Thursday 18 October 2012


زواج الإمام علي(عليه السلام) من فاطمة الزهراء(عليها السلام)

تاريخ زواجهما(عليهما السلام) ومكانه

1 ذو الحجّة 2ﻫ، المدينة المنوّرة.

مجيء الإمام علي(عليه السلام) للخطبة

جاء الإمام علي(عليه السلام) إلى رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله) وهو في منزل أُمّ سلمة، فسلّم عليه وجلس بين يديه، فقال له النبي(صلى الله عليه وآله): «أتَيْتَ لِحاجَة»؟
فقال الإمام(عليه السلام): «نَعَمْ، أتَيتُ خاطباً ابنتك فاطمة، فهلْ أنتَ مُزوِّجُني»؟
قالت أُمّ سلمة: فرأيت وجه النبي(صلى الله عليه وآله) يَتَهلّلُ فرحاً وسروراً، ثمّ ابتسم في وجه الإمام علي(عليه السلام)، ودخل على فاطمة(عليها السلام) وقال لها: «إنّ عَليّاً قد ذكر عن أمرك شيئاً، وإنّي سألتُ ربِّي أن يزوِّجكِ خير خَلقه، فما تَرَين»؟.
فسكتت، فخرج رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله) وهو يقول: «اللهُ أكبَرُ، سُكوتُها إِقرارُها»، فأتاه جبرائيل(عليه السلام) فقال: يا محمّد، زوّجها علي بن أبي طالب، فإنّ الله قد رضيها له ورضيه لها.

إخبار الصحابة

أمر رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله) أنس بن مالك أن يجمع الصحابة ليُعلِن عليهم نبأ تزويج فاطمة للإمام علي(عليهما السلام).
فلمّا اجتمعوا قال(صلى الله عليه وآله) لهم: «إنّ الله تعالى أمَرَني أن أزوِّجَ فاطمة بنت خديجة من علي بن أبي طالب»(1).

خطبة النبي(صلى الله عليه وآله) عند تزويجهما(عليهما السلام)

قال: «الحمد لله المحمود بنعمته، المعبود بقدرته، المطاع بسلطانه، المرهوب من عذابه، المرغوب إليه فيما عنده، النافذ أمره في أرضه وسمائه، الذي خلق الخلق بقدرته، وميّزهم بأحكامه، وأعزّهم بدينه، وأكرمهم بنبيّه محمّد.
ثمّ إنّ الله جعل المصاهرة نسباً لاحقاً، وأمراً مفترضاً، وشجّ بها الأرحام، وألزمها الأنام، فقال تبارك اسمه، وتعالى جده: )وَهُوَ الّذِي خَلَقَ مِنَ الْمَاء بَشَراً فَجَعَلَهُ نَسَبًا وَصِهْراً وَكَانَ رَبُّكَ قَدِيراً((2)... .
ثمّ إنّ الله أمرني أن أزوّج فاطمة من علي، وإنّي أشهد أنّي قد زوّجتها إيّاه على أربعمائة مثقال فضّة، أرضيتَ»؟
قال(عليه السلام): «قد رضيت يا رسول الله»، ثمّ خرّ ساجداً، فقال رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله): «بارك الله عليكما، وبارك فيكما، واسعد جدّكما، وجمع بينكما، وأخرج منكما الكثير الطيّب»(3).

خطبة الإمام علي(عليه السلام) عند تزويجه بفاطمة(عليها السلام)

قال: «الحمد لله الذي قرّب حامديه، ودنا من سائليه، ووعد الجنّة من يتّقيه، وأنذر بالنار من يعصيه، نحمده على قديم إحسانه وأياديه، حمد من يعلم أنّه خالقه وباريه، ومميته ومحييه، ومسائله عن مساويه، ونستعينه ونستهديه، ونؤمن به ونستكفيه.
ونشهد أن لا إله إلّا الله، وحده لا شريك له، شهادة تبلغه وترضيه، وأنّ محمّداً عبده ورسوله(صلى الله عليه وآله) صلاة تزلفه وتحظيه، وترفعه وتصطفيه، والنكاح ممّا أمر الله به ويرضيه، واجتماعنا ممّا قدرّه الله وأذن فيه، وهذا رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله) زوّجني ابنته فاطمة على خمسمائة درهم، وقد رضيت، فاسألوه واشهدوا»(4).

