. On the other hand, two Islamic-Resistance fighters were martyred.
Resistance Strikes Convoy of Lahd's "Battalion 20" Chief, July 2, 1997
Lying in ambush on Heidab-Sidon Route, the Islamic-Resistance fighters machine-gunned the convoy of the Lahd Militia's "Battalion 20" Chief Emile Nasr. However, the ambush was only meant to direct the convoy to another; approximately two hours and a half later, the Resistance fighters blasted the convoy, which had by now reached Haytoura-Dhahr ar-Ramleh Route.
The massive blast actually wounded Agent Nasr as well as three of the senior Lahd officers escorting him. Here below are the agents' résumés offered by the Islamic Resistance:
Emile Yusuf Nasr:
Born in al-Aychieh in 1958
Identity-card number: 62
He held the ranks of battalion chief and marshal. Having undergone several military sessions in the Zionist entity, he was promoted to major general in 1996.
Nasr, the brother of "Battalion 10" Chief Asaad Nasr (also killed in an Islamic-Resistance operation), had escaped several of the Islamic Resistance's attempts to kill him.
Elias Yusuf Moussa:
Born in 1970
Earlier, Moussa joined the Lahd Militia in 1987 and underwent several military sessions. Promoted to the rank of first lieutenant, he was in charge of al-Borj Brigade (205) corresponding to "Battalion 20".
Talid Abdullah Khouri:
Born in Bkessine in 1971
Holding the rank of lieutenant, Khouri was in charge of "Battalion 20" Operation Chamber.
He joined the Lahd Militia in 1988. Promoted afterwards, he served as a trainer in "Camp al-Majidiyeh" and performed several military and security missions.
On the 18th of April, 1994, the Lebanese judiciary issued an arrest warrant claiming Khouri for collaboration with the Zionist entity.
Though neither the Zionists nor the Lahd Militia made an acknowledgement as to the operation first, their sources later acknowledged the fatality of agent Nasr's escort Antoine Elias, the severe wounding of Nasr, and the wounding of agent Moussa and Khouri.
Responding to the turmoil created in Jezzine after the series of executions of Lahd militiamen the Islamic Resistance had performed, Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah confirmed, "Whomever the Resistance blasts is an agent. We do not kill civilians! The Islamic-Resistance fighters do not randomly implant any explosives anywhere in the occupied borderline, but rather they plan really well for the operation, and they do know who the driver and the passengers of the car are.
So we do not mistakenly kill anyone; we know who we kill. We're actually ready to offer enough information on the conduct of the agents killed to anyone doubting this.
I reiterate the Islamic Resistance recognizes every man, woman, and child living in the occupied borderline as precious ones whose safety is ultimately important."
Resistance Commences Katyusha Counterstrike, July 3, 1997
On the 3rd of July, 1997, the Resistance commenced a Katyusha counterstrike against seven Zionist-Lahd sites in the occupied borderline.
Earlier, the enemy had shelled Kfartibnit Town.
Among the sites bombarded with the three sets of Katyusha rockets were al-Abbad Site and ad-Demashkiyeh Site located only several hundreds of meters away from the borders with occupied Palestine.
On the 6th of July, 1997, the Resistance artillerists struck again, launching seven Katyusha rockets in three sets against the Zionist sites of Blat, Birket Reesheh, and az-Zaffata.
Also on the 15th of July, 1997, the Islamic-Resistance artillerists launched several sets of Katyusha rockets against the enemy sites of Birket Reesheh, Blat, and ad-Demashkiyeh, razing them.
A few hours afterwards, the Resistance artillerists launched two sets of Katyusha rockets against the enemy sites of Birket Reesheh and ad-Demashkiyeh.
Operation Sojod, July 6, 1997
Having chivalrously attacked a Zionist force in the surroundings of Sojod Site, the Islamic-Resistance fighters violently clashed with the occupation soldiers. Consequently, the enemy's helicopters combed the combat zone to cover the evacuation of casualties.
Only two hours after the operation, another followed: Having sneaked into Sojod Site from the north side, the Resistance fighters' barrage struck Zionist reinforcements about to enter the site.
A Zionist military spokesman in occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem) acknowledged the operation had killed an "Israeli" major and wounded a Lahd militiaman.
Two Islamic-Resistance Fighters Martyred in July, 1997
Martyr Mohsen Fneish, martyred on July 7, 1997
Martyr Mahmoud Hussein Suleiman, martyred on July 7, 1997

 Diary of Hizbullah Resistance Operations -- August 1997

The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of August in 1997. 

