Friday 14 December 2012



Jawapan Ayatullah Sofi Gulpaigani tentang keraguan terhadap tradisi Asyura

Marji'( RAKAR RUJUK ) Syiah memberi jawapan tentang falsafah tradisi asyura 

 Jawapan Ayatullah Sofi Gulpaigani tentang Shubhah tradisi asyuraAgensi Berita Ahlul Bait ( - Dalam sebuah jawapan terhadap syubhah yang diajukan kepada Ayatullah al-Uzma Sofi Gulpaigani, beliau menegaskan, "Jikalau tidak ada azadari (perkabungan) untuk imam Husain (a.s), setiap sesuatu bagaikan tidak bernyawa. Ini semua adalah kunci kehidupan, menjaga rekod peristiwa terdahulu, memelihara identiti dan warisan kebudayaan yang besar."

Tambah beliau lagi, sebenarnya kitalah yang memerlukan perkabungan ( azadari) , bukan Imam Husain memerlukannya.

Teks surat jawapan beliau adalah seperti berikut:


بسمه تعالي

Ustaz Ayatullah al-Uzma Sofi Gulpaigani

Sudah lama fikiran saya memendam persoalan tentang faedah aza'(berkabung) untuk Imam Husain. Mohon dijelaskannya supaya keraguan dapat disingkirkan daripada saya:

A: Apakah faedah Aza', pemakaian baju hitam di hari-hari tertentu setiap tahun dan kesedihan gara-gara seorang manusia yang kotor pada 1400 tahun yang silam, terbunuhnya seorang insan mulia dan beberapa subjek yang sudah lama berlaku? Contoh-contoh seperti ini sudah beberapa kali berulang di dalam sejarah. Bukankah ini perbuatan yang tidak bijak? Tidakkah Ahlusunnah berkata bahawa "Syiah penyembah orang mati" itu benar? Apakah memukul dada dan kepala, serta perarakan dapat menghidupkan kembali Imam Husain?

B: Saya pernah terbaca, ada seorang Arab bertanya kepada seorang Syiah ketika menyertai azadari untuk Imam Husain: Siapakah Imam yang terbunuh ini? Kristian atau Yahudi? Menyedari bahawa dia sedang berhadapan dengan jawapan yang negatif, iaitu Imam terbunuh di tangan umat Islam pada 1400 tahun yang silam, dia terkejut dan berkata: Pihak yang membunuh adalah kamu sendiri, setelah itu kamu bersedih dengan kematiannya? Setelah 1400 tahun apa faedah kepada beliau dengan melakukan ini semua, melukakan diri dan meninggalkan pekerjaan seharian? Apa kaitannya dengan kamu? Mohon jelaskan apakah sebenarnya faedah untuk kita dan untuk Imam Husain dengan semua azadari dan meninggalkan perkerjaan ini?

Jawapan Ayatullah Sofi Gulpaigani:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

عليكم السلام و رحمة الله

A: Sekiranya kita melihat dan berbicara berkenaan tentang peristiwa ini dengan penglihatan yang tinggi martabatnya, dengan kedudukan tinggi para nabi dan wali, darjah-darjah tingkatan dekatnya mereka dengan Allah, maka orang yang ditujukan untuk perbicaraan ini adalah para malaikat, atau anak adam yang sama taraf dengan mereka ini.

Imam Husain telah mencapai ke puncak makam imamah yang tertinggi sebagaimana Nabi Ibrahim (a.s) setelah mendapat kedudukan dan darjah tertinggi. Hendaklah kita mengenali Imam dalam kedudukan tersebut. Berasaskan Asyura sebagai peristiwa yang tidak ada tolok bandingnya, puncak keagungan dan kedudukan yang dicapai beliau telah dizahirkan kepada dunia yang mana tidak mungkin seseorang itu dapat terbang kepada kedudukan itu melainkan dengan sayap spiritual yang amin dan menempuhi perjalanan sangat tinggi.

Kamu berkata: Seorang anak adam yang kotor dan seorang insan yang baik terbunuh, sampai ke peringkat kamu telah menuduh Sunni sebagai mazhab yang tidak mempunyai makrifat tentang keagungan keluarga Nabi (s.a.w)! insan biasa ini dan insan yang mulia ini terbunuh ini hanyalah perkara biasa semata-mata!