قدر مهر الزهراء(عليها السلام)

اختلفت الروايات في قدر مهر الزهراء(عليها السلام)، والمشهور أنّه كان خمسمائة درهم من الفضّة؛ لأنّه مهر السنّة، كما ثبت ذلك من طريق أئمّة أهل البيت(عليهم السلام)، والخمسمائة درهم تساوي 250 مثقالاً من الفضّة تقريباً.

جهاز الزهراء(عليها السلام)

جاء الإمام علي(عليه السلام) بالدراهم ـ مهر الزهراء ـ فوضعها بين يدي رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله)، فأمر(صلى الله عليه وآله) أن يجعل ثلثها في الطيب، وثلثها في الثياب، وقبض قبضة كانت ثلاثة وستين لمتاع البيت، ودفع الباقي إلى أُمّ سلمة، فقال: «أبقيه عندك».

وليمة العرس

قال الإمام علي(عليه السلام): «قال لي رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله): يا علي، اصنع لأهلك طعاماً فاضلاً، ثمّ قال: من عندنا اللحم والخبز، وعليك التمر والسمن. فاشتريت تمراً وسمناً، فحسر رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله) عن ذراعه، وجعل يشدخ التمر في السمن حتّى اتّخذه خبيصاً، وبعث إلينا كبشاً سميناً فذُبح، وخبز لنا خبزاً كثيراً.
ثمّ قال لي رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله): اُدع من أحببت. فأتيت المسجد وهو مشحن بالصحابة، فاستحييت أن أشخص قوماً وأدع قوماً، ثمّ صعدت على ربوة هناك وناديت: أجيبوا إلى وليمة فاطمة، فأقبل الناس أرسالاً، فاستحييت من كثرة الناس وقلّة الطعام، فعلم رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله) ما تداخلني، فقال: يا علي، إنّي سأدعو الله بالبركة».
قال علي(عليه السلام): «وأكل القوم عن آخرهم طعامي، وشربوا شرابي، ودعوا لي بالبركة، وصدروا وهم أكثر من أربعة آلاف رجل، ولم ينقص من الطعام شيء، ثمّ دعا رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله) بالصحاف فملئت، ووجّه بها إلى منازل أزواجه، ثمّ أخذ صحفة وجعل فيها طعاماً، وقال: هذا لفاطمة وبعلها»(5).

كيفية الزفاف

لمّا كانت ليلة الزفاف، أتى(صلى الله عليه وآله) ببغلته الشهباء، وثنى عليها قطيفة وقال لفاطمة(عليها السلام): «اركبي»، فأركبها وأمر سلمان أن يقود بها إلى بيتها، وأمر بنات عبد المطّلب ونساء المهاجرين والأنصار أن يمضين في صحبة فاطمة، وأن يفرحن ويرزجن ويكبّرن ويحمدن، ولا يقلن ما لا يرضي الله تعالى(6).
ثمّ إنّ النبي(صلى الله عليه وآله) أخذ علياً(عليه السلام) بيمينه وفاطمة(عليها السلام) بشماله، وضمّهما إلى صدره، فقبّل بين أعينهما، وأخذ بيد فاطمة فوضعها في يد علي، وقال: «بارك الله لكَ في ابنة رسول الله».
وقال(صلى الله عليه وآله): «يا علي، نعم الزوجة زوجتك»، وقال: «يا فاطمة، نعم البعل بعلك»، ثمّ قال لهما: «اذهبا إلى بيتكما، جمع الله بينكما وأصلح بالكما»، وقام يمشي بينهما حتّى أدخلهما بيتهما(7).
ثمّ أمر(صلى الله عليه وآله) النساء بالخروج، فخرجن. تقول أسماء بنت عُميس: فبقيت في البيت، فلمّا أراد(صلى الله عليه وآله) الخروج رأى سوادي فقال: «من أنتِ»؟ فقلت: أسماء بنت عُميس، قال: «ألم آمرك أن تخرجي»؟
قلت: بلى يا رسول الله، وما قصدت خلافك، ولكن أعطيت خديجة عهداً. ثمّ حدّثته بما جرى عند وفاة السيّدة خديجة(عليها السلام)، فبكى(صلى الله عليه وآله) وأجاز لها البقاء(8).
قال الإمام الصادق(عليه السلام): «لولا أنّ الله خلق أمير المؤمنين لفاطمة ما كان لها كفؤ على الأرض»(9).
1. اُنظر: إحقاق الحق 4/475، الأمالي للطوسي: 39.
2. الفرقان: 54.
3. اُنظر: تاريخ مدينة دمشق 52/445، مناقب آل أبي طالب 3/128.
4. بحار الأنوار 43/112.
5. الأمالي للطوسي: 42.
6. اُنظر: مناقب آل أبي طالب 3/130.
7. اُنظر: بحار الأنوار 43/142.
8. اُنظر: المصدر السابق 43/138.
9. الأمالي للطوسي: 43.