Islamic Resistance Performs 69 Operations in August 1997
This August, the Islamic Resistance performed 69 operations among 91 operations performed by the different resistance squadrons in West Beqaa and the South.
While trying to run away, some Lahd militiamen clashed with the occupation forces; thus, an "Israeli" soldier and two Lahd militiamen were wounded.
Quite overwhelmed, three other "Israeli" soldiers were wounded, too, in two different accidents/incidents.
The operations resulted in the death of 2 "Israeli" soldiers and 2 Lahd militiamen, in addition to the wounding of 14 "Israeli" soldiers, 4 "Israeli" settlers, and 6 Lahd militiamen, the enemy acknowledged.
In contrast, the Islamic-Resistance sources reported 14 had been deceased and 37 had been wounded.
Al-Kfour Confrontation, August 4, 1997
After four "Israeli" helicopters air-dropped a commando force of "the Golani Brigade" near the towns of Charkiyeh, al-Kfour, and Toul, the enemy force progressed to the southwest side of al-Kfour Town. Consequently, the Islamic Resistance confronted the "Israeli" commando force. Using different kinds of machine guns and artillery, the Resistance fighters violently clashed with the force approximately for four hours.
Now that the Resistance fighters' fire had besieged the commando force, some Zionist war planes and helicopters interfered. The Resistance fighters, however, caused the enemy soldiers several casualties and foiled the terrorism operation.
Before withdrawing from the place, the "Israeli" commandoes implanted explosive bombs camouflaged as rocks along the route leading to the southwest side of al-Kfour Town.
And while an Islamic-Resistance group was clearing the operation zone of the explosives, they exploded. Five civilians were wounded, and five Resistance fighters were martyred: Tayseer Hussein Badranne, Muhammad Yusuf Hazimeh, Jaafar Abdul Hassan Dhaher, Hussein Zein Qaseer, and Qassem Jameel Qa'oun.
A Zionist spokesman in occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem) said one of Hizbullah fighters martyred in al-Kfour Town (in the South) had been responsible for the death of 9 "Israeli" soldiers two years earlier.
"The Golani Brigade", to which the commando force aforementioned corresponds, also suffered the death of 9 soldiers in an Islamic-Resistance operation in 1995.
Hizbullah promised the counterstrike was going to be really harsh, and Head of Hizbullah's Office in the South Sheikh Nabil Kaouk iterated, "We shall never stop fighting the occupation."
Another Hizbullah commander declared as well that so many "Israeli" military units had been involved in the operation, which indicated "Israel" had made a serious plot. The commander said the fighters' discovery of the force as well as their barrage foiled the "Israeli" infiltration and forces the commando units to withdraw.
Resistance Commences Artillery Strike against Settlements in North of Occupied Palestine, August 6, 1997
The Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit launched Katyusha rockets against the Zionist sites of Birket Reesheh and Blat in the West Sector of the occupied region.
Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah held a press conference on August 7, 1997, confirming, "Whenever "Israel" assails the civilians, Hizbullah is not bound by "the April Agreement." His Eminence added, ""The April Agreement" is no longer protecting the civilians; hereupon, resorting to other means as to protecting the civilians has become crucial."
Marking the 1st week of the martyrdom of al-Kfour martyrs, Sayyed Nasrallah called the Islamic Resistance, the Lebanese Army, and the people to be fully ready in case of any wide-scaled "Israeli" attacks.
After the enemy had perpetrated a horrible massacre against the civilians of Saida on August 19, 1997, the Islamic Resistance again launched several sets of Katyusha rockets against the settlements of Nahariya, al-Motelleh, and Keryat Shemona as well as their outskirts in the north of occupied Palestine.
The international news agencies reported upon the statement of "Israeli" military sources that two Katyusha-rocket sets, separated only by an hour, were launched against the north of occupied Palestine in the morning.
For its part, the "Israeli" channel reported the settlers of the north of occupied Palestine had rushed to shelters. The channel also said 3 "Israelis" had been wounded in the settlements of Keryat Shemona and Nahariya.
The rockets launched were approximately 40, declared the Islamic-Resistance sources.
Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah iterated, "Having patiently endured the "Israeli" breaches for a year and several months, the Islamic Resistance resorted to this counterstrike, which represented the only way out... "Israel" did breach "the April Agreement". Hereupon, the Islamic Resistance is literally bound to "the April Agreement" as long as it can protect the civilians and the other side is bound to it. Otherwise, the Islamic Resistance is unconcerned with "the April Agreement"."
Resistance Executes Lahd Militiaman Ghassan Suweidan, August 7, 1997
The Islamic Resistance group of al-Kfour martyrs executed the Lahd militiaman Ghassan Suweidan while he was en route to Jezzine.
Before his execution, Sergeant Suweidan worked at Bater-Jezzine Crossing Point, and he would be there daily.
West Sector Confrontations, August 23, 1997
Lying in ambush, the Islamic-resistance fighters opened their fire on a Zionist force in ar-Rahrah in West Beqaa. Violently clashing with the occupation troops, the fighters caused casualties among them.
As the Zionist war planes and helicopters appeared in the operation zone to reinforce the besieged troops, the ground antiaircraft artillery counterattacked the Zionist aircraft, resulting in more losses.
In the meantime, another Islamic-Resistance group attacked an "Israeli" force patrolling between Ramieh and Baseel, several meters away from the Lebanese borders with occupied Palestine.
Other Islamic-Resistance groups as well opened their barrage on a Zionist force in the south of as-Salehani Ranch and another on Mount Abu Nasser Eddine in the outskirts of Sheheen. The Resistance attacked reinforcements arriving in Sheheen, too.
For its part, the Resistance Fire Backup Unit bombarded Blat Site and Zionist reinforcements on as-Salehani-Baseel Route.
At least 5 soldiers were killed and 7 others wounded, and a "Cobra" helicopter was hit, confirmed the Islamic Resistance.
Wadi el-Hjeir, Wadi Slouki Confrontations, August 28, 1997
Again, the Islamic-Resistance fighters, as well as the Amal-Movement groups, harshly struck the occupation forces, performing a series of operations and confrontations in Wadi el-Hjeir and Wadi Slouki. Using machine guns and rocket shells, the fighters clashed with the occupation forces for several hours.
Great reinforcements arrived in the operation zone, and several Zionist helicopters interfered with the battle more than once, trying to evacuate the deceased and wounded soldiers. The enemy forces as well attempted to carry out airdrops, but the fighters foiled them.
Four "Israeli" soldiers were killed and others wounded during the confrontations, confirmed some information.
For its part, the Lahd Militia's "Middle East Channel" reported the casualties were seventeen, adding two "Israeli" soldiers were killed and three others wounded during the Islamic Resistance's confrontations with a Zionist security convoy heading from ar-Rihan Barracks to Bir Kallab Site.
The military correspondent of "the "Israeli" Military Channel" reported, "While on a field activity in the West Sector of "the security line" at noon, an "Israeli" force monitored an Amal-Movement cell. Opening fire on the cell, the "Israeli" group killed four and wounded another...
The strong wind whirling in the clash zone moved the conflagration that had blazed near the "Israeli" force. Besieged by fire, the force suffered the death of 4 soldiers and the injury of 6 others."
Consequently, the "Israeli" Chief of "the Northern Command" Amiram Levin decided to form a committee that would investigate into the incident.
Receiving authorization from the military censorship, the enemy's channel declared the names of three of the deceased "Israelis": First Sergeant Usheri Shevartesh (19 years old), First Sergeant Aurn Zarif (21 years old), and Sergeant Dan Shimon (21 Years old).
Later on, the Amal Movement announced the martyrdom of 4 of its fighters during the confrontations: Ahmad Muhammad Wehbi, Samir Issam Kharroubi, Muhammad Dakhil Qobeissi, and Ali Hussein Ne'mah.
Seven Islamic-Resistance Fighters Martyred in August 1997
Martyr Tayseer Hussein Badranne: martyred by al-Kfour blast on August 4, 1997
Martyr Muhammad Yusuf Hazimeh: martyred by al-Kfour blast on August 4, 1997
Martyr Hussein Zein Qaseer: martyred by al-Kfour blast on August 4, 1997
Martyr Jaafar Abdul Hassan Dhaher: martyred by al-Kfour blast on August 4, 1997
Martyr Qassem Jameel Qa'oun: martyred by al-Kfour blast on August 4, 1997
Martyr Muhammad Merhij Othman: martyred by an "Israeli" airstrike against Janta Hills on August 9, 1997
Martyr Hussein Elias Fakhr Eddine: martyred while confronting the enemy forces along Ramieh-as-Salehani axis on August 23, 1997

