Thursday 4 July 2013

MESIR,SYRIA,LUBNAN now is happening

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Killing of Innocent Shiites Lead to Egyptian Army Ousts killer of Martyr Sheikh Shehata, Orders New Elections

Egypt's military suspended the constitution Wednesday and ordered new elections, ousting the country's first freely elected president after he defied army demands to implement radical reforms or step down. 

 Killing of Innocent Shiites Lead to Egyptian Army Ousts killer of Martyr Sheikh Shehata, Orders New Elections

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Egypt's military suspended the constitution Wednesday and ordered new elections, ousting the country's first freely elected president after he defied army demands to implement radical reforms or step down.

Army chief of staff Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, speaking on national television in front of a row of prominent political and religious leaders, said the military was forced to act after President Mohammed Morsi had refused for weeks to set up a national reconciliation government.

Al-Sisi said the chief judge of the constitutional court, backed by technical experts, would have full powers to run the country until the constitution is amended and new elections are held. Adli al-Mansour, the 67-year-old head of Egypt's supreme constitutional court, is to be sworn in Thursday as interim president, state media reported.

The army said the interim government would set the timetable for elections.

Morsi, the country's first democratically elected leader, responded quickly, posting a message on his presidential Facebook page saying he rejects the army statement as a "military coup." He and his presidential team were under house arrest at a Republican Guard barracks, a spokesman for his Muslim Brotherhood said early Thursday.

Egyptian officials told the Associated Press that the head of the Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie, and his deputy, Khairat al-Shater, had also been arrested.

President Obama said in a statement that he was "deeply concerned" by the day's events and called on the Egyptian military to "move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible through an inclusive and transparent process, and to avoid any arbitrary arrests of President Morsi and his supporters."

Obama ordered a review of U.S. aid to Egypt.

In Tahrir Square, the political heart of Cairo, roars of joy erupted from tens of thousands of Egyptians after Morsi was deposed. In a celebration that for hours, they danced in the streets, set off fireworks, waved flags and hoisted friends on their shoulders.

"The Egyptian army is the best army on Earth," said Ahmed Mido, 21, a soccer player.

"We are proud of our army," said Jihan Spahi, 55, as she marched into the square early Wednesday night. "It's behind us."

On its website, Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood called the move a "conspiracy against legitimacy, a military coup that wastes popular will and brings Egypt back to despotism."

The Brotherhood's TV channel and other Islamist outlets went off the air, and some personnel were arrested, Ahram Online reported. Al Jazeera announced later that its Egyptian service was taken off the air after security forces stormed its Cairo building and detained journalists and guests.

Al-Sisi warned Egyptians to remain peaceful during the transition period, calling on them to "steer away from violence that will bring more tension and the shedding of blood." He said the military and the security forces would move "firmly and strictly" against any threat to peace.

As a precaution, the U.S. Embassy in Cairo ordered the evacuation of all non-essential staff.

In Alexandria, the country's second largest city, 10 people were reported dead in clashes between Morsi supporters and opponents, state media reported. Four Morsi supporters died late Wednesday in clashes with security forces in the northern city of Marsa Matrouh, an Islamist stronghold, the governor told Reuters.

In Kafr El-Sheikh, in the Nile Delta, 118 people had been injured in clashes by late Wednesday, Ahram Online reported.

Thousands of Morsi's supporters gathered outside Cairo University to protest the army's announcement, but there were no reports of violence. Early Thursday, according to Al Jazeera, Egyptian media reported that security forces were preparing to clear the rally and that arrest warrants had been issued for members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In its earlier statement, the Brotherhood said that religious scholars "condemn the coup and affirm the necessity of upholding the elected president," and that "millions in many squares in Egypt have started a sit-in in support of legitimacy."

The country's leading Muslim and Christian clerics said at a news conference that they backed the army's action and transition plan.

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel spoke Tuesday by phone with al-Sisi, the Pentagon said. Officials declined to discuss the content of the call, but the White House has said it is committed to the democratic process in Egypt.