بقلم : محمد أمين نجف

 ازدواج حضرت علی (ع) و حضرت زهرا (س) نمایش اوج 

ازدواج حضرت علی (ع) و حضرت زهرا (س) نمایش اوج بندگی معبود
بندگی معبود

كوچه پس كوچه های مدینه حال و هوای دیگری به خود گرفته است پیوند آب و آینه همه را به تكاپ

و انداخته است دو انسان پاك و مطهر لحظه زیبای ازدواج خود را جشن گرفته اند. 

زمین زیباترین لحظات را پایكوبان به سرور و شادی می پردازد،‌ فرشتگان به واسطه این هلهله و شادی به زمین آمده اند تا گل هایی از جنس نور بر سر اولین امام شیعیان و ام ابیها بریزند.
مدینه امروز دست افشان اتفاق زیبا و مباركی است پیوند دو موجود آسمانی در كوچه های بی پناه شهری كه بچه ها هر شب منتظر نان و رطب هستند تلاقی عشق و محبت و دوستی است.
پیوند خجسته ای كه در خود لحظه ها و سال های غم و اندوه آینده را در سر می پروراند لحظه ناله ها و راز و نیازهای مولا علی (ع) در چاه و شكستن پهلوی حضرت زهرا (س).
امشب ستاره ها كاروان جشن به راه انداخته اند و فرشتگان و ملائك لحظه ها را به نظاره نشسته اند تا در گذرگاه وصال دو شاخه مهربانی و عشق پایكوبی كنند.
امشب زیباترین عطیه الهی با همراهی فرشتگان پای در خانه نور می گذارد خانه ای كه از آن حضرت علی (ع) مردی از دیار بهشت است كه در عین صلابت و ابهت در برابر پیامبر اكرم (ص) متواضع و صبور نشسته است.
به واقع در كجای این دنیای خاكی همتایی برای حضرت زهرا (س) و در عین حال همسری در شان حضرت علی (ع) پیدا می شد و كدام گل سرسبد آفرینش می توانست همسری علی علیه السلام را بپذیرد اگر فاطمه (س) نبود.
چه كسی چون حضرت علی (ع) می توانست با همه فروتنی و جلال و جمال در ایمان لایق و شایسته خواستگاری از بزرگ بانوی عالم باشد بانویی كه بی نظیرین و بی همتاترین همسر برای امام اول شیعیان بود.
بانویی كه نه تنها دختر رسول خدا (ص) بود بلكه در پاكی، عصمت، الهی بودن و مقام بلندش نزد خدا كسی شك و تردید به خود راه نمی داد و بسیاری از مردان عرب آرزوی همسری چنین گل سرسبدی را داشتند.
هدف از ازدواج مولای متقیان علی (ع) و بانوی عالمیان فاطمه زهرا (س) كمال انسانی و رضایت خداوندی و نمایش اوج بندگی معبود بود.
ازدواجی كه می تواند الگوی تمامی انسان ها برای پیوند آسمانی باشد پیوندی كه اگر هدف آن رسیدن به كمال، آرامش، آسودگی خاطر، سادگی، بی ریایی، ایمان واقعی، اخلاق نیكو و رفتار پسندیده باشد بدون شك سعادت دنیوی و اخروی پاداش آن خواهد بود.