Dalam peristiwa ini, kedudukan Simir, Ibnu Ziyad, Sinan bin Anas dan Yazid yang membunuh Husain bin Ali cucu Nabi selaku ketua pemuda syurga sebagai kotor masih belum cukup mengandungi makna. Sekiranya seluruh kekotoran (khabith) dinisbahkan kepada seseorang individu masih belum memadai dengan mengatakan kedudukan Imam Husain selaku manusia biasa (sedangkan beliau memiliki kedudukan yang baik, insan yang amat mulia dan sempurna).

Syiah bukanlah penyembah orang mati. Sebagaimana al-Qur'an mengagungkan para nabi seperti Ibrahim, Musa dan Isa Safa, juga memeperbesarkan Safa Marwa, Hajarul Aswad, maka dengan pengagungan ini bukanlah menjadikan Syiah sebagai penyembah orang mati.

Dalam mengagungkan Husain (a.s), Syiah telah mengambil inspirasi amalan dari al-Qur'an, wahyu Ilahi dan hidayah iaitu "Ikutilah petunjuk orang-orang yang telah Allah berikan petunjuk (surah al-An'am ayat 190).

Subjek ini tidak bakal berakhir sebagai mana nama Ibrahim, agamanya, kedudukannya, nama Musa, Isa, hari-harinya dan peringatan kedudukan serta martabat mereka tidak berpenghujung.

Acara ini, memukul dada, azadari merupakan penafian terhadap syirik dan kewujudannya, menolak keangkuhan, penghinaan dan pengdhaifan. Program ini adalah seperti azan, iaitu "أشهد أن لا اله الا الله و اشهد ان محمداً رسول الله " bukanlah bermaksud menyembah orang mati. Kamu berkata "menghidupkan apa?", sekiranya ini semua tidak ada maka semuanya akan mati. Ini adalah kunci kehidupan, pemeliharaan rekod sejarah, menjaga identiti dan warisan besar kebudayaan.

B: Logik dan kata-kata yang telah kamu nukilkan terbit dari kejahilan yang menghasilkan hikayatnya. Bagaimana dapat diterangkan kepada orang yang berkududukan sangat rendah yang berbicara seperti ini?

Imam tidaklah terbunuh dalam peperangan bersama penganut agama Kristian atau agama lain. Imam terbunuh di tengah-tengah pertempuran antara hak dan batil, keadilan dan kezaliman, serta ilmu dan jahil sedangkan beliau menuntut kebenaran, hak-hak, anti kezaliman, memperjuangkan keadilan.

Beliau terbunuh di medan peperangan dengan mengucapkan slogan "إنّي لا أرى الموتَ إلّا سعادةً والحياةَ مع الظالمين إلّا بَرَماً" (Sesungguhnya aku tidak melihat kematian melainkan kebahagiaan, aku tidak melihat kehidupan bersama orang yang zalim melainkan tidak menyenangkan), dalam rangka menyelamatkan golongan yang ditindas serta menghidupkan agama.

Malang sekali seluruh peristiwa besar, bersejarah, semua kebanggaan dan kedudukan besar pendirian dan bangunnya mereka ini selaku lelaki yang masyhur dalam sejarah telah anda simpulkan sebagai seorang lelaki yang kotor dan lelaki yang baik terbunuh. Kamu telah membandingkan peristiwa-peristiwa lain yang sering terjadi.

Kamu tidak menyebutkan apa pun dari rekod peristiwa ini, anda tidak memperkenalkan orang kotor itu, begitu juga anda tidak mendifinisikan orang baik itu dengan baik. Anda tidak mengungkapkan perhitungan dan nasabnya, akhlak, perangai dan sejarahnya, serta tanggungjawab besar sepertinya.

Apa yang anda tampilkan hanyalah manusia biasa yang terbunuh atas pertelingkahan peribadi dan terbunuh antara dua pihak. Ini semua bukanlah masalah 1400 tahun yang silam. Andainya orang biasa ini terbunuh hari ini maka seluruh program, majlis ucapan dan lain-lain lagi tidak tepat untuknya.

Sekiranya orang yang menukilkan soal-jawab ini tidak berat sebelah, maka sebab-sebab kejadian, orang yang memainkan peranan dalam peristiwa, rekod Yazid dan Bani Umayah, permusuhan mereka dengan Islam, pengkhianatan besar mereka untuk individu tersebut pada 1400 tahun yang silam, maka peristiwa ini akan sentiasa disebut-sebut dari generasi ke generasi yang lain walaupun berlaku pada 400,000 kurun yang lampau.

Ini adalah ajaran, madrasah, identiti ketinggian, keulungan insan, kemuliaan manusia dan pencinta kebenaran.