Mohammed ElBaradei, the leader of the liberal opposition, said the "2011 revolution was re-launched" with the declaration by the country's top general, whom Morsi had promoted.

In the end, the army moved quickly and decisively. Al-Sisi spoke only 48 hours after the military issued its ultimatum to Morsi to yield to weekend protests by millions of demonstrators nationwide.

Morsi, in an emotional address Tuesday night, rejected the army's demands, saying he was legitimately elected and could not be forced to resign.

In response, the army chief said, the armed forces felt it had no choice but to dismiss the president and "contain the cause of division and the roots of tensions and confront the challenges to exit the current crisis."

He said the armed forces acted out of its "patriotic and historical responsibility."

 «عدلي منصور» يؤدي اليمين الدستورية رئيسا مؤقتا لمصر

بدأت في مصر مراسم اداء اليمين الدستورية لرئيس المحكمة الدستورية المصرية «عدلي منصور» رئيسا مؤقتا لمصر. 

 «عدلي منصور» يؤدي اليمين الدستورية رئيسا مؤقتا لمصر
ابنا: بدأت في مصر مراسم اداء اليمين الدستورية لرئيس المحكمة الدستورية المصرية «عدلي منصور» رئيسا مؤقتا لمصر.
ويأتي هذا التطور بعد إقدام القوات المسلحة المصرية على عزل الرئيس «محمد مرسي» بعد أيام من الاحتجاجات المناهضة له التي صاحبتها أعمال عنف.
وذكرت وكالة "أنباء الشرق الأوسط" أن منصور أدى أولا، وقبل أن يؤدي اليمين كرئيس للجمهورية، اليمين كرئيس للمحكمة الدستورية العليا أمام الجمعية العامة للمحكمة ذاتها، وذلك بمناسبة صدور القرار الجمهوري مؤخرا بتعيينه رئيسا للمحكمة اعتبارا من 1 يوليو/تموز الجاري.

شيخ "الأزهر" يؤيد إجراء انتخابات رئاسية مبكرة يحتكم فيها إلى الشعب

اعلن شيخ الازهر «احمد الطيب» عن تأييده لخطة القوات المسلحة المصرية التي تلاها وزير الدفاع «عبد الفتاح السيسي» في اجراء انتخابات رئاسية مبكرة. 
 شيخ "الأزهر" يؤيد إجراء انتخابات رئاسية مبكرة يحتكم فيها إلى الشعب
ابنا: أفادت وكالة أنباء "الشرق الأوسط" المصرية أن شيخ "الأزهر" «أحمد الطيب»، وبابا الأقباط الأرثوذكس «تواضروس»، وزعيم حزب "الدستور" «محمد البرادعي» الذي فوضته المعارضة المصرية بالتواصل مع مؤسسات الدولة، سيعلنون مساء يوم 3 يوليو/تموز خارطة الطريق السياسية التي اتفقوا بشأنها مع الجيش.
يأتي ذلك بعد اللقاء بين رئيس المجلس الأعلى للقوات المسلحة المصرية «عبد الفتاح السيسي» والممثلين عن الأحزاب والطوائف المصرية.
وتحدثت مصادر مصرية أن قيادة الجيش وجهت دعوة لحزب "الحرية والعدالة"، الجناح السياسي لجماعة "الإخوان المسلمين"، لكنه لم يرسل ممثلين عنه إلى اللقاء المذكور.


 الجيش المصري يؤكد التحفظ على «مرسي» بـ"صورة وقائية" واعتقال قياديين في الاخوان

اعلن المسؤول في جماعة الإخوان المسلمين «جهاد الحداد» فجر اليوم الخميس أن الرئيس المصري السابق «محمد مرسي» نقل بمفرده إلى وزارة الدفاع. 