The Marriage of Imam Ali (A.S.) and Hadrat Fatimah Zahra(S.A.)
When Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) attained the age of maturity and was ready to get married, the Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.)started receiving proposals from various people for her daughter. Hazrat Salman Farsi(r.a.) and Hazrat Umm-e-Salma(r.a.) narrate that "When Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) attained the marriageable age, the important people among the tribe of Quraish started sending proposals to the Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.)but the Prophet (S.A.W.)did not accept any proposal saying that he was waiting for the order of Allah(swt) to decide this issue.
Imam Ali(a.s.) makes the proposal
Hazrat Umm-e-Salma narrates that : One day Imam Ali(a.s.) approached the Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.)at his house. Imam Ali(a.s.) entered and greeted the Prophet(S.A.W.)and the Prophet(S.A.W.)replied in the same kind manner. Imam Ali(a.s.) sat down and he was so much shy that he continued staring at the ground and could not utter a word. The Prophet(S.A.W.)smiled and mentioned to Imam Ali(a.s.) that he knew what Imam Ali(a.s.) had to say but he wanted to hear it from him. He told Imam Ali(a.s.) that he does not need to be shy and to say whatever he wanted to say.
With this encouragement and soft tone from the Prophet(pbuh&hf), Imam Ali(a.s.) said "My parents be ransom for you, you know that since my childhood, I have dedicated myself for your service. You have educated me from be beginning and brought me to this status. It is because of your encouragement that I feel this courage in myself to express my heartfelt wish that you give me the honor of becoming your son-in-law. I have concealed his wish in my heart for a long time thinking that this might not be according to your wishes as well. Is there a possibility that this could happen?".
Proposal Accepted
Hazrat Umm-e-Salma(r.a.) mentions that "I was watching this affair from a distance and I saw that as soon as Imam Ali(a.s.) completed his request, the face of Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.)lit up and he asked Imam Ali(a.s.) - what have you got to realize this act". Imam Ali(a.s.) said "O Prophet of Allah(swt), you know my condition very well, I have only a sword, my war dress and one camel". Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.)said: "Ali, you definitely need your sword for fighting Jihad and camel for traveling, however, you war dress could work. O Abul Hassan(a.s.), I want to give you the good news that Allah(swt) has made the decision and already recited your Nikah with my daughter Fatima(s.a.) in the Arsh. Just before your arrival, Allah(swt) sent an angel to give me this good news."
This event has been narrated in "Maarij an-Nabuwwah" of Moeen Kashfi, "Sifwatul Safada" of ibn-e-Jozi, "Madarij an-Nabywwah" on 2:75 of Shah Abdul Haq Dehalvi.
Nikah recited on the Arsh
"Maarij an-Nabuwwah" also states that Hazrat Jabreel(a.s.) narrated the story of the Nikah recited on the Arsh. He said "O Prophet of Allah(swt), Allah(swt) has chosen you and made you the most respected and high among his creatures and has selected Ali(a.s.) as your brother and has decided that the Nikah of your daughter and the servant of Allah(swt), Fatima(s.a.) would be with Ali(a.s.). Allah(swt) arranged for their Nikah in such a manner that he addressed the dwellers of Jannah to dress themselves with ornaments of Jannah and then ordered all the angels to assemble together on the 4th Sky. He then filled the 4th sky with Noor and then appointed Hazrat Adam(a.s.) to recite Khutba to begin the Nikah ceremony. After khutba of Hazrat Adam(a.s.), Allah(swt) ordered an angel named Raheel to recite Hamd. Raheel is the most beautiful of angels and possesses the most beautiful voice. After recitation of Hamd, Allah(swt) informed me (Jabreel(a.s.)) the He has performed the Nikah of His servant Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) with His chosen person Imam Ali(a.s.) and that I should spread this news among the angels. I acted accordingly and made all the angels testify the event. Allah(swt) then ordered me to write all this event of this silk cloth of Jannah and present it to you."
After mentioning this event, Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.)said "O Abul Hasan(a.s.), the order of Allah(swt) has been served and I invite you to come to the mosque so that this Aqd should be formalized on the earth as well among witnesses."
Such was the importance of this marriage that Allah(swt) arranged the ceremony on Arsh and then Himself decided and recited the Nikah of Imam al-Muttaqeen, Amir-ul-momineen Ali ibn Abi Talib(a.s.) with the leader of the women of this world and in paradise Hazrat Fatima(s.a.).
The above event has been mentioned in various other books as follows:
- Muaraj an-Nabuwwah
- Al Asaba fee Tameez as-Sahaba
- Sawaeq-e-Muharriqa bu Ibn-e-Hajr Makki
- Al Bayan wal Bateen by Allam Jaahiz
- Nuzhat-ul-Majalis by Allama Abdur Rehman Safori
- Riyaz un-Nazrah fee Manaqib-ul-Ashra by Allama Muhib Tabri
Nikah recited on Earth
Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.)led Imam Ali(a.s.) into the mosque and asked him to sell off his war dress and present that money to the Prophet(pbuh&hf). The dress was sold in 400 dirhams, according to some traditions, and were presented to the Prophet Mohammmd(S.A.W.)who gave them to Hazrat Salman Farsi(a.r.) and Hazrat Bilal(a.r.) and asked them to buy some articles of use from the market. They went to the market and bought the following items as jahez of Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)
- Two mattresses made of Egyptian canvas. (One stuffed with fiber and the other with sheep wool).
- A leather mat.
- A pillow made of skin, filled with palm tree fiber.
- A Khaibarion cloak.
- An animal skin for water.
- Some jugs and jars also for water.
- A pitcher painted with tar.
- A thin curtain made of wool.
- A shirt costing seven (7) dirhams.
- A veil costing four (4) dirhams.