Pahlawan kebangkitan begini bukanlah manusia biasa. Beliau adalah Imam Husain.

Seorang insan yang baik akan sentiasa wujud, dan individu seperti itu tidak terbilang banyaknya samada di lorong-lorong dan pasar-pasar. Namun tidak seorangpun daripada mereka yang menyerupai Imam Husain.

Tidak ada individu sepertinya. Beliau tidak boleh dilupakan, pelajaran dan ajarannya hendaklah diterangkan. Imam Husain tidak memerlukan azadari kita, namun kita yang memerlukannya.

Kita memerlukan makrifat perjalanan beliau dan penghidupan ajarannya. Kita ingin hidup mulia, kita tidak ingin kehinaan. Kita tidak mahu tunduk menyerah apabila berhadapan dengan thagut dan kuasa angkuh.

Azadari ini sentiasa berfaedah. Semuanya adalah pembinaan insan. Azadari dan majlis asyura adalah misi memprotes, misi al-Qur’an, ‘Itrah, seluruh para nabi dan kebaikan.

Masalah yang lebih besar daripada ungkapan bergini ialah kami mengatakan bahawa Imam Husain (a.s) merupakan kelebihan dan hakikat di sepanjang sejarah. Beliau bukanlah syahid kelmarin, beliau adalah syahid abadi yang mengajar kepada seluruh manusia tentang jalan kehidupan yang baik. Beliau adalah contoh dan tauladan buat semua pejuang kebebasan di selurh dunia. Bahkan Husain (a.s) adalah imam dan pemimpin untuk semua manusia yang bebas merdeka di sepanjang sejarah.

Mengenai Imam Husain yang sentiasa hidup, orang yang bersama dengan beliau juga sentiasa hidup, megah dan mulia. Salam ke atasmu wahai pemimpinku, Ya Aba Abdillah, jiwaku dan jiwa-jiwa seluruh alam semesta menjadi korban untukmu.

What non-Muslims Say about Imam Husain (P.B.U.H)
 What non-Muslims Say about Imam Husain (P.B.U.H)(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Mahatma Gandhi : My faith is that the progress of Islam does not depend on the use of sword by its believers, but the result of the supreme sacrifice of Hussein, the great saint.

Charles Dickens "If Hussein fought to quench his worldly desires, then I do not understand why his sisters, wives and children accompanied him. It stands to reason therefore that he sacrificed purely for Islam."

Dr. Rajendra Prasad The sacrifice of Imam Hussein is not limited to one country, or nation, but it is the hereditary state of the brotherhood of all mankind.

Dr. Radha Krishnan Though Imam Hussein gave his life almost 1300 years ago, but his indestructible soul rules the hearts of people even today.

Swami Shankaracharya It is Hussein's sacrifice that that has kept Islam alive or else in this world there would be no one left to take Islam's name.

Rabindranath Tagore In order to keep alive justice and truth, instead of an army or weapons, success can be achieved by sacrificing lives, exactly what Imam Hussein did. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Imam Hussein's sacrifice is for all groups and communities, an example of the path of righteousness.

Mrs. Sarojini Naidu I congratulate Muslims that from among them, Hussein, a great human being was born, who is reverted and honored totally by all communities.

Reynold Alleyne Nicholson "Hussein fell, pierced by an arrow, and his brave followers were cut down beside him to the last man. Muhammadan tradition, which with rare exceptions is uniformly hostile to the Umayyad dynasty, regards Hussein as a martyr and Yazeed as his murderer."

Robert Durey Osborn "Hussein had a child named Abdallah, only a year old. He had accompanied his father in this terrible march. Touched by its cries, he took the infant in his arms and wept. At that instant, a shaft from the hostile ranks pierced the child's ear, and it expired in his father's arms. Hussein placed the little corpse upon the ground. 'We come from God, and we return to Him!' he cried; 'O Lord, give me strength to bear these misfortunes! ' . Faint with thirst, and exhausted with wounds, he fought with desperate courage, slaying several of his antagonists. At last he was cut down from behind; at the same instance a lance was thrust through his back and bore him to the ground; as the dealer of this last blow withdrew his weapon, the ill-fated son of Ali rolled over a corpse. The head was severed from the trunk; the trunk was trampled under the hoofs of the victors' horses; and the next morning the women and a surviving infant son were carried away to Koufa. The bodies of Hussein and his followers were left unburied on the spot where they fell. For three days they remained exposed to the sun and the night dews, the vultures and the prowling animals of the waste; but then the inhabitants of a neighboring village, struck with horror that the body of a grandson of the Prophet should be thus shamefully abandoned to the unclean beasts of the field, dared the anger of Obaidallah, and interred the body of the martyr and those of his heroic friends."