 الجيش المصري يؤكد التحفظ على «مرسي» بـ"صورة وقائية" واعتقال قياديين في الاخوان
ابنا: أكد مسؤول عسكري رفيع المستوى في وقت مبكر من صباح اليوم الخميس أن الجيش المصري يتحفظ على (الرئيس المصري المخلوع) «محمد مرسي» وهو ما أعلنه في وقت سابق مسؤول من الإخوان المسلمين.
وصرح المسؤول الذي رفض الكشف عن هويته لـ"فرانس برس" إن مرسي "متحفظ عليه بصورة وقائية".
وكان المسؤول في جماعة الإخوان المسلمين «جهاد الحداد» قد أعلن فجر اليوم الخميس أن الرئيس المصري السابق محمد مرسي نقل بمفرده إلى وزارة الدفاع.
وأضاف الحداد، الذي كان قد قال في وقت سابق إن مرسي وفريقه معتقلون في مبنى عسكري، أن "مرسي فصل عن فريقه ونقل إلى وزارة الدفاع".
وكانت معلومات سابقة تحدثت عن ان الجيش المصري وضع مرسي الذي ابعد عن الحكم ليلة الأربعاء على الخميس، رهن "الاقامة الجبرية" كما اعتقل رئيس حزب "الحرية والعدالة"، الذراع السياسي لجماعة الإخوان «سعد الكتاتني» وكذلك نائب المرشد العام للجماعة المذكورة «رشاد البيومي».
بدورها ذكرت صحيفة "المصري اليوم" على موقع "تويتر" اليوم الخميس ان قوات الحرس الجمهوري المصري نقلت الرئيس محمد مرسي الى جهة غير معلومة.
هذا واعلن «عمرو موسى» أحد المعارضين لمرسي، أن المشاورات بدأت بشأن تشكيل حكومة جديدة في مصر لتطبيق الخطة التي أعلنها وزير الدفاع الفريق أول عبد الفتاح السيسي والتي تقضي بـ"تعطيل العمل بالدستور" و"تشكيل لجنة لمراجعة التعديلات الدستورية المقترحة" وتشكيل حكومة "كفاءات وطنية قوية وقادرة تتمتع بجميع الصلاحيات لإدارة المرحلة الحالية".
 هدفنا وطريقنا واضح وسنصل الى ما نريده..وما يحصل في مصر "سقوط لما يسمى الإسلام السياسي"

قال الرئيس السوري «بشار الأسد» في حديث لصحيفة سورية يوم امس الاربعاء "اننا تمكنا من الصمود لأن هناك وعياً شعبياً في سورية تمكن حتى الآن من درء النجاح الكامل لهذه الفتنة"واعتبر ان ما يحصل في مصر وبكل بساطة هو سقوط لما يسمى "الإسلام السياسي". 

ابنا: أكد الرئيس السوري «بشار الأسد» في حوار مع صحيفة "الثورة" السورية أمس الاربعاء أن سورية ما زالت وطناً يتسع للجميع وإلا لما صمدنا في وجه الفتنة التي أرادوا لها أن تطل برأسها في بعض المناطق كبؤر مطوقة.
واعتبر "اننا تمكنا من الصمود لأن هناك وعياً شعبياً في سورية تمكن حتى الآن من درء النجاح الكامل لهذه الفتنة".