- Black plush cloak.
- A bed embellished with ,ribbon.
- Four cushions made of skin imported from Ta'ef stuffed with a good smelling plant.
- A mat from Hajar.
- A hand-mill.
- A special copper container used for dyestuff
- A pestle for grinding coffee.
- A (water) skin.
When the items of Jahez were received, Prophet Mohammad went to Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) and said "Your Nikah has been recited on the Arsh by Allah(swt) with my cousing Ali(a.s.) and He has ordered me to recite your Nikah on the earth as well. I have gather my companions to do so and now seek your agreement and permission to recite this Nikah." Hearing this, Hazrat Fatima Zahra(s.a.) bowed her head with shyness which indicated her agreement. The Prophet(S.A.W.)came out of her hujra and orderd Hazrat Bilal(a.r.) to gather all Ansaar and Muhajireen. One the companions were gathered, Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.)recited Hamd of Allah(swt) and narrated to his companions that Jibreel(a.s.) had informed him that Allah(swt) has performed the Nikah of Hazrat Ali(a.s.) with his daughter on the Arsh and has ordered him to recite the same on the earth as well. He asked Imam Ali(a.s.) to formally request for the marriage in front of the witnesses and Imam Ali(a.s.), after reciting greatness of Allah(swt) and presenting his proof and gratitude to him and reciting darood for Prophet Muhammad(pbuh&hf), formally requested for the marriage. Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.)accepted the request and made all the companions witnesses. Upon hearing this all the companions greeted Imam Ali(a.s.) and the Prophet(pbuh&hf).
Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.)recited the Nikah himself and asked Imam Ali(a.s.) if he accepted the Nikah for a Mehr of 400 Misqaal of Silver. Imam Ali(a.s.) accepted and then the Nikah was formally concluded. Both offered Sajda-e-Shukr to Allah(swt) and all the companions present there congratulated and greeted both Imam Ali(a.s.) and the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh&hf).
Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) in the house of Imam Ali(a.s.)
A non-planned period of time elapsed between the engagement and the wedding ceremony, because Imam Ali (a.s.) was too shy to ask the Prophet to assign a day for the wedding, while he (S.A.W.) wanted to protect Fatima's pride by refraining from asking Ali to do so.
A month or more passed by before Imam Ali(a.s.) said anything regarding the wedding. Aqeel (Imam Ali(a.s.)'s brother) asked him about the reason for the delay in holding the wedding ceremony and encouraged him to prepare for the wedding and to ask the Prophet(S.A.W.)to assign a date for it. Despite Imam Ali(a.s.)'s shyness, he accompanied Aqeel to the Prophet's house to fulfill his wishes. On their way to the Prophet's house, they met Um Ayman(r.a.) who, when told the reason for their visit, asked them to leave the matter to her. She, in turn, informed Um Salama(r.a.) who brought the matter to the attention of the Prophet(S.A.W.)who called for Imam Ali(a.s.) and asked his opinion. Imam Ali(a.s.) expressed his desire to bring Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) to his home which was donated by one of his followers. The Prophet(S.A.W.)asked Imam Ali(a.s.) to hold a dinner (walima) because Allah(swt) is pleased with those who do so; for the social good it does-such as bringing people together and implementing love and harmony among them.
Imam Ali(a.s.) arranged for the dinner and invited the people to the feast. Men and women from all around Madinah gathered in the house. They ate, drank and even took food to their homes. The blessings of the Prophet(S.A.W.)were obvious on that day, for not only the food was enough to feed everyone, but also it did not decrease at all. The Prophet(S.A.W.)asked for food containers to be brought and filled them and sent them to his wives and left a special container for Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) and her husband.
By sunset, the wedding night had begun; it was time for Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) to depart to her new home. Everything went well, for the Prophet(S.A.W.)had made all the necessary preparation for the wedding. Despite the simplicity and modesty of her wedding, Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)'s marriage ceremony was surrounded by signs of greatness, excellence, and beauty.
The Messenger of Allah(S.A.W.)ordered his wives to embellish Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) before the wedding; they perfumed and dressed her with jewelry. They all helped her to get ready; some combed her hair while others embellished and dressed her in the dress brought by Gabriel from Paradise. Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi in Tareekh Baghdad V.5, P.7, Al-Hamvini in Durar Al-Simtain, Al-Dhahabi in Mizan Al-Etedal, Garani in Akhbar Al-Dowal, and Qandouzi in Yanabi' Al-Mawaddah have narrated that Ibn Abbas said:
'When Fatima was taken to Ali's house on her wedding night, the Prophet proceeded her, Gabriel was on her right, and Michael on her left, and seventy thousand angels followed her. These angels praised and glorified Allah until dawn!
The Hashemi men, Abdul Muttalib's daughters, and Muhajarin and Ansar's women all accompanied Fatima's caravan that night. The Prophet's wives joyfully led the caravan; they were also the first to enter the house.
Upon arriving, the Prophet(S.A.W.)placed Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)'s hand in Imam Ali(a.s.)'s hand and said:
"May Allah bless his Messenger's daughter;
Ali, this is Fatima, you are responsible for her (or I entrust her to you)
Ali, what an excellent wife Fatima is!
Fatima, what an excellent husband Ali is!
O Allah, bless them, bless their lives, and bless their children.
O Allah, surely they are the most beloved to me from among your creatures, so love them too, and assign for them a guardian.
I place them and their progeny under your protection from the curse devil."