TV Hijrah semai perpecahan umat Islam

July 18, 2012
Tangan kotor yang memburukkan perbezaan antara Syiah dan Sunni bukanlah terdiri daripada golongan Syiah dan Sunni.
Oleh S M Mohamed Idris
Saluran Televisyen Al Hijrah merupakan salah satu saluran yang mempunyai ramai bilangan penontonnya. Sikap, pemahaman, pandangan dan tindakan mereka yang menonton rancangan televisyen itu akan dipengaruhi apa yang mereka tonton.
Oleh sebab itu, sebagai pengendali saluran Islam, anda mempunyai tanggungjawab yang besar untuk melaksanakan penelitian yang rapi dalam penyampaian mesej melalui saluran televisyen kepada penonton agar ia tidak melanggar ajaran al Quran yang menuntut kebaikan dan melarang kemungkaran.
Al Hijrah, dalam kenyataan misi dan visinya, telah berjanji untuk menjadi stesen penyiar dengan misi untuk mendidik, menghibur dan menyatukan ummah melalui siaran yang berkualiti dan kreatif berdasarkan ajaran Islam yang sesuai dengan masyarakat tempatan dan antarabangsa.
Memandangkan misi yang suci ini, kami amat terkejut apabila mendapati bahawa TV Al Hijrah menyiarkan suatu diskusi panel di mana ahli panel yang dianggap sebagai sarjana Islam membuat tuduhan tidak berasas terhadap Syiah yang hanya akan menimbulkan perpecahan dan kebencian dalam kalangan umat Islam.
Mereka menuduh Syiah berkomplot bersama Yahudi, menganggap Islam Sunni sebagai anjing, mengamalkan penipuan, dan tuduhan lain yang mengapi-apikan yang boleh menimbulkan kebencian Islam Sunni terhadap saudara Syiah mereka.
Kenyataan provokasi seperti itu jelas melanggar perintah Allah swt: Berpegang teguhlah dengan tali Allah dan janganlah kamu berpecah belah antara kamu… [Surah Al Imran 3:103].