وأوضح الرئيس الأسد أن أي ثورة حقيقية هي ثورة داخلية صرفة لا علاقة لها بالخارج والثورات الحقيقية هي ثورات شعبية لها عوامل داخلية بحتة فيها جانب عفوي وتتزعمها نخب فكرية وايديولوجية بينما ما حصل في سورية ومنذ البداية كان العامل الخارجي واضحا فيه وهذا ما حاولوا اخفاءه واصبح اليوم واضحا بشكل مطلق.
واعتبر الاسد ان ما يحصل في مصر وبكل بساطة هو سقوط لما يسمى "الإسلام السياسي"، وهو سقوط لهذا النوع من الحكم والذي حاول الإخوان إقناع الناس به ليس فقط في مصر.
واشار الى ان الشروخ داخل مجتمعاتنا والتي نرى نتائجها الآن بدأت مع نشأة الاخوان المسلمين وتعززت بعد الاستقلال من خلال الدور السيء الذي لعبوه في عدد من الدول العربية ومنها سورية. وقال ان مشروع الإخوان هو مشروع منافق يهدف حقيقة إلى خلق فتنة في العالم العربي فهم أول من طرح في سورية المفهوم الطائفي ومشروع الفتنة الطائفية منذ السبعينيات..
واضاف: في هذه المنطقة هم جربوا كل الوسائل.. استعمار مباشر أو غير مباشر.. تهديد ووعيد.. محاولات اختراق أمنية ثقافية، وبقيت سورية عائقاً في وجه كل ما خططوا له. وبعد الأحداث التي شهدتها بعض الدول العربية في الفترة الأخيرة.. تخيلوا أن الفرصة سانحة الآن لضرب سورية بهدف ضرب المحور المقاوم في المنطقة.. الأساس الآن هو تغيير تعريف ووجه وصفات العدو والحليف.. فتتحول إسرائيل إلى عدو غير مرئي لا نراه.. هذا إذا لم تتحول إلى صديق عند البعض وتتحول المقاومة إلى عدو، وبالتالي بدلاً من أن ننظر إلى المقاومة كفعل وحركة وتيار لمقاومة إسرائيل يجهدون الآن لجعل الجميع ينظر إليها على أنها هي العدو عبر تحويلها من مشروع مقاومة إلى مشروع طائفي.
وحول معركة القصير اشار الى ان المقاومة لا يمكن أن تكون قوية من دون عمق حقيقي لها، فسورية هي عمق المقاومة وهذا المكان من الناحية الجغرافية استراتيجي بالنسبة لعلاقة سورية بلبنان وتحديداً بالمقاومة.. في هذه الحال ضرورة وجود المقاومة لتخوض المعركة المرتبطة بها كما هي مرتبطة بسورية، لذلك أنا قلت إذا كنا بحاجة للمقاومة لماذا احتجناها في القصير ولم نحتجها في دمشق أو حلب أو في باقي المناطق.. هذا الكلام مبالغ فيه، نحن لدينا جيش ولدينا الآن دفاع وطني يقاتل مع الجيش وأعداده كبيرة، لا تستطيع أي جهة خارجية أن تؤمن لنا هذا العدد الذي يقاتل بشكل مواز للقوات المسلحة ويحقق فكرة انه رديف حقيقي للجيش.
واكد ان الحقيقة الواضحة بالنسبة لنا وللمقاومة ولكل من يقف معنا أن الهدف واضح والطريق واضح، يستطيعون أن يطرحوا ما يشاؤون في الخارج لكن نحن سنصل إلى ما نريده سواء بمفهومنا للمقاومة أو بأوضاعنا الداخلية.
وعن الترويج أن ما يجري هو صراع طائفي اكد ان الوضع الديموغرافي في سورية ونوعية المعارك تناقض تماماً هذه الفكرة وهذا الطرح يناقض تماماً مصلحة الدولة، فكل دولة لها مصلحة في أن تكون الدولة موحدة وقوية والوضع الاجتماعي مرتاح لكي ترتاح الدولة ولفت الى ان البنية الطائفية تدفع الدولة إلى السقوط وليس الانتصار.
 Syrian President: What is happening in Egypt is fall of so-called "Political Islam"

Syrian President al-Assad said, "You cannot deceive everyone all the time, particularly the Egyptian people who have a civilization dating back to thousands of years and clear pan-Arab nationalist thought." 

 Syrian President: What is  happening in Egypt is fall of so-called "Political Islam"
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - President Bashar al-Assad has said that what is happening in Egypt is the fall of so-called "political Islam", adding that those who use religion for political interests or for the interests of one group will fall anywhere in the world.

In an interview given to al-Thawra newspaper, President al-Assad said, "You cannot deceive everyone all the time, particularly the Egyptian people who have a civilization dating back to thousands of years and clear pan-Arab nationalist thought."

The President added that after a year the image has become clear for the Egyptian people and the performance of the Muslim Brotherhood helped them uncover the lies made by the Brotherhood in the beginning of the popular revolution in Egypt."

President al-Assad said the experiment of the Muslim Brotherhood's rule  failed even before it started because this kind of rule is not consistent with the nature of the people and the project of the brotherhood is hypocritical that actually aims at creating sedition in the Arab world.