Pernikahan Imam Ali dan Sayidah Fatimah Zahra as

Di masa permulaan Islam, banyak pria yang melamar Sayidah Fatimah Zahra as dari Rasulullah Saw untuk menjadi isterinya. Namun tidak seorangpun yang mendapat jawaban positif. Waktu terus berlalu hingga Imam Ali as datang menghadap Rasulullah Saw dengan tujuan yang sama, melamar Sayidah Fatimah Zahra as.

Ketika itu Nabi Muhammad Saw berkata, "Wahai Ali! Sebelum engkau datang, sudah banyak pria yang menghadapku untuk melamar Sayidah Fatimah sebagai isterinya, tapi Fatimah menolak mereka semua. Tunggulah di sini, seperti yang lain. Aku akan ke dalam menanyakan pendapat Fatimah."

Rasulullah Saw menemui Fathimah dan berkata, "Fatimah, engkau telah mengenal Ali bin Abi Thalib dari sisi kedekatan keluarga, keutamaan dan keislamannya. Aku memohon kepada Allah untuk mengawinkanmu dengan makluk terbaik dan paling dicintai Allah. Kini Ali telah melamarmu. Apa pendapatmu?"

Fatimah kemudian terdiam, tapi ia tidak memalingkan wajahnya. Rasulullah sendiri tidak melihat wajah Fatimah menunjukkan ketidaksukaan. Akhirnya Nabi berdiri dan berkata, "Allahu Akbar. Diamnya Fatimah merupakan tanda kerelaannya."

Ketika itu juga Malaikat Jibril turun dan berkata, "Wahai Rasulullah! Nikahkan Fatimah dengan Ali. Allah menerima Fathmah untuk Ali dan sebaliknya, Ali untuk Fatimah."

Akhirnya Rasulullah Saw menikahkan Ali dengan Fatimah. Setelah mempersiapkan segala sesuatu, keduanya dinikahkan oleh Rasulullah tanggal 1 Dzulhijjah 2 Hq.

Mas kawin Sayidah Fatimah Zahra senilai 500 dirham dimana Ali membeli rumah dari setengah harga mas kawin tersebut. Sekaitan dengan hal ini Nabi berkata, "Saya menikahkan Fatimah dengan Ali sesuai dengan perintah Allah."

Dengan demikian, Sayidah Fatimah as hidup serumah dengan Imam Ali as. Dari pernikahan keduanya lahir dua pemuda penghulu Surga, Imam Hasan dan Husein as dan Sayidah Zainab Kubra dan Shugra as.