Kutuk Syiah
Siaran TV yang mengutuk Syiah menjejaskan inisiatif yang diambil untuk menggalakkan pemahaman yang lebih luas antara mereka dan kita golongan Sunni dalam usaha untuk menguatkan perpaduan Islam selaras dengan pengajaran al Quran.
Pada Julai 2005, berdasarkan fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh 24 ulama’ kanan (termasuklah Sheikh Al Azhar, Ayatollah Sistani dan Sheikh
Qaradawi), Raja Abdullah II dari Jordan telah menganjurkan satu persidangan Islam antarabangsa yang dihadiri oleh 200 sarjana Islam terkemuka dunia dari 50 negara yang telah mengeluarkan fatwa berikut:
•    Sesiapa sahaja yang patuh kepada salah satu daripada empat Usuluddin Islam mazhab Sunni (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafei dan Hanbali), dua Usuluddin Islam mazhab Syiah (Ja’fari dan Zaydi), Usuluddin Islam mazhab Ibadi dan Usuluddin Islam mazhab Thahiri adalah seorang Islam. Mengisytiharkan seseorang itu sebagai murtad adalah mustahil dan tidak dibenarkan.
•    Terdapat lebih banyak persamaan antara pelbagai mazhab Usuluddin Islam berbanding dengan perbezaan antara mereka. Pengikut lapan mazhab Usuluddin Islam ini bersepakat dalam perkara prinsip asas Islam.
•    Semua percayakan Allah (Tuhan), dimuliakan dan ditinggikan, esa dan unik; al Quran itu suci dan wahyu yang dipelihara dan dilindungi oleh Allah, dimuliakan serta tiada sebarang perubahan dan pindaan; dan Muhammad s.a.w adalah Rasul dan Nabi untuk semua manusia.
•    Semua bersetuju mengenai lima rukun Islam: mengucap dua kalimah syahadah; solat; mengeluarkan zakat; berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan dan menunaikan haji ke Mekah. Semua bersepakat mengenai rukun Iman: percaya kepada Allah, Malaikat, Al Quran, Rasul, Hari Kiamat dan Qada dan Qadar.
•    Ketidaksepakatan antara ulama antara lapan mazhab Usuluddin Islam itu hanya pada cabang agama (furu’) dan beberapa asas (usul) [agama Islam]. Ketidaksepakatan tentang  cabang agama (furu’) adalah satu rahmat. Lama dahulu dikatakan bahawa kepelbagaian pendapat dalam kalangan ulama adalah satu rahmat.
Pelbagaian pendapat satu rahmat
Fatwa itu diterima dengan sebulat suara di sidang kemuncak Pertubuhan Kerjasama Islam di Mekah pada Disember 2005 dan oleh enam perhimpunan ulama’ Islam antarabangsa lain, kemuncaknya dengan Akademi Fekah Islam Antarabangsa yang berpusat di Jeddah pada Julai 2006.
Jumlahnya, lebih 500 ulama’ Islam terkemuka dari seluruh dunia menerima dengan sebulat suara fatwa dan Mesej Amman. [Kunjungi laman sesawang rasmi Mesej Amman (Amman Message) untuk senarai lengkap mereka yang menerima fatwa itu].
Resolusi 152 Akademi Fekah Islam Antarabangsa, Islam dan Satu Ummah, dan mazhab Usuluddin Islam, menyeru supaya diketepikan ketidaksepakatan antara orang Islam, menghormati antara satu sama lain, menguatkan hubungan persaudaraan dan tidak membenarkan perpecahan dan campurtangan luar.
Ia menasihatkan pengajaran fekah berkaitan perpaduan Islam kepada pelajar sekolah menengah dan universiti. Ia menyarankan pihak berkuasa berkaitan di negara Islam mengambil langkah untuk mencegah percetakan, penyebaran dan pengedaran penerbitan yang menambahkan lagi perpecahan ummah.
Resolusi 152 juga menekankan jangan menyalahkan mana-mana lapan mazhab Usuluddin Islam kerana  tindakan yang salah daripada pelampau seperti membunuh mereka yang tidak bersalah, menjatuhkan maruah dan merampas harta mereka. Terdapat elemen pelampau dalam kalangan Syiah dan Sunni yang di beberapa negara menggunakan kekerasan, malah kadangkala di dalam masjid sendiri.
Dialog Sunni-Syiah