The President stressed that sedition cannot last in societies that possess knowledge, adding "this is why from the beginning I said their project is a failure before it began and this is what made the Muslim Brotherhood's experiment fall quickly because it is wrong, and what is built on a wrong principle will definitely fall."

More to come
Takfiri Deobandi Taliban Officially Declared Outcast by Consensus Fatwa of Sunni Ulema

In a major and bold statement today, main stream Sunni muslim scholars issue a religious decree against Takfiris yesterday in Pakistan, calling them Kharjites (out-cast) of modern era. 

 Takfiri Deobandi Taliban Officially Declared Outcast by Consensus Fatwa of Sunni Ulema
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) -In a major and bold statement today, main stream Sunni muslim scholars issue a religious decree against Takfiris yesterday in Pakistan, calling them Kharjites (out-cast) of modern era. The clarity of words in the decree show the intent is quite clear. Main stream sunni ulema used to condemn takfiris in past and as a result many of them being killed by takfiris in Pakistan.
It is interesting stats that post creation of Pakistan, 1947,  Deobandi (Wahabi/Takfiri) sect was only 4% of Pakistan population where vast majority follow Barelvi (Hanafi) tradition or Sufism. The Wahabbism took root in Pakistan in 1980′s era when US backed ‘jihad’ started in neighboring Afghanistan and Saudis came in to Pakistan to spread Wahabbism to generate human resources to support it. Ever since then Wahabism is part of Pakistan ruling establishment and with government support and Saudi money it is considered to have spread up to 10% of Pakistani population with majority still following Sunni Barelvi.
Remember Kharjites formed in early Islamic history and raises in Imam Ali(a.s.) era sticking to wrong interpretation of Islam and declaring every other person infidel, including Imam Ali (a.s) (naouzbillah). They assassinated Imam Ali (a.s) and were also part of Yazeed (L.A) army in Karbala. Imam Ali (a.s) declared them infidel and did jihad against them.
The consensus Fatwa issued by fifty Ulema of SIC termed the crushing of those resorting to an armed revolt against a Muslim state as mandatory on part of the government.
“The Pakistani Taliban who declare the killings of Muslims as legitimate are actually the outcasts of the present era,” the statement said.
The statement further said that murder is the next big sin after Shirk (having faith in more than one God).
“Attacking mosques, Mazars, hospitals, funerals, educational institutions, markets and security forces is not Jihad but chaos. Those who shed the blood of girl students, foreign mountaineers and innocent human beings are defectors of Islam and rebels of Pakistan,” it declared.
It said extending cooperation to the government for a Jihad against terrorists is a duty of every citizen. “The right place for waging a Jihad against the US is Afghanistan and not Pakistan,” it added.
The Fatwa declared the drone strikes as violation of international laws and atrocity on part of the US.
Lebanon, Beirut
 Shia, Sunni Scholars Conference: Fatwas which allow Muslim bloodshed have nothing to do with any Sharia origin

"Takfiri fatwas which allow shedding the Muslim blood and instigate sedition among them have nothing to do with any sharia origin, but they came in response to personal malice which don’t accord with the spirit and principles of Islam".
 Shia, Sunni Scholars Conference: Fatwas which allow Muslim bloodshed have nothing to do with any Sharia origin
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Chairman of the Levant ( Bilad al-Sham ) Union, Scholar Mohammad Tawfik al-Bouti said that the takfiri fatwas which allow shedding the Muslim blood and instigate sedition among them have nothing to do with any sharia origin, but they came in response to personal malice which don’t accord with the spirit and principles of Islam.

"In spite of the differences among us, the first enemy remains the side which usurped al-Aqsa mosque," al-Bouti said at the opening ceremony of the activities of the Levant Union conference held in Beirut under the motto "tolerance of Islam and the sedition of Takfir".

He called on the sons of Islamic nation, particularly the scholars, to assume responsibility of this dangerous stage of the nation history and find a way that brings together all peoples through dialogue.

For his part, Syria's Grand Mufti Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun said that the war today is against the Syrian army which was the reason behind the resistance victory over Israel.