Sir William Muir "The tragedy of Karbala decided not only the fate of the caliphate, but of the Mohammedan kingdoms long after the Caliphate had waned and disappeared. "

Peter J. Chelkowski "Hussein accepted and set out from Mecca with his family and an entourage of about seventy followers. But on the plain of Kerbela they were caught in an ambush set by the . caliph, Yazeed. Though defeat was certain, Hussein refused to pay homage to him. Surrounded by a great enemy force, Hussein and his company existed without water for ten days in the burning desert of Kerbela.

Finally Hussein, the adults and some male children of his family and his companions were cut to bits by the arrows and swords of Yazeed's army; his women and remaining children were taken as captives to Yazeed in Damascus. The renowned historian Abu Reyhan al-Biruni states; ". then fire was set to their camp and the bodies were trampled by the hoofs of the horses; nobody in the history of the human kind has seen such atrocities."

Simon Ockley "Then Hussein mounted his horse, and took the Koran and laid it before him, and, coming up to the people, invited them to the performances of their duty: adding, 'O God, thou art my confidence in every trouble, and my hope in all adversity!'. He next reminded them of his Excellency, the nobility of his birth, the greatness of his power, and his high descent, and said, 'Consider with yourselves whether or not such a man as I am is not better than you; I who am the son of your prophet's daughter, besides whom there is no other upon the face of the earth.

Ali was my father; Jaafar and Hamza, the chief of the martyrs, were both my uncles; and the apostle of God, upon whom be peace, said both of me and my brother, that we were the chief of the youth of paradise. If you will believe me, what I say is true, for by God, I never told a lie in earnest since I had my understanding; for God hates a lie. If you do not believe me, ask the companions of the apostle of God [here he named them], and they will tell you the same. Let me go back to what I have.' They asked, 'What hindered him from being ruled by the rest of his relations.' He answered, 'God forbid that I should set my hand to the resignation of my right after a slavish manner. I have recourse to God from every tyrant that doth not believe in the day of account."

Edward G. Brown "a reminder of the blood-stained field of Kerbela, where the grandson of the Apostle of God fell at length, tortured by thirst and surrounded by the bodies of his murdered kinsmen, has been at anytime since then sufficient to evoke, even in the most lukewarm and heedless, the deepest emotions, the most frantic grief, and an exaltation of spirit before which pain, danger and death shrink to unconsidered trifles." Ignaz Goldziher

"Ever since the black day of Karbala, the history of this family . has been a continuous series of sufferings and persecutions. These are narrated in poetry and prose, in a richly cultivated literature of martyrologies - a Shi'i specialty - and form the theme of Shi'i gatherings in the first third of the month of Muharram, whose tenth day ('ashura) is kept as the anniversary of the tragedy at Karbala. Scenes of that tragedy are also presented on this day of commemoration in dramatic form (ta'ziya). 'Our feast days are our assemblies of mourning.' So concludes a poem by a prince of Shi'i disposition recalling the many tragedies of the Prophet's family. Weeping and lamentation over the evils and persecutions suffered by the 'Alid family, and mourning for its martyrs: these are things from which loyal supporters of the cause cannot cease. 'More touching than the tears of the Shi'is' has even become an Arabic proverb."

Edward Gibbon "In a distant age and climate the tragic scene of the death of Hussein will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader."

Thomas Carlyle "The best lesson which we get from the tragedy of Karbala is that Hussein and his companions were the rigid believers of God. They illustrated that numerical superiority does not count when it comes to truth and falsehood. The victory of Hussein despite his minority marvels me!"

Dr. K. Sheldrake "Hussein marched with his little company not to glory, not to power or wealth, but to a supreme sacrifice and every member of that gallant band, male and female, knew that the foes were implacable, were not only ready to fight but to kill. Denied even water for the children, they remained parched under a burning sun, amid scorching sands yet no one faltered for a moment and bravely faced the greatest odds without flinching." 

Mantan PM Malaysia : Apa yang berlaku di Syria berpunca dari Zionis dan krisis telah bertukar menjadi

Perang Timur dan Barat.
رئيس وزراء ماليزيا الأسبق :
 مهاتير محمد: ما يحصل في سورية سببه الكيان الصهيوني والأزمة تحولت إلى حرب بين الشرق والغرب

أكد رئيس وزراء ماليزيا الأسبق مهاتير محمد أن العامل الرئيسي لما يحصل في سورية والهجمات العدوانية ضدها هو الكيان الصهيوني الذي احتل الأراضي العربية بدعم أمريكي بريطاني. 