Let’s talk about marriage… again! No?

I promise, this time it is different. We have all read/heard various Islamic articles and lectures many times in our lives on this topic and should continue to do so, as it is always good to remind. We are also aware of the criterion of selecting a suitable spouse from an Islamic view point. This article will attempt to raise awareness for those individuals who are embarking on this special journey and indeed who are already in the “engagement period”. 

 Let’s talk about marriage… again! No?
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Marriage is an institution first and foremost that brings you even closer to Allah and the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them). Therefore, one should be clear about this important factor and should forever be continuing to strive for this goal, whether you are in the process of selecting your partner or have already entered into this sacred institution.
Why is it that when it comes to choosing a program of study, for example, we seem to exhaust all possibilities in researching for the best educational institutions and determining our future path, but do not show the same enthusiasm and preparation for the journey of marriage? We only consult religion when we find ourselves at a crossroads. Why not prepare ourselves beforehand so as not to infringe on the rights of others and our own?
We will find that some topics that we discuss in the beginning of our relationship are also revisited and discussed continuously throughout our married lives:
Religion: Discuss your religious practices and thoughts. Talk about your Marja Taqleed and rules regarding the marriage itself, prayers, fasts, Khums, and the rights of your parents. This will help you understand each other’s points of view, especially if you follow different Maraja. Why not also find out about each other’s favorite Islamic lecturers and topics?
Family: Discuss the importance of family and sharing of responsibilities. Remember both partners gain an extra set of parents, who have equal rights, and we will be questioned on the Day of Judgment about how we treated them. Some people are under the cultural illusion that when females get married, their loyalties are automatically directed towards their in-laws and fail to realize that both partners are responsible in maintaining and nurturing the newly acquired relationships. Discuss your and your family’s habits with your new partner so (s)he is not overwhelmed but is aware, as it takes a while for people to adjust and adapt to new people and environments. Sharing experiences may help in getting rid of nervousness or misconceptions that may arise.
Finance: Discuss your finances as a couple and budget. It is never too early to budget and set some financial goals! Discuss your financial responsibilities towards your parents, whether you can afford to now or in the future. Start saving up for a house, Hajj, Ziyarats, and emergency funds. Open a savings account for your future children! Look into financial products such as home contents, retirement, health insurance policies, etc. A marriage is like a small business that needs to be cultivated. Draw up financial accounts, as it helps in putting things in perspective, and evaluate your finances periodically.
Accommodation: Discuss where you will live as a married couple. Will you be living with your parents so you can save up for your house? If so, discuss time frames, and again, adapting to your new lifestyle may take some time, so make it comfortable. If you plan to buy your own place, discuss the area and type of accommodation you need according to your budget.
Children: Discuss the issue of furthering your family. When do you plan to have children and what measures will you need to undertake to ensure that you are both ready? Start reading religious and academic books on raising children. Start saving for your children’s future.
Education: Discuss your educational opportunities if one or both partners are still studying. Will one support the other while the partner continues to study? Perhaps look into part-time study together as a couple, whether it is religious education or any other.
Health: Discuss any future health implications in terms of short- or long-term illnesses. Take up exercises, and stop bad habits like smoking. Discuss any possible scenarios that may occur, such as a family member falling ill and your responsibilities towards them.
Career: Discuss career opportunities for both partners, whether domestic or abroad. How would you deal with your partner working long hours if necessary? How would you deal with job losses and supporting each other financially to ensure bills are paid on time? What if your partner had to accept a low-paying job after a successful career due to illness or change of circumstance? (We have all faced some sort of reprieve through the recent credit crunch!)
Ceremonies: Discuss ceremonies such as the engagement, wedding, and Valima. Discuss the financial implications that your parents may have to deal with. Remember, Islam is a simple religion that requires your Nikkah to be recited in the simplest of manners. Therefore, if the partners are willing to have a simple wedding, why not suggest to families who may wish to have a grand affair to contribute towards your new married life instead?
These are some of the main issues that need to be tackled, and in doing so, you will be able to determine the religiosity, nature, and compatibility of your future spouse. No one can predict the future, but you can always plan for it and take adequate provisions. As in any successful marriage, one needs to nurture the key ingredients, such as faith, honesty, understanding, support, and love, in order to reap the rewards.
Written by Fatema H K and originally appeared in the Islamic Insights newsletter.

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