"Those who have begun to destroy the army since two years till now saw that Syria's army was the reason behind the resistance victory in Gaza and South Lebanon," the Mufti said, adding that the war is against the army, not the Syrian government. 

He called on the Muslim scholars in the world to hold an immediate meeting in Damascus, not in Geneva to make reconciliation.

For his part, Head of the Executive Office of Levant Scholars' Union, Sheikh Hassan Abdullah stressed that sedition is a war against Islam but not an inter-Islamic war, and those who think that whichever power in the world could make division a fait accompli are totally mistaken.

He called on the Nation's scholars to confront the Takfir sedition, which has become a major operation room directed by the West and some Arab regimes.

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General, Sheikh Naim Qassem wondered about who appointed those Takfiri people to judge others and decide whether they would go to 'hell' or 'paradise', and about who mandated them to be guardians of the Nation where they wreck havoc in it.

Iran scholars' representative, Mohammad Ali al-Taskhiri stressed that Takfir is a great sin and it is also very grave, as those who adopt it should realize that they risk this Nation and shoulder the responsibility of murders, conflicts, bombings and destruction.

For his part, the representative of Australia Muslim scholars, Sheikh Taj-Eddin al-Hilali stressed that it is worthier that those who call others " heretics" would head towards Palestine to liberate it instead of devastating Iraq and Syria in service of the U.S. project. 

Representative of Palestine Scholars, Sheikh Abdullah Katamto said that Takfirism today is political rather than religious, not being based on ideology.

Maher Hammoud, the Imam of Al-Quds Mosque in Sidon, Lebanon, said that the Takfiri people are getting help from the USA and Israel and being supplied with weapons and gaining their full support, adding "We Should be aware of semi-stances which feed Takfirism and give it a political and legal cover."

Tatarstan Mufti, Sheikh kamel Samie-allah stressed that Takfirism is an illness that hits the 'Islamic body' and weakens it, expressing hope that this Conference would be a means for correcting many ideological mistakes.

Related News abroad 

1.Rayuan Pakatan pengganas Syria dan komander Takfiri di ambang serangan penamat besar-besaran 80,000 Tentera gabungan Kebangsaan Syria di Homs: Bantulah kami / Campurtangan langsung Amerika bantu selia pengganas dikesan para pemerhati
ائتلاف معارضه و امیر تکفیری‌های«حمص»: به دادمان برسید

2.Kumpulan2 pemberontak Syria berhimpun di Istanbul untuk melantik kepimpinan
berhadapan saat-saat genting serangan gabungan Tentera Kebangsaan.

 ما يسمى بـ "المعارضة السورية" تجتمع في اسطنبول لتعيين رئيس لها

Israel menawarkan bantuan kepada Turki untuk memadamkan api kebangkitan
4.‘Islam and sedition of Takfir’ confab in Beirut

اخبار مؤتمر اتحاد علماء بلاد الشام في بيروت - 11 ؛
 اختتام المؤتمر العلمائي "سماحة الاسلام وفتنة التكفير"

اختتام المؤتمر العلمائي "سماحة الاسلام وفتنة التكفير"

5.Seyyed Nasrallah: Takfiris militants in Syria aim to divide Shia, Sunni Muslims

Hezbollah Secretary-General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah says the Takfiri militants fighting in Syria are seeking to divide Shia and Sunni Muslims. 

 Seyyed Nasrallah: Takfiris militants in Syria aim to divide Shia, Sunni Muslims
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Hezbollah Secretary-General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah says the Takfiri militants fighting in Syria are seeking to divide Shia and Sunni Muslims.

Discussing the Syria conflict with the members of the Lebanese resistance movement, Nasrallah said the al-Qaeda-linked Takfiri militants were trying to sow discord between Shia and Sunni Muslims in Syria.

Nasrallah, however, added that the Syrian government would eventually end the conflict with victory.

Last month, the members of the resistance movement fought alongside Syrian government forces in the strategic border town of al-Qusayr, an important center and supply route for the foreign-sponsored militants.