 مهاتير محمد: ما يحصل في سورية سببه الكيان الصهيوني والأزمة تحولت إلى حرب بين الشرق والغرب
ابنا: أكد رئيس وزراء ماليزيا الأسبق مهاتير محمد أن العامل الرئيسي لما يحصل في سورية والهجمات العدوانية ضدها هو الكيان الصهيوني الذي احتل الأراضي العربية بدعم أمريكي بريطاني.
وقال مهاتير محمد في تصريح لوكالة ايسنا الطلابية أمس أن الأزمة في سورية اليوم "تحولت إلى حرب بين الشرق والغرب" بعد ان بذلت القوات الأجنبية كافة جهودها لإسقاط الحكومة السورية.
واعتبر محمد انه في حال تفاقم الأوضاع في أي بلد وتصاعد حدة الاحتجاجات ضد نظامه السياسي يتعين على الجيش التابع لتلك الدولة أن يقدم الدعم والحماية لشعبه.
ولفت مهاتير محمد إلى ان الوضع في سورية كان مختلفا عن جميع الحالات المشابهة لسببين رئيسيين الاول تنوع المجتمع السوري وقوة الجيش السوري وتنوع تسليحه والثاني ان الدول الأجنبية وقواتها تبذل كافة جهودها لإسقاط الحكومة السورية.
وأكد مهاتير محمد أن الحل يكمن في نزع سلاح الأطراف المتنازعة وبدء الحوار السلمي لتسوية التوتر في الدول ومن ثم الحيلولة دون ارتفاع عدد القتلى لمنع تصاعد وتيرة الهجمات.
واعتبر مهاتير محمد ان سياسة العقوبات الأمريكية الغربية المفروضة ضد إيران غير شرعية موضحا أن واشنطن تستخدم قدراتها العسكرية والاقتصادية لإرغام دول العالم ومنها ماليزيا على مواكبتها لفرض العقوبات ضد طهران.
وأشار رئيس الوزراء الماليزي الأسبق إلى ان الولايات المتحدة انزلقت في دوامة الانتقام بفرض العقوبات الاقتصادية ضد إيران التي تزعم امريكا وعدد من دول الغرب على انها منشأ الأزمات الراهنة في المنطقة في حين المسبب الرئيسي والأساسي للأوضاع الراهنة المتأزمة هو الكيان الصهيوني الذي يمتلك أكثر من 200 رأس نووي بلا حسيب ولا رقيب.


 مسلحون سوريون يهددون بمهاجمة سفارتي روسيا وأوكرانيا في دمشق

هدد مسلحون سوريون بمهاجمة سفارتي روسيا وأوكرانيا في دمشق ومواطني البلدين وكذلك الإيرانيين في سورية.

 مسلحون سوريون يهددون بمهاجمة سفارتي روسيا وأوكرانيا في دمشق
ابنا: جاء ذلك في بيان مصور لمجموعة مسلحة اختطفت في أكتوبر/تشرين الأول، الصحفية أنهار كوتشنيفا، تلقته قناة "أوكرانيا".
وأكد المسلحون في البيان أنه لا يخرج أي مواطن روسي أو أوكراني أو إيراني حيا من الأراضي السورية.
ويرى مراقبون أن هذا البيان جاء ردا على بيان وزارة الخارجية الأوكرانية التي دعت فيه إلى تحرير المواطنة الأوكرانية أنهار كوتشنيفا.


موسكو تعارض بشدة "تدخل طرف ثالث" عسكريا في الأزمة السورية والناتو ينفي نية التدخل

أكد رئيس هيئة الأركان العامة للقوات المسلحة الروسية فاليري «الجنرال فاليري غيراسيموف» وقوف روسيا ضد تدخل القوى الخارجية في النزاع السوري، فيما شدد رئيس اللجنة العسكرية لحلف شمال الأطلسي "الناتو" «الجنرال كنود بارتيلس» أن الحلف لا يخطط للتدخل العسكري في سوريا. 