Elemen seperti ini perlu didedahkan dan diasingkan kerana ia menyemai perpecahan dalam kalangan umat Islam dan memperburukkan lagi Islam. Dialog antara Syiah dan Sunni mestilah digalakkan dan disuburkan, dan sebarang perbincangan mengenai perbezaan mestilah dibincangkan dalam suasana persaudaraan.
Imam Khomeini berpesan kepada golongan Syiah yang mengerjakan Haji agar tidak mengasingkan diri mereka daripada orang Islam yang lain.
Beliau menasihati jemaah Haji: “Rakyat Iran dan golongan Syiah dari negara lain dikehendaki untuk mengelakkan semua tindakan yang boleh menimbulkan perpecahan sesama umat Islam. Mereka juga perlu menyertai perhimpunan Sunni dan mengelakkan menghadiri atau membentuk solat di rumah atau memasang pembesar suara untuk menentang mereka. Mereka mestilah mengelakkan daripada melutut di makam suci atau melakukan apa sahaja yang tidak selaras dengan undang-undang yang mulia.”
Kita perlu menyedari bahawa konflik mazhab sebenarnya digalakkan oleh kuasa Barat yang mahu mengenakan hegemoni mereka ke atas umat Islam dan mengawal sumber di negara Islam. Pecah dan perintah telah menjadi dasar mereka sejak berakhirnya Perang Dunia Pertama.
Mereka menipu pemerintah Arab supaya menyokong perang mereka terhadap Khilafah Usmaniyah dengan menjanjikan kemerdekaan bagi tanah Arab, tetapi selepas mengalahkan Turki, Britain dan Perancis membahagikan wilayah antara mereka dan menubuhkan Israel dan Arab Saudi.
Kita dapat melihat ulangan dasar yang sama di Iraq, Lebanon dan Pakistan. Kuasa penjajah berusaha untuk memecahkan negara ini melalui mazhab dan suku kaum; menghasut negara Arab ‘sederhana’ menyertai Amerika Syarikat dan Israel bagi memusnahkan Hizbullah di Lebanon, Hamas di Palestin dan melakukan pertukaran rejim di Iran.
Ulama’ alat penjajah
Amat dikesalkan sekali, beberapa ulama’ membenarkan diri mereka digunakan sebagai alat oleh penjajah dan pemerintah-pemerintah bagi mewujudkan perpecahan dalam kalangan umat Islam.
Kita perlu memberi perhatian kepada amaran yang diberikan oleh Imam Khomeini lebih 25 tahun yang lalu: “Tangan kotor yang memburukkan perbezaan antara Syiah dan Sunni bukanlah terdiri daripada golongan Syiah dan Sunni.
Ia merupakan tangan penjajah yang merancang untuk membawa keluar negara Islam daripada tangan kita. Kuasa penjajah yang mahu merampas kekayaan kita melalui pelbagai skim dan konspirasi adalah mereka yang melahirkan rancangan untuk mewujudkan perpecahan di antara fahaman Syiah dan Sunni.”
Kami merayu kepada anda agar memainkan peranan proaktif dalam menggalakkan perpaduan dalam kalangan umat Islam dan memberikan publisiti yang meluas kepada Mesej Amman dan Resolusi 152 Akademi Fekah Islam Antarabangsa.
Anda juga perlu menghasilkan program berhubung sejarah asal cabaran yang dihadapi oleh umat Islam terutama sekali Balkanisasi dan penjajahan Barat di Semenanjung Arab selepas Perang Dunia Pertama.
Kami juga menyarankan supaya penerbit rancangan anda mengkaji The Unmaking of the Middle East oleh Jeremy Salt dan The Ethnic Cleasing of Palestine oleh Ilan Pappe dan menghasilkan rancangan berdasarkan karya itu.
Bersama ini saya sertakan dokumen untuk maklumat anda dan menyebarkannya kepada penerbit rancangan TV Al Hijrah:
  • The Amman Message
  • Resolution 152 of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy
  • Ahmed Deedat on Iran: A nation Reborn
  • Qaradawi and Shia-Sunni dialogue
Kami percaya bahawa anda akan memberikan pertimbangan yang sewajarnya terhadap ulasan dan saranan dengan niat untuk menjadikan Al Hijrah sebagai saluran TV yang benar-benar Islam.
* Komen berbentuk surat ini telah dikirimkan oleh penulis yang juga Pengerusi, Citizens International kepada Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
Al Hijrah Media Corporation, Kompleks Pusat Islam, Jalan Perdana, Kuala Lumpur.  Komen/surat ini dipetik dari harakahdaily.