On June 14, Nasrallah said that the presence of Hezbollah members in Syria was aimed at defending the Syrian and Lebanese people against extremists. He also said that there was an American, Israeli and Takfiri project to destroy not only Syria but the entire region.

Syria has been gripped by unrest since March 2011; and many people, including large numbers of Syrian soldiers and security forces, have been killed in the violence.

The Syrian government says the West and its regional allies, including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, are supporting the militants.

Several international human rights organizations have said that the militants operating in Syria are committing war crimes. 

6.اعلام حمايت جنبش جهاد اسلامي فلسطين از حزب‌الله لبنان
Pengumuman JIHAD ISLAMI Palestin mendokong HIZBULLAH Lubnan

Lebanese scholar: "Salafis and Takfiris are America's puppets"
“Salafis and Takfiris are the US’s Puppet in the region,” said one of the Lebanese eminent religious scholars.

2013/07/01  18:41
 8.Relation between Shia killing in Egypt and Zionist regime: Hujjat-ol-Islam Taeb

A top Iranian cleric said the Shia killing in Egypt is in line with confrontation with Shia crescent saying the enemies intend to corrupt anti-Zionism nature of the revolutions in some Islamic countries. 

 Relation between Shia killing in Egypt and Zionist regime: Hujjat-ol-Islam Taeb

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Hujjat-ol-Islam Mahdi Taeb, Iranian scholar and professor at Qom Seminary, reflected on the issue of Shia killing in Egypt and said the axis of uprising in the Arab countries is confrontation with the Zionist regime of Israel.

He said, “Muslim Brotherhood has different sub categories out of which one is basically dependent upon world arrogant powers though they pretend to oppose them.” And added, ”This group has dominated the Egyptian protesters and misrepresent Shia as a threat.”

The cleric also referred to the viewpoints of Egyptian President, Mohammad Morsi, regarding Shia killing in the country and said it was induced from his remarks that Shia community as a threat that intends to seize Egypt.

He said, “By supporting excommunication movements and overstatement of Shia and necessity of confrontation with Shia, they tried to fade the confrontation with the Zionist regime.”

Iranian scholar criticized Egypt for its opposition with Shia and noted,” Egypt instead of cutting ties with the Zionist regime and claiming the rights of Gaza people, is trying to promote an anti-Shia movement which they call as sectarian disagreements.

Hujjat-ol-Islam Mahdi Taeb also noted that these measures might benefit them in short term but the Egyptian nation will soon find the truth and recognize its true enemy. 

Syria: CIA Link To Al-Qaeda becomes a Fact

The former al-Qaeda member Sheikh Nabil Naiim has recently made the allegation that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is directly linked to the Al-Qaeda jihadists and terrorists on Syrian soil... 


(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The former al-Qaeda member Sheikh Nabil Naiim has recently made the allegation that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is directly linked to the Al-Qaeda jihadists and terrorists on Syrian soil, thus, the CIA link to al-Qaeda was again confirmed by a former member of the terrorist organisation after even Hillary Clinton has some time ago confirmed that the U.S. administration had created the terrorist organisation Al-Qaeda years ago.

The revelation is probably shocking but for the analysts and followers of the recent foreign policy and violations of international law by the several U.S. administrations in the last 30 years, these new statements and revelation about the CIA link to the terrorists of Al-Qaeda within Syria is far away from being shocking – it is just another confirmation.

Of course, we have here in this news blog about Syria reported about the direct link between CIA and al-Qaeda already several times and it has been confirmed already by several sources – may it be normal civilians living in the Turkish border area to Syria or by some analysts of the events within the region of the Middle East and even some Western newspaper have already published several reports about such links and the agents of different agencies within Turkey, Lebanon and the US proxy state Jordan.

The allegation by the former al-Qaeda member Sheikh Nabil Naiim, who made his statements in a new video clip, say that the so-called Jabhat al-Nusra, nothing else than al-Qaeda with a different name and very radical and dumb Islamists, is led by a CIA operative called Mohammed al-Jawlani. And who should know these facts better than the former al-Qaeda member of higher ranks, Sheikh Nabil Naiim? Indeed, nobody.