 موسكو تعارض بشدة "تدخل طرف ثالث" عسكريا في الأزمة السورية والناتو ينفي نية التدخل
ابنا: أعلن قائد هيئة الأركان العامة للقوات المسلحة الروسية «الجنرال فاليري غيراسيموف» أن موسكو تعارض بحزم تدخل طرف ثالث في الأزمة السورية خاصة باستخدام القوة العسكرية.
وقال غيراسيموف عقب لقائه رئيس اللجنة العسكرية لحلف الناتو «الجنرال كنود بارتيلس» اليوم الخميس في موسكو: "موقفنا الثابت يتمثل في أن حل النزاع في سورية يمكن أن يتم فقط من قبل كلا جانبيه ودون تدخل أية جهة ثالثة، خاصة دون استخدامها القوة العسكرية".
وأشار الجنرال الروسي إلى أن حلف الناتو يعمل على نشر منظومات صواريخ في تركيا على خلفة تفاقم الوضع في سورية.
من جانبه أكد الجنرال كنود بارتيلس أن الناتو لا يخطط للتدخل العسكري في سورية، مضيفا أن الحلف يشاطر روسيا قلقها الذي تعبر عنه بشأن الوضع الخطير في سورية.
وأشار إلى أن نشر صواريخ "باتريوت" في تركيا جاء تلبية لطلب أنقرة بسبب تفاقم الوضع في سورية، مشددا على أنه إجراء وقائي بحت.

 Iran, China call for peaceful resolve of Syrian crisis

Deputy Foreign Minister for Asia-Pacific Affairs Abbas Araqchi conferred on Thursday with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on issues of mutual interests and regional developments. 

 Iran, China call for peaceful resolve of Syrian crisis
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - In the meeting, the two sides called for settlement of Syrian crisis through peaceful means without interference of aliens. 

Underlining the need for further expansion of Tehran-Beijing all-out relations, they studied the latest developments in the Middle East region mainly Syria and Afghanistan as well as Iran's peaceful nuclear program. 

Meanwhile, the two sides studied sales of oil, investments of Chinese companies in Iran and expansion of bilateral trade transactions. 

At the end of the meeting, the Iranian envoy, described the meeting as very good and promising. 

The Islamic Republic of Iran and China share identical views regarding many regional and international developments, he said. 

Referring to complexity of situation in Syria, he said Tehran and Beijing call for peaceful resolve of the issue without interference of any foreign power. 

Any change or development in Syria should be based on national dialogue in line with people's will, he said. 

To resolve the crisis, a truce should be declared and shipment of arms must be halted, he said, adding that financial support for opposition groups should also be blocked. 

Araqchi arrived in Beijing on Tuesday night and met with Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister for West Asia Zhai Jun on issues of mutual interests. 

Volume of Iran-China trade exchanges hit dlrs 45 billion last year.

Saudi Arabia Sends Most Wanted Criminals to Syria, Yemeni Websites Reveal

emeni independent news websites published on Sunday a Saudi secret official document confirming that the regime of al-Saud ordered the release of a group of hundreds of most wanted criminals who are sentenced to death on crimes related to drug smuggling, killing and rape to send them to Syria and join the armed terrorist groups. 

 Saudi Arabia Sends Most Wanted Criminals to Syria, Yemeni Websites Reveal(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Yemeni independent news websites published on Sunday a Saudi secret official document confirming that the regime of al-Saud ordered the release of a group of hundreds of most wanted criminals who are sentenced to death on crimes related to drug smuggling, killing and rape to send them to Syria and join the armed terrorist groups.

The document showed that an agreement was reached between the Saudi authorities and a number of criminals from several Arab and non-Arab nationalities who were exempted from the death penalty and given monthly salaries for their families in Saudi Arabia and releasing them to go to Syria.

According to the document, the criminals are 105 Yemenis, 212 Saudis, 96 Sudanese, 254 Syrians, 82 Jordanians, 68 Somalis, 32 Afghans, 194 Egyptians, 203 Pakistanis, 23 Iraqis, 21 Palestinians and 44 Kuwaitis.

The document said that those criminals will be trained to be sent to 'Jihad' in Syria.

 Saudi Wahhabi War Waged on Indonesia's Shi'ites

Indonesia's Shi'ite minority is under heavy attack. Men, women, and children have been assaulted, schools damaged, and villages burned to the ground. Many have been killed. It is becoming increasingly clear that Saudi Arabia's intolerant brand of Wahhabi Islam - propagated far and wide by Saudi oil money - is behind most of assaults. 

 Saudi Wahhabi War Waged on Indonesia
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Indonesia's Shi'ite minority is under heavy attack. Men, women, and children have been assaulted, schools damaged, and villages burned to the ground. Many have been killed. It is becoming increasingly clear that Saudi Arabia's intolerant brand of Wahhabi Islam - propagated far and wide by Saudi oil money - is behind most of assaults.

