Monday 30 September 2013



 Malaysia PM: Greatest threat to Muslim world is from within

 Malaysia PM: Greatest threat to Muslim world is from within

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Muslims around the world need to unite against extremists who are using Islam as an excuse to commit violence, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has said.

Moderation is the key to winning the battle being waged for the future of Islam, the prime minister told the UN General Assembly Saturday.

"Around the world, extremism is taking lives and crushing opportunity. This affects us all; but it is one people, of one faith, who suffer most," Xinhua quoted him as saying.

"I believe the greatest threat to Muslims today comes not from the outside world, but from within," he said.

The prime minister said the conflict between Sunni and Shia threatened the lives and livelihood of millions of Muslims, from Syria and Lebanon to Iraq and Pakistan.

"Our religion -- founded on peace and premised on tolerance -- is being twisted by extremists, who are deploying false arguments to foster division and justify violence," he said.

"Across the Islamic world, extremists are wrapping their perverse agenda in religious cloth; tearing families, countries and the ummah apart," he said, referring to the collective community of Muslims.

But Muslims were not powerless to act, Razak said.

"I believe moderation in religion and the political process can stem the loss of life and liberty in the Muslim world.

Najib said Malaysia welcomed the recent US-Russia Framework Agreement on the Syrian crisis, condemned without reservation the use of chemical weapons, and called on the international community to intensify their efforts to explore all possible diplomatic options for peace under the auspices of the UN.
He also called on the international community to find the vision and the political will to commit to a just solution for Palestine.

"We must also find the vision and the political will to commit to a just solution for Palestine.

 "We fervently hope that progress towards a viable Palestinian state - based on pre-1967 borders, and with East Jerusalem as its capital - will be made, and that the US and other members of the Quartet continue to play their role as honest brokers in the process," Najib said.

He said only with peace could there be development and dignity for the Palestinian people. 

Finally, he said, the international community should continue to focus on building stronger and more prosperous societies, predicated on the rule of law and the practice of democracy. 

The Arab Spring showed that the Muslim world was crying out for change, he said.

"Governments must answer that call. We must provide good governance to fight corruption, create jobs to tackle poverty, and deliver sustainable growth that builds a world of opportunity for our citizens.

"We must create economies in which people can fulfil their own aspirations, not those of extremists," he said.

Najib said by acting to solve their most difficult political problems, they could bring an end to the immediate suffering in Syria, in Palestine, and in the wider world.

He said by committing to the cause of moderation, Muslims could secure something even greater. 

"We can reclaim our religion, choosing harmony and acceptance over division and conflict. And we can broadcast a vision of Islam as it is understood by Muslims around the world: as a religion of peace, tolerance, and moderation," said Najib.

He said that when militants attacked buses in Pakistan last month, a 19 year-old Sunni student named Ghulam Mustafa stood up for such a vision.

Confronting the Sunni gunmen, he said killing Shiites was wrong. Ghulam was shot dead, but his life was not lost in vain. With guns to their heads, the Sunnis on the bus refused to identify the Shia passengers who the gunmen wanted to kill.

"In their defiance, we see the true measure of courage, and the true test of faith. Under unimaginable pressure, facing the greatest possible threat, they chose to stand with their brothers and sisters. They chose unity over division," Najib said.

 "Faced with unimaginable pressure, and the greatest possible threat, we must summon the will to do the same," he said.
Konflik Sunni Syiah;
 Perdana Menteri Malaysia kecam radikal agama

Konflik antara Sunni dan Syiah berasal dari putar belit golongan radikal yang bertopengkan hujah palsu untuk menimbulkan perpecahan dan mewajarkan keganasan. - Najib Tun Razak


Agensi Berita Ahlul Bait ( - Perdana Menteri Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, konflik antara puak Sunnah dan Syiah berpunca dari putar belit golongan radikal yang mengeskloitasikan hujah palsu untuk menimbulkan perpecahan dan mewajarkan keganasan.

Najib lantang berkata demikian sambil menyeru umat Islam bersatu menentang golongan radikal yang memeperalatkan agama untuk melakukan keganasan dalam Kenyataan Nasional pada Perbahasan Umum Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UNGA) ke-68 di New York.

Sambil memperkenalkan penubuhan Gerakan Kesederhanaan Global, beliau berkata kumpulan radikal agama menyembunyikan agenda songsang mereka di dalam pakaian agama untuk memecah-belahkan keluarga, negara dan umat.

Menurut beliau lagi, umat Islam bertanggung jawab memelihara kesucian agama mereka dengan mempamerkan secara jelas ajaran sebenar Islam sebagai agama keamanan, kesederhanaan dan toleransi.

"Kita perlu sebarkan mesej ini dengan jelas agar semua orang mendengarnya dan berdiri teguh dalam menentang kumpulan minoriti yang memperalatkan Islam untuk menganjurkan keganasan bagi tujuan jahat," katanya.

Selain itu beliau menolak tafsiran keserhanaan sebagai kelemahan, malah perjuangan menentang keganasan dan menyeru kedamaian merupakan kekuatan.

Katanya lagi, Malaysia adalah negara contoh yang menganjurkan sifat saling menghormati dan inklusif serta mengeratkan hubungan antara masyarakat berbeza agama. Ini terbukti apabila Malaysia menjadi penganjur keamanan di Selatan Filipina dan Selatan Thailand yang dilanda pergolakan.

Perdana Menteri berkata demikian beberapa hari setelah markaz Syiah di Sri Gombak dipecah masuk beberapa ejen JAIS sambil merampas dokumen-dokumen dan wang tabung meskipun belum mendapatkan waran dari mahkamah Syariah.

Kerosakan Hawzah Ar-Ridha dalam serbuan ejen JAIS


1 comment:

  1. Salam. Siapa yang baling batu sembunyi tangan?. Persoalan yang menarik untuk di fikirkan.