Of course, Sheikh Nabil Naiim should not only know this – when he makes this allegation, it is nothing else than true due to his background and the facts given on ground, given by the radical jihadists of Jabhat al-Nusra (Al Nusra Front), given by the type of operations, the methods of (terrorist) attacks and given to the sources who have stated this since months.

Sheikh Nabil Naiim was once the leader of an Al-Qaeda training camp (Safwa) and he has been a contact of Osama bin Laden and met him several times. Nabil Naiim clearly fought alongside the al-Qaeda (al-CIAda) militants in Sudan and he also was the famous leader of the Islamist / Jihadist movement in Egypt, which is still there.

In addition, the former al-Qaeda member, one might even call him a former head of al-Qaeda, was also involved in the assassination of Anwar al-Sadat, the former Egyptian President. 

Finally, Sheikh Nabil Naiim is talking about the CIA payroll and about the names who are on this payroll of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The video is very interesting and should shock the entire world – it is just sadly the fact that Western news agencies will create their own versions (probably) and thus, the truth will not be able to reach everybody – although every one should finally know the truth: the CIA is the head and leader of the Islamist forces in several countries and especially in Syria at the moment.

The U.S. administration are the real terrorists and should be taken into account for their crimes. There is probably the time for a revolution within the United States against such a regime that not only uses jihadists and Islamist allies for terrorism on this world, but also implements a real drone observation within its own borders. Not to mention the assassination(s) of American citizens by their own government with the use of such weapons like drones.

For example, the former al-Qaeda member Sheik Nabil Naiim says in his new video:

    “I personally believe that the leader of the Nusra Army (Mohammed al-Jawlani), who declared his support for Ayman al-Jawahiri, is a CIA operative in the Al Nusra.” 
 Ahmad Al-Asir: Expired!
Translated and rewritten by Nour Rida

 Ahmad Al-Asir: Expired!

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - He was a short-term phenomenon in Lebanon, with limited liabilities. Unlike what he claimed about brave leaders yielding at combat, he ran from battle when felt jeopardy.
Just like previous prototypes, whether Western or Gulf made, he was created and shelved as necessity required. Be it the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Contra in Nicaragua, the Lahd Militias in south Lebanon or other, all are examples of regime-created movements that share the same circumstances when they come to light, when in action and activity, and at their getaway ending. All are founded on the basis of illusions and contrived facts. 

These organizations stem from sectarian, economic and of course political circumstances and given. A "fake cause" is invented, then promoted on both, the media and popular levels.

For instance, the Lahd militias claimed their collaboration with the "Israeli" enemy is a guarantee to desired stability. This claim was denied after the end of the Zionist project in Lebanon in the year 2000, when the liberation came to prove that Christians in the south are doing much better than before, and even feel safer than the times when Lahd was ‘at their service'.

In the case of al-Asir, the invented pretext is "the Sunni people are targeted". This phenomenon was created as a tool to target the Resistance, a tool made by regional and international powers. It was aided by media distortion and black-out, also fact distortion and falsification in order to disfigure the Resistance and its axis. They created the biggest lie: There is a Shiite threat against Sunnis. Yet, ground facts prove these claims futile. Al-Asir called on the Sunni army soldiers and generals to defect from the Lebanese army, but no response came to such urge. The Sunnis realize well that al-Asir is a Takfiri danger that threatens them in first place. On the contrary, the Sunnis, in Saida especially, welcomed the role of the Lebanese army.

As for the ending, these are also very similar. The original people of a certain project let go their puppets, their tools, as soon as circumstances change or are modified, or when these tools expire.

Antoine Lahd, for instance, is mere proof that the maestro lets go his choir when the chant performance is done. Samir Geagea, who was made by a major player, is another example of no less importance; he was put 11 years in prison, none of his creators were there to defend him.

Meanwhile, al-Asir; a version of phenomena produced on the margins of major schemes, based on fabricated facts, is mobilized for a short period of time and then dumped in a moment of miscalculations.  




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