Naila Zakiyah, a lecturer at a Shi'a school for girls in the city of Bangil, East Java, recently explained to us:

    "In light of recent events, we are naturally worried about the safety of our students... We feel discriminated against. Before this year's Ramadan, the Wahhabi mosque across the street broadcasted their sermon twice a week. They had their loudspeakers directed towards our school. They were shouting that Shi'a teaching is misguided, and that spilling our blood is halal [permissable under Islamic law]. It is said that those who are attacking us are being funded by money from Saudi Arabia. In 2007, for example, 500 people demonstrated in front of our boarding school; the Saudis gave each person $2."

When we visited the neighboring mosque, our hosts showed us anti-Shi'a pamphlets and said that they couldn't talk to their Shi'a neighbors "in a subtle way anymore". They added, "If they don't want to convert, then we have to use violence. In our opinion, they are kafir [unbelievers]. We will not be at peace with them until we die, even if our lives are at stake. They have already insulted Islam! If the police do not take action against the Shi'a, we will resort to violence."

And violence they use. In late December 2011, a mob of over 500 Wahhabis drove 300 Shi'ites from their houses in the village of Nangkernang, Madura Island. Countless dwellings, including a boarding school and a place of worship, were destroyed.

As is common in Indonesia, local authorities sided with the attackers. Only one person was charged for the attack on the village and was sentenced to a symbolic three months in prison. Around the same time, local Shi'ite religious leader Tajul Muluk was charged with blasphemy and sentenced to four years in prison, despite repeated protests from Amnesty International and other international human rights organizations.

After the attack, some villagers cautiously returned, only to face even more devastating terror few months later.

On August 26, 2012, around 30 Shi'ites were traveling from Nangkernang village when they were accosted by a Wahhabi mob armed with swords and machetes. According to Indonesian press, two people were murdered as they attempted to defend women and children. When we investigated, the villagers told us that only one person had been killed but at least five had been wounded. Moreover, they said, members of the mob had taken some Shi'ite children away from their parents. The mob also set fire to several homes, including one belonging to Tajul Muluk.

We visited the village in October, defying an explicit prohibition by the police force stationed in the area. After slipping through the rice fields in the middle of the night, we managed to meet representatives of the local Shi'ite community.

"Now we are afraid to say or to show that we are Shi'ites," said one. "Here, two communities are living side by side. Not all attackers came from the outside; some were from our own village."

After the onslaught, more than 170 people left central Madura for a refugee camp in the city of Sampang. Even this facility - a converted covered tennis stadium - is out of reach for most independent journalists, and it took great effort to negotiate our entry.

Refugees were clearly in despair. They all wanted to return home, but the government insisted that they would be "relocated" instead. Once again the Indonesian government was more interested in appeasing a cabal of sectarian aggressors than in pushing for justice.

Suryadharma Ali, Indonesia's minister of religious affairs, has left little doubt about his sympathies. "Converting Shi'ite Muslims to the Sunni Islam followed by most Indonesians would be the best way to prevent violent outbreaks," he said.

The essence of domination
At the end of November, the desperate, disheartened, and hungry refugees in Sampang sent an envoy to the Indonesian House of Representatives. They demanded that they be allowed to return home. They had their back against the wall, as the local government had announced it would stop supplying them with food and water.

Instead of sympathy and support, the envoy had insults thrown in his face. According to the Jakarta Post, one lawmaker "indulged in ethnic stereotyping, attributing the violence that befell the Shi'a to their heritage as coarse Maduran fishermen", adding that Indonesia's Shi'ites "must learn to adapt to the norm". Another legislator expressed his suspicion that "the Shi'ites had created their own problems themselves".

We contacted our colleagues from the NGO Kontras, which deals with displaced and disappeared Indonesians, and asked them for a comment.

"It is very sad to see that only a few legislators attended the meeting. I am afraid that they are not serious in defending the minorities here," said Kontras coordinator Haris Azhar. "In my opinion, the essence of domination is when the fate of minorities is determined by the majority. They forget that there are rights that can't be contested."

The same day we called the camp in Sampang and spoke to one of our contacts there, Nur Kholis. He sounded depressed. "We feel betrayed," he said. "The government still wants to relocate us - move us somewhere where we don't belong. We just want to go home."