Read more:

nota: setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada SM Idris,FMT,HARAKAH DAILY.

Tariq Ramadan: Muslims must fight unjust laws

World leading contemporary Islamic philosopher and thinker Prof Tariq Ramadan has offered six principles of governance which break the stereotype that frames Muslim administrations as anti-democratic and anti-human rights.

Tariq Ramadan: Harus tentang undang-undang tak adil
  • Susan Loone
  • 12:37PM Jul 18 2012
Pemikir dan ahli falsafah Islam kontemporari Profesor Tariq Ramadan menggariskan enam prinsip pentadbiran yang perlu dipatuhi kerajaan Islam untuk memecahkan stereotaip yang menggambarkan pentadbiran antidemokratik dan anti-hak asasi.

Dalam syarahan anjuran Penang Institute semalam, Tariq berkata enam prinsip itu ialah kedaulatan undang-undang, kerakyatan yang adil, hak mengundi universal, kebertanggungjawaban, pemisahan kuasa dan etika berpolitik.

Profesor kajian Islam kontemporari di NONEUniversiti Oxford itu berkata, semua rakyat perlu menghormati "perjanjian" di negara mereka yang menetapkan peraturan dalam hubungan mereka seharian.

Orang Islam – seperti juga penganut agama lain di Malaysia – perlu mematuhi undang-undang undang memandangkan mereka telah menerima struktur negara ini, katanya dalam syarahan bertajuk Islam, Demokrasi dan Hak Asasi Manusia: Kebangkitan Dunia Islam.

Bagaimanapun, rakyat perlu berjuang dalam rangka itu untuk menentang undang-undang yang tidak adil, kata Tariq lagi yang menambah, "Dan anda tahu berapa banyak undang-undang yang perlu pembaharuan."

Kenyataannya itu disambut dengan ketawa dan tepukan gemuruh daripada kira-kira 300 orang yang hadir – termasuk daripada pegawai kerajaan, ahli akademik, ahli politik dan aktivis.

Tariq bagaimanapun menjelaskan bahawa sambutan daripada hadirin itu membuatkannya berasa seperti beliau memihak kepada pembangkang, sedangkan beliau tidak bermaksud begitu.

"Saya tidak bersama pembangkang, bukan dari segi politik. Tapi dari segi falsafah, saya katakan sesuatu yang sangat benar, model anda tidak sempurna dan tatalaku anda tidak sempurna," katanya.

from malaysiakini



  1. Dari Indonesia: Berdasarkan hasil sidang Dewan Itsbat Misbah al-Huda ditetapkan bahwa hari pertama bulan Ramadhan 1433 H jatuh pada hari Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012.

  2. Sheikh Sankoh, Head of France Sunni Muftis Embraces Shia Islam

    (ABNA) A top French Sunni mufti, Sheikh Sankoh, was very impressed with his visit to the holy city of Karbala. When asked on his impression on Shia Islam, he said that Karbala and Imam Hussain (as) are amazing discoveries for him. He said now he has discovered (in Karbala) the reality of Shia Islam.

    Sunni mufti and head of the Sunni scholars in France have embraced Shia Islam at the age of 68 years old. He stated that at the age of 68 he is very unfortunate to have being in complete coma about Shia Islam.

    Sheikh Sankoh Muhammadi is the imam (prayer leader) and head of the Fatwa Center and head of the Sunni scholars in France. Sheikh Sankoh Muhammadi is originally from Cameroon and have spent 43 years in France and holds french citizenship.he is very popular for the number of mosques he has built. Sheikh Sankoh visited the holy city of Karbala recently.

    He and Sheikh Walid al-Baaj (a Shia scholar) dialogued in the presence of a Tunisian researcher Muhammad Saleh al-Hinshir who acted as translator from Arabic to french.

    Sheikh Sankoh was very impressed with his visit to the holy city of Karbala. When asked on his impression on Shia Islam, he said that Karbala and Imam Hussain (as) are amazing discoveries for him. He said now he has discovered (in Karbala) the reality of Shia Islam. He said his discovery of Shia Islam liberated his brain, senses and he has become a free human being. He also stated that what he has discovered is incumbent upon him to propagate it to the world that is veiled from this truthful reality.

    He stated he was in total coma about Shia Islam and at age 68, that is very unfortunate. But now he shall become a soldier for ‘Tashayyu’ (propagating Shia Islam) to the world and they should inform Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani (Iraq’s most senior and prominent Shia Muslim scholar) about his plan.

    He stated that now he has found true Islam as he shed tears visiting the (burial sites) of the Ahlul-Bayt of the Prophet (sa) in Iraq. He said that the Ahlul-Bayt (as) of Prophet Muhammad (sa) have been concealed from the eyes of Muslims and he visited the holy city of Madina (Saudi Arabia) and did not find them there until he has discovered who they are in Karbala.

    He was adviced to read and research more about Shia Islam in order to spread the message of true Islam to the world. He replied by saying that he is in need of more books and literature in the french language for him to propagate the message.