Collusion across the seas
This is the latest chapter of gross discrimination against minorities in Indonesia. Since 1965, Indonesian authorities have committed at least three massacres that could be considered genocides. Between 1 and 3 million people - mainly leftists and members of the country's Chinese minority - died during and after the 1965 military coup. Indonesian forces also killed or starved around 30% of inhabitants of East Timor. And at least 120,000 people have been killed in Papua in a conflict that continues to fester.

Discrimination against Indonesia's many ethnic and religious minorities did not end after Suharto stepped down in 1998. Since then, there have been brutal and often deadly attacks against "liberal" Muslims, Muslims from the Ahmadiyah sect, and of course against Shi'ites. There have been countless other attacks against Christians, members of indigenous traditions, and more recently Hindus as well.

Are these latest attacks homegrown? That is highly doubtful. Indonesian decision-makers since 1965 - military, economical, political, and religious - have long been known to collaborate with foreign powers and interests. The attacks against Shi'ites and other religious minorities in Indonesia mirror those happening in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and other parts of the Muslim world closely allied to the West.

"There are many madrassas in Indonesia that have been funded by money from Saudi Arabia," says Ali Fauzi, a younger brother of one of the terrorists responsible for the bombing in on Bali in 2002. "In exchange they are expected to promote the Saudi brand of Islam - Wahhabism. They are expected to oppose Shi'a belief and even to attack Shi'ites, as the message coming from Saudi Arabia is that Shi'a teaching is heretical."

Andre Vltchek is a novelist, filmmaker, and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. His book on Western imperialism in South Pacific is called Oceania. His provocative book about post-Suharto Indonesia and the market-fundamentalist model is called Indonesia - The Archipelago of Fear (Pluto).

Rossie Indira is an independent writer, architect, and consultant. Her latest book Surat Dari Bude Ocie is about her travels to Latin American countries. With Andre Vltchek, she cowrote Exile, a book of conversations with Pramoedya Ananta Toer. She was the production manager and translator of the documentary film Terlena - Breaking of a Nation.  

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Amerika Serikat:
 Ribuan Warga Syiah AS Gelar Demo Kutuk Taliban dan Al-Qaeda

Ribuan warga Muslim Syiah menggelar demo di jalanan New York pada Jumat, (7/12) untuk menyuarakan kemarahan mereka pada pemerintah Pakistan dan teroris Taliban yang melakukan “genosida” terhadap warga Syiah.

 Ribuan Warga Syiah AS Gelar Demo Kutuk Taliban dan Al-Qaeda
Menurut Kantor Berita ABNA, dilansir dari Islam Times, ribuan warga Muslim Syiah menggelar demo di jalanan New York pada Jumat, (7/12) untuk menyuarakan kemarahan mereka pada pemerintah Pakistan dan teroris Taliban yang melakukan “genosida” terhadap warga Syiah.

“Demonstrasi ini mengutuk aksi barbar teroris Taliban, Al-Qaeda dan semua ekstremis atas nama Islam,” ujar salah seorang pendemo warga AS keturunan Pakistan berusia 21 tahun, yang mengindentifikasi diri sebagai Komal, sebagaiana dilaporkan oleg AFP.

“Mereka bukan Muslim, karena mereka melakukan apa yang ditentang oleh Al-Quran,” tuturnya.

Demonstrasi yang diikuti banyak wanita dan anak-anak, dimulai di luar kantor PBB dan berakhir di konsulat Pakistan.
Muslim Syiah, di wilayah Pakistan mengisi sekitar 20 persen dari jumlah keseluruhan populasi 167 juta jiwa Pakistan. Di seluruh Pakistan, kekerasan sektarian yang dilakukan teroris Al-Qaeda dan Taliban didikan Arab Saudi dan Qatar telah menewaskan lebih dari 4.000 jiwa sejak akhir 1990-an.
Taliban dan Al-Qaeda tidak saja membantai Warga Syiah, namun semua agama dan mazhab yang dianggap berbeda dengan teologi horor ala Wahabiyah.

Bulan lalu, sebuah serangan bom yang diklaim Taliban pada kegiatan prosesi Muslim Syiah membunuh delapan jiwa dan melukai 30 lainnya di barat laut Pakistan, saat komunitas tersebut memperingati hari suci Asyura.

Ledakan tersebut disusul serangan bunuh diri lainnya, yang juga diklaim Taliban di Pakistan, menewaskan 23 jiwa pada prosesi Syiah di kota Rawalpindi, pengeboman paling mematikan di negara terebut selama lima bulan terakhir.

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